Single Diary, with 500 words to write a single person with a single heart.If you want to love, love like Wang Fei, the media is chasing after the love of the day. She doesn't care. She just follows her own heart. Wang Fei says that it's not a pity, but unfortunately I haven't loved it.(Recommended you see: An Interview with Dou Ching Boy: I am Wang Fei's daughter, and even more to be yourself )

Wang Fei has not only said on public occasions that she is a very confused person, but she is a very confused person.This confusion was that she had broken two marriages and had a love affair in the spotlight from the ashes of the ashes.

The first marriage, if not for Wang Fei, is that the ending of a woman who has fallen out of favour with a media pen, and a woman star and a rock singer do not end well, but Wang Fei doesn't regret it.In the second marriage, she said in the interview: " You know it's a hard thing to love me right now. You say, Yapeng, he may lie to me. He may have failed me, but if I can't find a person who loves me in my whole life, I will let myself live up to myself."

Later, Wang Fei became a person, and he had two daughters, and when he met Nicholas TSE again, many people criticized this relationship: "Where is the woman who is married two times?" and "How can she get out of the way?"Wang Fei has always been calm:

The decades of life have made me understand a lot of logic, and if you like a person, there is no logic to exist.


She is the character, stubborn, perseverance of the Beijing girl, and she only reviews her own likes.

Wang Fei is willing to gamble and lose, not to be in love with him.

12 years of revolving around, she and Nicholas TSE were together again. Wang Fei was not stupid. She was strong enough to have the ability to surrender to the past mistakes.It's wrong to be wrong. Marriage, divorce, remarriage, relove, and the road to love is not a boon.

want to love, you have to love like Wang Fei. Love is not a good one. Instead of being a winner, she is more practicing on how to lose.She is not a woman who has been abandoned. Wang Fei is a woman who can always move in love. Sometimes, she doesn't have anything to do with immortality. She only cares about her heart.

Wang Fei was a projection of love by the girls at this time, and she sang the beginning of love, the end of love, but she didn't say anything until she was in the spotlight, because she was already well aware of her life.

"The best love is to know what life is like, but I still choose to love you.""