In the age of this woman's presidency, we talked about the new first Lady of France, Beatrice. Togne is a democratic subject that looks at intimacy from her years in love with Markhon.

In Sunday, the results of the French presidential run-off were won by Markhon, a 39-year-old pro-European candidate, Emmanuel Macron, the youngest president in French history, and his wife, Beatrice. Togne (Brigitte trogneux) is the oldest first lady in French history.

Image source: Business Insider

Vicky. Togne not only because of the Markhon 24-year-old, her intelligent stability, down-to-earth charm also captured the hearts of the French people. According to the Sydney Morning Drive (Sydney morning Herald), in the Markhon victory speech mentioned bi-Keith, the supporters also warmly cheered the name of Vicky.

Markhon often openly said that the elderly 24-Year-old is his confidant, knowledge of the soul of a companion, is to help him win a campaign of the partner, but also one of his strength. (Extended reading: gender observation: Her name Deborah, not the Golden Steel wolf Hugh Jackman's chaff wife )

This is indeed an Markhon fact, in this presidential election, in addition to as the youngest candidate for attention, the most aroused the world's attention, he and the elderly wife bi Kesangcha 24-year-old news.

Markhon's campaign had expected the year-long courtship to be the focus, and they strategically transformed such partnerships into big global campaigns that favoured Markhon images. His age allows him to naturally have the sharpness, freedom, and strength of a young generation, and his partner's choice reflects his mature character and poise.

This 24-Year-old love history is not an accidental gossip, it was a brilliant plan that, in addition to showing a rare confession from a politician, hinted to the crowd that, even if it were contrary to the world, he would do his best to practice his vision, no matter how much time and communication effort it would take.

Markhon's campaign team may also see Trump's aversion to making her daughter Ivonka the unpaid advisor, therefore, early in the election, Markhon is the "election partners and wife" as the identity of the introduction of the Guillan body, and revealed the bi Maggie Education, vulnerability and autistic children's issues of concern and apply force, which also greatly reduced the people's feelings of rejection, And then be willing to be optimistic about it.

Not just the wife, but the first lady's official role in the show.

"Her presence is very important to Markhon," Markhon, the top consultant at the campaign headquarters, told the media. "BI Jackie only provide the support of Mark macro emotional, the knowledgeable woman is indeed Markhon's chief strategist."

Image source: 9Honey

In August 2014, Markhon took over President O ' Rand's economic minister, and in the coming year she resigned from her teaching position, wholeheartedly helping her husband to practice his political wild gaze, and to keep an eye out for him, "we report to each other every night and talk about each other's rumors." I pay attention to all the big things and do my best to protect him. "said once to the press. (same field Gayon: Turning The husband from the president to the first gentleman!) Argentina's first elected female President Christina )

The President, an important part of the nation's priorities, is often not just a personal career, but also a companion and a child. However, the distinction between public and private lines is extremely difficult. After all, marriage is sometimes like forming a new company, two of people for their own future efforts, but must also ensure that the two people under the marriage company to support each other, let each other to achieve the best development. If two people have a common vision, the couple also have a common business.

In 1989, Bi once ran for Trucktelsem city councillor, although finally did not win the election, but can still see early in 1993 to know Markhon before, bi Kai You participate in political enthusiasm.

As a career, the president has a huge professional staff, but few people look directly at the president's partner's role and influence in his political career. In the name of "First Lady", there is no clear definition of the power of a partner and the areas in which public influence can be exerted, which is often the place where elected leaders tend to take bribes.

Alix Bouilhaguet, a writer who studied the couple for years, said that Braye Maggie for Markhon to rewrite his speech, guide his presentation, manage his itinerary, and practice with Markhon over and over again to the best form.

And Markhon is quite leaning on Raibichi's guidance and judgment, he announced after the election, Bi Jiteng will serve as his unpaid advisers, "(Vicky) will get the role he has been playing, she will not be hidden."

The manifesto sounded sexist: "She is not the woman behind the successful man, her place is beside me"; in essence, it is also Markhon necessary for public explanation and self-protection.

