The National Defense Department's latest episode of Gul Kuang Garden has produced a "Rainbow >", with a focus on the oppressed issue of the sexual orientation of men in the military, giving people a sense of the suppressed emotions of contemporary soldiers.

Ministry of National Defense will focus on the theme of "Promoting healthy interaction, proper management of emotions," as a storyline of listening, care, counselling and so on, in order to effectively enhance psychological counselling.It is the first time that the Gul Kuang Garden has focused on gays and stories, and has given the military a specific solution to the emotional stress.This is a step taken by the Chinese Ministry of National Defense, which symbolate the authority of Yanggang, and is an important step in the liberation of men.

The Ministry of National Defense is leading the protagonist, looking forward to a system of comrades in the army and a friendly tutoring mechanism. Comrades, the comrades will also be able to get support from their families.The protagonist was changed by her boyfriend, and his mother told him to take him to the doctor, while his father hated "Don't tell anyone you're my son."It wasn't until the military's counselor had visited him, and after communication, the main protagonists had only gradually accepted their son's sexual direction.

The play shows a lot of reverberation: "For the first time in years, I felt so proud that I was a member of the military."At the same time, there was an anti-commotion attack: "Military personnel are trained and fought in the military, or are trained to talk homosexuals.""

In the face of the anti-commotion, we rethink the prolonged suppression of the "military culture", and the following questions: Let's slowly carding out the gay film of the Gul Guang Garden has aroused the indignation of the opposition groups.

Military, Men's Air Exhibition Field

The army is the stage where boys "excused" are men, and also for men's masculo training and exhibitions, and women fans have been told by < 6,000 people, why do women not need to be soldiers? In the military, gay men are the "non-conforming products" of the heterosexual patriarchal society, but "Down with the clitoris" in such a field is often a means of nurturing the "positive power" of the people.(Sibling: Gay Girl's love: Denied C culture on the dating software )

You may have heard of a song like this: "I have two guns, a different length, a long shot and a young girl."" The words behind the lyrics symbolize the courage of men who are not afraid of death and dominate the sexual market.In a purely male space, the negative subject becomes hostile, and men gain authority over the culture of conquest and suppression.The following foundations are based on the masculo-masculo:

(1) Prove it to other men, so you have to fight against women in front of other men

(2) Fear of femininity, and to show that she is a man, stripping away all the soft and feminine qualities that would lose man's masculinity.

(3) Consolidation of masculine friendship through collective activities to identify the boundaries of men and women (e.g. solicits, drank wine)

addition to being bullied in the military, the "psychopathic desire" of psychological perverts in the defense ministry was found to be homosexuals in the military.

In 1982, the Ministry of Defence agreed that the easyman was to apply for exemption from the service, but the next year he was overthrown by the "gay and lesbian" illness.At that time, Teacher Qi Jiawei, a pioneer of the gay movement, questioned the "male soldiers who were female soldiers" and argued that "homosexuality is a group of gender differences, giving equal treatment to the armed forces, and more likely to derive bullying."(Extended reading: A single narrative hazard: liberating the CC, and freeing up gay men )

"Even when the soldiers are in danger in the future, how can this army protect the country in the future

The gender of men in the army has begun to have open discussions.Before the terms of the men's warriors were untied, the Ministry of National Defense launched a film that welcomed negative culture into the army, and the anti-Tongan institution was fearful that even such a system of institutional systems for the consolidation of heterosexual patriarchal values was given by the comrades. Where should order and order go?

The Pentagon explains that the most important thing about this film is that the soldiers should use the tutoring mechanism of the military, and the process of receiving counselling is a sign of weakness. This step not only sharply criticized the old system of "men's tears" but also opened up a path that allows men to correctly understand their emotions.

In the face of counterparty accusations, "Even when the soldiers are in danger, how can this army protect the country in the future?" we would like to say that wrong emotional education has killed many of the soft men in society, and also suppressed countless women's groups.The feeling of error is that men tend to accept gender disparity in the society where they are weak and dualistic. They are also emotionally inclined to be gentle, weak, and weeping. They also lose their emotional attachment to others, and also lose their empathy to others.

Many people emasculated their feelings of fear, fear, anxiety, and fear in the course of their growth, with anger and hatred left over from the "dissatisfied" object, and thus emotionally expressed through violence.Instead of demanding "military men to behave like tough guys," we should learn to give men more flexibility in their emotions, and in defending the country, they must first defend their emotions.(Sibling: To My Gay Friends: We all have every reason to be free to play with dolls )

"Homosexuality becomes the mainstream, this society is finished"

A sense of centralization, like the military, requires a "collective sense", so the difference is ruled out.Before we have to look to the "multivariate differences" of the military, consider whether it is "a homosexual in the army, and the society is finished."In the first place, the motivation of the military to squeeze out the "soft" characteristic of the military is that the invasions of this culture will disintegrate combat effectiveness and reduce morale, but it is not the ability to look at the military's own abilities. This is also a stereotype of the stereotype of the sexes.

In addition, the army itself is a team of women to be a woman, and through strong physical ability to reach class, the entire view of the life of military personnel is to let soldiers lose their autonomy.Before imaginuring that homosexuality will suppress mainstream society, we should ask: Why do we pretend that we can't see gays in the mainstream?

"Will homosexuals become mainstream? Will society be finished?""Will the society go down as straight people become mainstream?"The question is the same, and we should ask the question loudly: Before homosexuality is treated equally in society, does this group have more strength, not being abused and marginalized?

How many boys suppress their own fragile, unsound emotional development as a result of a "soldiers to be a man"?Because "homosexuals are abnormal", how many people have died in the military, or even subjected to peer sexual assault?(Recommended reading: [scoop] is quite affirmative!No matter if you're straight or gay, everyone has the ability to stand up )

The meaning of the Gul Center for the Auxiliary Unit is the invisible weight of each boy's shoulder. It is the place where every difference gets to the survival of Enron, and it is the right to recognize the wounds and to repair the wound, regardless of the label of the society.

He just wants to be like a human being; he just wants to have a safe haven in which he can park after the injury. He is hoping to be a brave and brave man and be a gentle person.