Life is capricious, timely love.The families of those who are willing to be affected by the war can pass away at any time and calm the broken hearts of mind.

womany editor: Last time the Malaysia Airlines lost its case, everyone was looking for a miracle, with 280 passengers and 15 crew members 295 the crash of the Ukrainians near the Russian border has similarly been heartbreaking href= "/read/article/3782 ?ref=readend" target="_blank"> erratic praying for passengers and family members of flight 777, Rest in Multifidelity (extended Read: your own Black Knights!After the MRT tragedy, five sentences for the fearful Taiwanese )

Malaysia Flight 777 was originally scheduled to depart from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur International its way to Kuala Lumpur International Airport, 295 passengers and crew members were killed and injured.

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crashed Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 has been disintegrated before it fell into the ground.

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and rescue personnel are rescued

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Firemen emergency extingufires machine

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passengers on the plane include the internationally renowned Dutch AIDS scholar: The International AIDS Society's former president, Joep Lange. More than 80 children are also killed by this incident and are unable to continue their lives in the future. Let us realize that every life is so fragile.

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Wreckage of the crash was scattered about 4 km from the crash

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Malaysia Europe Huib High (R) Vice President of Europe Regular and Joss Ltd., President Squipo, held a news conference in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on July 17, 2014, confirming the crash.

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of sorrow and

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Relatives grieving for Kuala Lumpur International

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Kyiv Square in Ukraine, parents bring their children along with their own children to the square to pray for prayers for all the victims

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on the square, where the candle wants to bring light and warmth to the victims and their

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the crash has brought regrets and shadows for life, these blessed citizens not only give warmth to the families of the victims, but also remind us to make the world a better place to make the world a better place and to bring more warmth and light to the world.

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