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But in fact, the French first lady has no formal status, or similar to the United States, the number one lady in the history of the terms of reference (note 1). In the public media, the French, who value personal development and private life, do not expect the first lady to assume the role of national social hostess. Maggie may be France's most enthusiastic first lady in public affairs, and Markhon will also work to promote the "First lady" official status of the relevant norms of authority. (same field Gayon: First lady, not just a man's deputy )

See the perseverance of Markhon, also want to see the courage of bi Ji

Beyonce Keiten Markhon met in 1993 when she taught French literature and Latin in Providence Jesuit College, and served as a mentor to the drama society, where she met Young Markhon, who, in the coming year, adapted the drama together, They are increasingly attracted to each other's intelligence and charm.

Even in France, when the 15-year-old Markhon is still too young, the teacher and students love sad blessing, in Amiens make an boiling soup. Finally, Markhon's parents sent him to Paris to study. But Markhon did not give up, Bi Quieux 2006 divorce, next year, and Markhon knot together.

"I slowly fell in love with the young boy's intelligence and charm. --Vicky Togne

The couple's teacher-student relationship has faced hostility and aggression, even today, French satirical cartoonists and television programs often use this relationship as a mocking material to draw Markhon into a boy who has been taught by the teacher, and the Daily Mail has also published a very sarcastic column that Markhon the child into "Mummy's boy". Yet for the 24-year-old president Trump and his wife, Melania, the media have apparently not ridiculed their years of love with the same vision, and we didn't even notice the age gap between Trump and his wife.

Compared to Trump and Melania such a typical female young man, Markhon and the relationship between the more equal, clearly, despite the media malicious smile, but they clearly know what they want, also a rush to jointly advance for many years of ups and downs. Markhon said: "Undeniably, our family is not very traditional." But this family's love is not less, perhaps even more than the traditional family. 」

"She's probably rich," she said. "Taiwanese are unimaginative about the attractiveness of older women

In Taiwan's context, the female male love is a social anomaly, must be marked and referred to the derivation of the word "elder brother Love" (think about it, we have no "brother and sister Love" appellation).

A friend of Taiwanese friends heard Markhon's wife, aged 24, half joking and said, "She's probably rich!" "The joke is embarrassing to show Taiwanese lack of imagination about the attractiveness of older women and, on the other hand, exposing people's feelings about sexuality too poorly layered and flat."

In Taiwan's mainstream discourse, women's attractiveness to men is probably a matter of stature--big-breasted legs and beautiful waist, while men's attractiveness to women, in addition to stature, but also more power and money, but such imagination from the mentality of hate women.

In other parts of the world, or for others, intelligence, courage, boldness, firmness, these personality traits are also a source of sexiness. With regard to sexuality, our imagination and taste have clearly yet to be developed.

The lack of imagination about the attractiveness of older women is also a manifestation of the present poor image of intimacy. When the public hears about the age gap, the knee reflex is a "must-be-rich", "must be cheated" of the rigid label, in fact, is about the weak imagination of intimate relationship caused.

Yes, there are all kinds of love in this world, there is based on mutual reverence and development of love, but also the development of one-sided worship of love, there is based on yearning for each other's intelligence to carry out the love, but also to overcome the differences of faith between the sweet and greasy love; , and there is a warm, and also actively support each other. Even in the same intimate relationship, the state of Love will continue to change, the power of both sides will be dynamic growth and decline, these are our intimate relations in the important learning.

The subjects of each intimate relationship, no matter of age, sex or class, are in common: how to maintain respect, trust, and equal unimpeded communication is always the greatest challenge in our relationship. If the 24-year-old French president and his wife can overcome the world's vision to do, I think we have no reason not to.

Image source: CNN

* Note 1: The first lady in the United States has a relatively clear mandate and unwritten norms, which comes from a unique American history: The early American president did not have too many missions, and because the United States did not have a royal or ceremonial national institutions or figures, must rely on their wives to preside over the country's official ceremonies and social Affairs, As first lady to help the President undertake many formal matters of etiquette. The first lady of the United States, who occasionally attends informal meetings on behalf of the head of State (see the Netflix album "The Card House"), will also be the president's second-term presidential re-election campaign, giving the presidential campaign a two-way run. Although the first lady's source of law is vague, the accumulation of history and precedents has created an important institution in the White House and the American political system, one that can play a dual role: social responsibility for hospitality in the country and the White House, and political responsibility as a presidential policy advisor and political confidant.