Have you ever experienced such a situation, when your dejected friend said, " I think my skin is very poor, I'm not confident." I'm getting fat lately, and I'm dressed up in a dress.When I was a friend, my friend replied, " What?It looks great!" I don't see it coming out, it's still very good." "

At this point, the reaction may be a relief, but it may be, " You don't even tell me the truth!" You didn't pay attention to me.

demand for "beauty" has never been lax, especially when a minor flaw is magnified, and the comments on the appearance tend to be too much of a criticism of others, ignoring the merit of the compliment.There was a discussion on the question of how to answer when others praised you.The Taiwan people generally say, "What do you think?"You're welcome." No, no, no, it's not good enough!Even parents say that when they praise their children, such responses are not only "polite," but also show "self-esteem" for themselves. In fact, they are more likely to be "right" to themselves, and in fact I am not good enough.The impression of being a compliment is also a blow to the people who say it, because you have denied him.

You make a movie more beautiful

Dove International, a sketch artist who painted a portrait of a population of the people involved in a crime incident. In this film, he painted two different portraits of the same person through his own words and "The main character seen by others."

you haven't seen this movie yet,


Left to share the portrait of the protagonis

This time we shared the picture with the :

My left lip has a black scar, and I am the most self-inferior ...-- Mavis Lim

We are always less confident of ourselves, and are actually not as well as imagined. (Laughter

(Thank you always warm Womany), I think the world is much more beautiful than we thought.But what's more hope is that more people can share this beauty together.To do so, I have been working hard.-- Chelsea

Save yourself from time to time, because you are more beautiful than you think. Sun

smiley, happiness is hopeful

Perhaps you would like to ask: How can you find happiness and happiness when you are tired, hurt, and frantic in such a busy and crowded life?Try looking for three spaces of happiness for yourself, this space has a virtual reality, and it's important that you can breathe and breathe, release pressure, and heal the wounds.When a bad mood can be announced, there will naturally be more space for finding and finding happiness.

We always see the shortcomings of our own appearance, feeling that we are never good enough; a completely unfamiliar person can see the real beauty of the world.Take a look at yourself in the mirror, but don't negate it. This time, we'll start with a compliment.

True-how good, we all know

You are more beautiful than you think.

Discover your beauty

> > Women's sixteen flowers

> > The most beautiful love is to let you run away from yourself

> > Go away, love yourself

Picture Source: Dove