Work is love made visible. Women fans have always believed that work is a love of the elephant, to see our work site, this week to listen to the editor said.

2016 in the end, women fans team in an imposing atmosphere, because the end of the year, everyone naturally some anxiety. Anxiety did not do enough this year, introspection did not try to look at how much you can do. This is a very diligent team, we all said that it is difficult to find like-minded partners, technology and experience can let a lot of people take an offer, but the female fans of the admission volume, but by the concept and values defined.

What do you say?

We are often in the search of partners, with many people with attractive resumes through the body. To choose a seasoned experience, or fearless courage? To choose the sophisticated, or to give the effort to a person a chance? Often to the end, look at people, we will still ask ourselves: this person has no woman fan spirit? Do you want to work with him? Would he be the upright and kind man?

I am not born with this woman's fan entry, but I have to follow the team a little bit. We do not have the thickest background, there is no continuous funding, to say that women are obsessed with what, I really believe that by people.

Today in the advertisement to see such a sentence: "You want to make a diamond, it is more hard than the dream." 」

I think this sentence is very interesting, what is more hard than the dream? In this girl-majority team, I looked at the ambition of a lot of resolute women, no mercy on their own life, should give up a chance to take a chance, the spell is not polite.

As the team undergoes transition and projects are in dire straits, women's obsession with the office is particularly warm in the 19-degree decline.

She always smiles and raises the light of her eyes, said she was a big nerve or chic good, facing the worse situation has not seen her deterred; she always said don't be afraid of me behind you, so the difficult things all feel not panic, she likes to work as a play, do their own happy and willing to do.

Looking at these partners, I am glad that I am here instead of choosing a higher salary or a brighter title. I'm glad I'm with a group of people who want to work together every day, and I want to be a happy person who can make others feel at work.

It's easy to be hard, but it's hard to be a hard man. It seems that diligence is simple, but it is rare to be lazy when there are no one around. Those who can do this are not saints, not special men, nor the Almighty. I just don't want to owe myself.

I watched her unwilling to give in, convinced that I could choose my own living posture; I looked at her proudly, reminding myself that every choice was justified; I looked at her as a selfless supporter of everyone, and saw what people said about "workplace rules" that might have been different.

To the people I walk with, thank you we are such a group of willing to do more, also do not let anyone suffer.

To do beyond their own ability, you can go beyond the past of their own lives, unwilling to do not try to shout pain, so live a story of life.

Woman obsessed editor Abby