Women fans in the Caldor "for marriage affirmative stand out concert" scene, record the Moment of love, and the art of joint vocal, singing affirmative love loud and sound!

"1210 let Life no longer die, for marriage equality stand out concert " is on the Ketagalan Avenue relay, nearly hundreds of artists in different forms of solidarity, on-site clustering from all over the gay heterosexual, and even many families with their parents to attend. The beginning of the history of Taiwanese children who died because of gender temperament and sexual orientation.

1993, Lin Qinghui, Shijiya, a female student in northern China, wrote "The nature of social survival is not suitable for us"; 1995 Chiuxin in a foreign land with scissors stabbed suicide; 2000, Pingdong Gaoshu Middle School students Ye Yongzhi was found lying in the toilet pool of blood, the head was badly hit, send medical first aid to death; Biansen jumped to suicide, this pair of partners due to same-sex legal problems can not protect each other, finally they buried in Taidong off the coast.

"We must be brave, if the beautiful soul has an afterlife, let them live in a society without discrimination and fear." 」

The children of our society continue to die, this day, together Ketagalan Boulevard, for Love to sing, the following is a woman fans brought to you live real-time report.

Scene Highlights

Lesbian marriage proposal: Please be with me each other for life

"Marriage equality is very important to us and marriage is our vision." 」

Belle: Hope is in the front

Dear friends, today is very happy to see so many people. It turns out everyone thought that we could get there in five minutes, and now we're standing at the top of the mountain, we will work hard to finish, 12/26, anyway, we will send three bills to the committee, and then adjourn the meeting, and so on the next month, the beginning of May, April, the general question, this bill, even if it is going to the next May or June, In any case, we have to work hard to finish this section of the road, during this period, let the community calm down and have a good dialogue. We hope that all opponents can put forward the facts and if they wish to propose a special law, please raise them in 12/26, instead of delaying the time with excuses and having specific discussions. We advocate the civil law, as long as the comrades can marry, all the rights and inheritance of spouses, social rights can enjoy, let gay rights, and ordinary people, we continue to work together! The rainbow is just ahead and hope is in the front.

Ji Yikang: No longer let young life die

In front of you is the north of a woman, 22 years ago, two northern one female gifted class students in the summer vacation in the Reef Creek Hotel burning Charcoal, the two 17-year-old life, one is the orchestra conductor, one is the basketball school team. Why did they end the splendid life in such a way? 1994, I was married that year, after 22 years, we finally have the opportunity to tell everyone that Taiwan will become a civilized society, we finally have the opportunity to let the tragedy no longer happen, we have to let the world see Taiwan become a society that will respect people. How many people have chosen to end their lives in the same way as these two little girls in the past 22 years? Please do not give up, we will certainly succeed.

Chenxue x Breakfast Man

Breakfast Person: "Today I see so many friends crowded with a big platform, I am really very touched, I want to share a little thing with you, my wife Chenxue in the face of writing an article, said I was young because of gender temperament have been bullied." Actually, I was worried because I was afraid my mother would see it. This afternoon, I saw my mother sent a message to me, first of all, to show the elder figure "Good bang", he said the children refueling, mother and brother are supporting you, you are not alone, to be brave. I hope that from now on, no one will be bullied and discriminated against because of her sexual temperament. 」

Chenxue: "We're talking a lot about the equality of marriage, stand out is strength, today these people are I know more than 10 years of people, today is I have seen the most people once, many people have never been on the streets have come out, I hope you remember today's strength and feeling, comrades need to rely on our step by step, No matter when we can show strength, need the occasion of the comrades, all want you to stand up together. 」

The singer publishes a bright spot.

