Let us honestly say that a person's Valentine's Day is really hard, full of chocolates, flowers and couples, feeling a big and cruel prank, but before the death or death of a crew or all By Myself, the single Valentine's Day doesn't have to be so bad. After all, "I am available" is an infinite possibility of the future.

can single Valentine's Day do?

You can come to a luxurious massage or spa, a favorite DVD, or a whole night of the novel, and make a super deluxe dinner for himself, while listening to music and bathing in a bubble bath.Or you can open a bottle of champagne for yourself and enjoy the pleasure of a person at home.

In addition to this, you can extend the love of us, and buy a bouquet of flowers for Valentine's Day to encourage her to come to a crazy party with a single friends, or a meeting with an old friend who hasn't seen her in a long time.Although they may be blinding by the couples' eyes, they can also take the opportunity to remind themselves that love is actually not far away, perhaps on the next corner.

you know what day of February 15 is?

February 14 is Valentine's Day, but February 15 is a special day, Singles ’ Awareness Day Day of the Month (or 13 days or 14 days), nicknames are SAD, and for those who feel very sad on Valentine's Day, February 15 is a time to speak loudly for the Happy SAD!!

SAD was a joke that was only a joke. It was only a joke to celebrate the Valentine's Day as a commercial greeting card, so that people who had no partner could also celebrate their own birthday with a single party. One side told everyone that single was a choice.So, after 14 days of hard work, let's raise a toast to the SAD!

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