5/24 marriage Flat Kang This day, women fans take you into the "Light Taiwan, Asia Lighthouse" scene, many comrades snuggle up with each other, many people who are not gay cheering to celebrate. This moment, is a victory for everyone. The way forward, we go to communication, more patiently to communicate with the public, inviting them to join hands in a more benign world.

"Everyone deserves to be loved and everyone is blessed." We see the Rainbow in Taiwan, it appears in the sky of Taiwan, the sky of the world, the human rights of heaven. --Michen

Michen in the "Light Taiwan, Asia Lighthouse" on the scene of the blessing, the blessing of earnest, came very late, in 2006, she proposed Taiwan's first "same-sex marriage law" draft. This road, we have walked so long. The Chancellor finally ruled that the civil law was unconstitutional and homosexual marriages were possible.

The scene has thought that waits for a lifetime to wait for a certificate's tear, has for the companion to walk first step fragrant plantain lily the end of tears, has the child finally possibly in a more friendly social atmosphere grows up the tear. They embraced, they kissed, they leaned their heads, and thanked themselves for living in the best and worst of times. History has severely harmed this group of people, but insisted on giving them the value of human rights they deserved. (Recommended: Taiwan is the first in Asia!) 524 the same marriage interpretation of the Constitution results: civil law unconstitutional, the deadline of two years to repair the law or legislation to protect same-sex marriage.

Two years, life can't wait anymore

During the two-year period, the court must make a push and change in substance. In the long term marriage equality work, we accuse, life side die. Many young comrades in the family and society, fear of the same consciousness withered, 1993 North one female students to commit suicide by burning charcoal, 1995 Chiuxin died, 2000 Ye Yongji died. Our society cannot live up to these wonderful lives.

They proclaim the tragic narrative of two years to overthrow comrades, and the story of comrades is not a single "heterogeneous version" in the eyes of parents. The scene again called: "Do not because we have the right to marry, we forget to see the needs of other people." "Love as the starting point of the marriage affirmative action, I hope this is a prelude to more people to see the different needs of society." I passed the presidential palace on my way home, and Banai's leading occupation of Caldor had not yet departed, behind the movement in front of the Legislative Yuan, there is an understanding of empathy, the phrase "Don't forget to look at the edge of the edge" is 30 years of movement, we live, not only for ourselves, but also for a better world.

Xu Tianjin legislators to the stage to share: "Two years, you can start to get married." "We are not only prepared to marry, but also to invite more people who do not understand comrades and those who are afraid of gender diversity to face up to and respect the needs of society." "You can not stop the communication, whether you are gay or straight, please go to your place and members of the Committee to request, as soon as possible to put the Marriage Equality Act to the legislative agenda." "Xu Tianjin gives all who look to change the course of action to make marriage equal to the civil law to practice faster."

At a time when Taiwan is so close to history, many people are proud to "recognize themselves as Taiwanese today." See the scene many gay family stand together, I hope that all people can see the reality of love, not only for the "progress" pride, more out of a hand, give a little thrust, so that the next law can get more public opinion support. (Extended reading:42 years of the same marriage race!) Chi Jiawei: "I do not need, but to others desperately")

This is not the last mile, but a new beginning: Communication and communication

"It is unconstitutional to allow gay marriage to be allowed. What form of legislation is the responsibility of the legislature. 」

The appeal on the ground is not to confuse the law and to realize the true equality of human rights. Huang said: "The two-year buffer period, I believe some of our friends will be somewhat disappointed, but most importantly, this set of interpretations shows that our current civil law does not recognize same-sex marriage, violates the guarantee of constitutional equality and violates the right to form the freedom of marriage. When the interpretation is laid down on such a foundation, as a legislator, how to write a set of laws that do not violate the Constitution. 」

Many people have shouted solidarity with the amendment of civil law, so that comrades enjoy the same rights as "all". The next mile, will be the marriage of affirmative and positive both sides of the real communication and negotiation starting point.

Chi Jiawei also said the communication to break through the stratosphere: "To hold communication and communication, forgive and forgive the attitude of forgiveness." 」

Communication is the first step, we will continue to enter more sex education scene, from the law to break the sex discrimination, not only want to get married to human rights comrades waiting, more suffering children, will be the constitutional interpretation of the social understanding. The battlefield of future marriage equality is to deepen the public dialogue, we want everyone to understand that this campaign changed not just gay marriage rights, it's more of an obligation--people are more likely to have a real identity, and our kids need to grow up in a gender-conscious environment, and he doesn't have to be a man, she doesn't have to be a good girl, He had her, he could aspire to the shape of his freedom.

We have a way to apply the gender wound, to forgive parents can not understand the difficult, forgive the negative and rumors, forgive the fear of our people. We need to be the one who takes the initiative to reach out and build the new world after the order is overturned. (Recommended reading: sex Watch: 524 taiwan marriage Kang, Asia from freedom the closest moment )

We want to get married and have sex education.

2015 I interviewed Lu Xinjie, she went out of the way for 20 years, later, the mother came forward to support her to walk into the scene of the community, for people who can not speak, when she said that the most important communication is not to hold the position of the debate: "You talk to yourself, to understand the position of others, to see their own blind spots, to admit their ignorance." 」

In my interview with Robing in 2016, he and his lover are separated from each other for seven years, Robing said marriage equality next we should see: "Those unmarried singles who have no friendly system to take." I have been in contact with the gender movement for more than 10 years, and I knew my more than 40-year-old friends are now 50, even some elders, seventy or eighty years old. Time is walking, they are constantly old, our society has not given a reasonable account. 」

At the end of the year I visited Lana and Cindy after the birth of the child, they shared the hope that marriage equality was through the idea of "our family is no different" and that we should not regret bringing children to such a world: "After having a child, there is a lot to think about, what kind of children will the environment in Taiwan raise?" Can they be here free to long distances themselves? We are more concerned about education, care about the curriculum, more concerned about the marriage equality scene. We have heard the sharing of many gay parents, the children will not feel that the gay family is strange, but the children's parents, teachers, and other beliefs and perceptions may be caused by the oppression of the children of gay families. 」

These people's love is magnanimous, deserves to be celebrated, should be blessed by the society. Finally, I would like to share such a sentence Chi Jiawei said after the constitutional explanation: "Win not arrogant, defeated not hungry." 」

We have never had to win or lose, but to strive for equality. Taiwan is not going to be a beacon of equality in Asia, but rather to light up the flames of belief in its own heart.

There are many people who have met at the scene of marriage equality and I have seen them take their children to the streets with their hands on sex education manuals for their children. They're in a hurry. Afraid of children born in a malicious society, so hurriedly from the system to remove the suffering of their past-a fear of gay social atmosphere, this day, they finally have the courage to say to their children, you may live in a safe growth, the end of Taiwan. I looked at their shiny eyes, to ask if there is anything to say, they laugh, just say, then there is a long way to go together.

Then they drew up the daily necessities of their gay family, the children crying, the two mothers had the same upbringing debate, the family as clear as cloudy occasional showers, this is the normal of every home. We hug and say it hard at the moment.

Welcome the good news in the pouring rain, the rainbow comes after raining.

If you have a lover who has a long walk, turn to him and say, "Honey, we can get married." 」