Schumien: Love, don't give up

"A lot of people, more people than my concerts. Share an experience with you, my name is Schumien, I hope we all have the right to marry, we support marriage equality, this song represents a spirit, do not give up. 」

Liao Wenjiang: Remove "Same sex" label, Love Is Love

"I just want to say to the opponents, you will say" do not know how to teach our children, "Yes, we do not want to teach our children, what is gay, we want to let children know that two same-sex love, just love, two gay marriage, is just married. If you don't know how to teach children, come to the scene, these people can teach you. 」

Romeiling: Love always Shines

"Thank you for agreeing and supporting each and every one of you for being affirmative, today is a very special day, today is the world human Rights Day, is also the first day of my 37 birthday, I thought I was responsible for the arrangement in front, because I want to go back to the children, but on the way, put on my body a lot of identity, That's why I stood up today. I stand up, because I am a girl, I am a native of the Atayal, I am a boy's wife, I am a child's mother, I have been a nurse, I support marriage equality, because I am heterosexual, but I am married. I am surrounded by a lot of gay friends, I have family is also gay, although I am a Christian, but I never feel that love is different. Today you are not only one person, yesterday, someone in my fan page wrote: "I can finally with the people I love, in order to love hard." "I am here, beside you." 」

HUSH: Marriage is not a necessary choice, but an option

"This flag was made during my gay parade this year, and I finally got a chance to bring it up again," he said. Marriage equality, we seem to be able to look at the wall, we have walked together here, there is a way, I hope we come to the new scenery, where we are, because we all have love. I want to borrow everyone's applause, to these days day and night in the street propaganda bee, today must also have heterosexual listen, marriage is not all heterosexual choice, nor gay, but we have to make it an option, that is the true meaning of marriage equality. Marriage equality is not why it can be, but why not? 」

All arts and human marriage affirmative

Tanya Chua: "Today is 12/10, world Equality Day, unfortunately there is no way to accompany everyone, but I still hope to share my experience, everyone came to the world, have the right to breathe the air, feel love and find happiness, everyone has their own story, as long as each of us can love their own hearts to love others, Our world will be better. 」

Xiaojingteng: "I think the brave to love, should be blessed, because love it is love, love should be treated equally and not discriminated against, the presence of you, I believe you will not give up, only love eventually win." 」

Qing Feng Jia Kai: "Now our society is not the most lack of choice of position or to do the judgement, I hope everyone has a head-up heart, not to attack others, but also want to oppose the issue of people think why these people need." We all support marriage equality.

Tao crystal clear: "Bless everyone for their own happiness efforts, one day bear fruit." 」

Linyilian: "I know that today's people are working for true love, and I believe you will be seen for your steadfast and gentle power." 」

Elva Siu: "12/10 is the world human Rights Day, we all gather together to convey the important message, everyone is worth to love and be Loved, love is to support and care for each other, I support marriage equality, I support same-sex marriage, we spread love together, we are all worthy of love to the end. 」

Peace of Mind: "Love is equal, I support marriage equality, although this is a long way, but I believe soon to see the dawn, I would like to pack red envelopes to my comrades friend!" 」

a-lin:"I support the amendment of civil law, through marriage equality, I want my children to grow up in a Taiwan where everyone can be happy. When I was married, my gay friends congratulated me and told me: "I wish I were as happy as you." "I wish I could go to my gay friend's wedding sooner." 」

Jolin Tsai: "hi Dear brothers and sisters, the recent society has some absurd speech spread, set a leaf mother's words, your hand ticket is arrived at the terminal, do not get off midway. I Jolin Tsai, support some changes in civil law 972, through marriage equality. 」

Feng Xiao Yue: "Taiwan will be the first place in Asia to be a marriage equality, it is very exciting, I would like to amend the civil law, through marriage parity, because it is equal." 」

Ethan: "Gay marriage does not deprive any original marriage of things, will not infringe on our family and individuals, Taiwan's progressive society can tolerate everything." I support marriage equality, because life is equal. 」

Fan Bingbing: "In the Face of love, people are equal, love is the greatest, I support marriage equality." 」

Rainie: "I support the amendment of civil law through marriage equality, everyone should be equal." 」

Liu: "I support everyone has the right to love, respect for love, love is equal, we should be free because of love, I support marriage equality." 」

Zhang Ziyi: "True love should be blessed, and I wish you all the best." 」

(In-situ update)