Jane Austen, world famous "Pride and Prejudice", the author of "Reason and Sensibility", in the short story "Mrs. Susan seeks Marriage," a Pure love image, let the story of Susan Senter to fight for their love, gorgeous multi-horned war in a more humorous, let the audience followed by Mrs. Susan's Wits. Regardless of the traditional mother's image, Mrs Susan showed her selfishness and let her love go. (Same field Gayon: "single Zoo" I Can love you, I can not love you at any time )

"Mrs. Susan's wedding-seeking", adapted from Jane Austen's short story, describes the British Conservative 1790 years, the widowed Susan Sharon, in order to avoid the negative rumors, to leave the original residence, moved to her husband's brother's village mansion life.

On that day, Mrs. Susan took her daughter to the carriage and hurried on, as if to flee, not to return, but to leave. Immediately after the Langford, affectionate leisurely gazing at Susan's back, the expression of the show is exhaustive.

Langford wife sad to the Jedi call, but never make Langford look back to concern. With the love and hate of the Third World, Mrs. Susan's journey to seek a marriage is beginning to kick off.

"Mrs. Susan?" Is she as beautiful as the rumor? "In the early age of Regina, is Susan husband and wife---Catherine's family." His curiosity, gradually in Susan's gorgeous rhetoric, dyed into a red love, deep as the sea, unable to extricate themselves.

Mrs Susan as the center of the Network of Love War, affected the Langford couple, attracted the enthusiasm of the Regina, accompanied by the fear of Catherine's family, slowly fighting.

She sits in the "Merry Widow" name, can speak good Tao talent, natural beauty advantage, let men each for her heart, defeated in her pomegranate skirt.

Widowed her, that lonely heart needs another place to snuggle, she longs for love, also longing for comfortable life. In order to make himself and his daughter into the upper class, the Love war, she is bound to stand out and get the best benefit. (same field Gayon: single Diary: Bread makes you full of life, Love makes you rich in mind )

Men are my chess, control them to win my happy battle

If there is a Lady Susan, then I would say that God gave her a big joke-born in the wrong age, the bloom as a woman's beauty, too many men, brought too many rumors.

Her good words, her beautiful appearance, as if a sweet rose, action bee to the extent of overloading. But her clever cunning, like a root thorn, help her to win again and again happiness, and let a person at a respectful distance.

But, love is blind. Attracted to the men, the end only smell sweet, forget the sharp arms of the rose, even if stabbed them covered with wounds, also decided that it is the mark of love, others can not be questioned.

"How I loathe the recklessness and the outpouring of truth." Mrs. Susan took a sip of tea and raised her smile.

She enjoyed the men's diligence and the superiority of being regarded as the pearl of the palm. But she hates to be rude and not to accept Love's vows, which will make Susan lose the possibility of pursuing happiness.

For Susan, Love is a must for life, and must be a guarantee of a luxurious life, but also to maintain her autonomy. Others say she's a force, but I think it's the smartest way for Susan to keep her self-esteem in an age when women can't flip their own destinies. (same field Gayon: Why are you so smart that you can't admit it)

The pride is that I can love you, but you should be worthy of my beauty, whether it is your appearance, or your wealth.

I'm a mother, a woman, no doubt about the lust

The traditional mother character, set on Susan, is a dress that neither fits nor sets the temperament.

She unscrupulous, hope daughter to marry rich and kind-hearted James, live a life of no danger, she ulterior motives, love Langford handsome charming, like the young, Regina's enthusiasm, enjoy double love.

Her husband's failure to depress Susan was a chance for her to find the next spring of her life, to nourish her pampered heart, and not to give her a lifetime of devotion to her daughter, who flirted with him selfishly and satisfied her lust. Mrs. Susan, without sacrificing her desire for being a mother, knows that she is a mother and a woman.

When I approached Langford, there was only one thought in my mind: "I like this man," and pray that the heavens don't let such a charming man grieve. Her eyes twinkled with love, and she said, infatuated and intoxicated.

"The idealistic nature of the brat aroused my interest, and I induced him to bow to my pomegranate skirts." He's a flirt. "Flirting is a game, satisfying desires, and getting pleasure."

She is for the sake of the mother of the daughter, is also the woman who craves love, the two itself is not contradictory, put in the conservative time of Susan body is more valuable.

This is not another Jane Austen's classic romantic love novel, "Mrs. Susan seeks marriage" humor wits, also contains a warm and moving. Jane Austen's Mrs. Susan, the perfect appearance, but also is not hiding the dark nature of the "evil Woman."

I can't tell you whether Susan is bad or good, in my opinion, Mrs. Susan in the story is just a woman who is exhausted and wants to be happy. She longed for the joy of being loved, so desperate to fight, ignoring those social opinion and moral ethics, showing the most selfish aspect of human nature.

Perhaps, she is only a woman eager to be happy, and we ordinary people no different. The only difference, presumably, is her intense ambition, which drives her to abandon moral bondage and, at the other end of love, to disdain our cowardice.