Interview Dell Greater China Financial director Sabina, when the world is moving, only see changes and not afraid of pain to throw themselves out, will meet new self!

Information explosion, a rapidly changing generation, become a multidisciplinary talent is a strong pursuit of the ability of many people, cross-domain development and globalization of the wave, slash youth cross the world, a business card spread out, a few slashes to characterize different identities, multiple talent. People say that the ability to cross domain has become the basic workplace competitiveness of this generation, how to see the surging trend in the workplace, seize the trend? How do you consciously increase your competitiveness through your own career planning? How to keep the beginner's mind of the ideal and to rush towards the desired goal?

Interview elder Sister said school speaker Sabina, Dell is currently the financial director of Greater China, with 18 years of cross-border U.S. and Asia-Pacific multinational team cooperation experience, listening to her hands-on career, to live three-dimensional, no fear of the world change, self-discipline to learn, master life in every choice, become you defying change of the emboldened!

On that day, the day was slightly cooler, I paced on the first floor, and occasionally glanced at the intersection waiting, the clock moved a moment, I saw Sabina with friends approached Paradise figure, a Black-and-white collocation, handsome pants assembly on high heels, capable of gas flow, but a door, I saw her gentle eyes, listening to her friends with natural laughter, the topic, Who says capable and gentle, women can not and have?

See the Pulse of the world, your choice makes your life!

Lift your eyes, looking to the world drive, this elder sister said school curriculum with the world, promotion of international talent, I asked Sabina how to view this trend, she smiled: "I think at the same time, we have in line with the world, Taiwan's special geographical location, contact with multicultural, in this era, In fact, our life and the international is closely linked, inseparable. 」

International talent has become a market trend, and Sabina gives us a way to think about our attitudes in a rapidly changing era: "To become an international talent is a" choice ", you choose to learn the skills of international talent, choose to do not work in the professional, personal professionals to study themselves, in addition to personal professional, How to be comfortable with the multinational team, but also the characteristics of the international talent required! "What kind of person you will be, from every choice in life, in this generation, people can choose to be overwhelmed by information, or choose to seize the trend and evolve into a new self!"

Now that the cross-border has become a necessity, I share the doubts of this generation and ask the Sabina how the young should consciously cultivate themselves into this trend. She pointed to the current situation: "There is a saying that" change is the only constant "when the world changes rapidly, I think it is more important to develop their own adaptability, see the change, you know how to follow the transition, to learn new skills in the process, people can say that this is cross-border, but I think it is a natural growth. (Recommended reading:"Workplace notes" slash youth, do you have a brighter life than a business card?) )

Raise your hand in front of the opportunity! Throw yourself out before you meet new possibilities.

Sabina about his past experience with many multinational teams, "when I threw myself abroad, I accidentally found myself in the team with financial expertise, from the process to gradually see their strengths, and to realize their role in the team." "Consider your strengths through a team-work process, from the eyes of others to learn more about their own, the past childhood often moved to change the school experience, but also become the current expansion of the ability to make friends, Sabina said, this paragraph threw herself out of the process, she met her own new possibilities.

I wonder how to consciously urge myself to keep up with the pace of the times, and jump out of the current situation. Sabina looked into my eyes as if to see the confusion of my generation's youth: "I think a lot of things are in their own hands, and when the opportunity comes to you, would you like to seize it?" As I have been in the workplace has always been a talent training program, of course, the next project can be expected to be very tired, but as I said, this is a choice. 」

Would you choose to raise your hand in front of the opportunity? Willing to tell yourself: I hope to grow, I hope to learn.

Dell financial director of Greater China Sabina

People always say lucky lucky, but often forget, the so-called lucky is because you work hard, opportunity will happen when you need to come, seemingly from the sky, but is a few years of efforts to accumulate! When the opportunity comes, you have to cross out before you can see the magnificent scenery different from the usual.

Become the international talent of the three steps, do not take off with people coexist, mining value!

From the mentality of becoming a cross-border talent, but how can we be diligent in our professional skills? Elder sister said that the school curriculum has a paragraph of lectures are very attractive to me, she proposed to become an international talent of the three steps, I think why is the three steps, each step behind the Sabina eager to cultivate the students what kind of ability? (Recommended reading: The world is not afraid of the change of the emboldened!) "The elder sister says the school" Jin body cross the boundary versatile, initiates your time dint

I saw her read out these three steps, eyes sharp, the following finishing Sabina to become an international talent exclusive, and you share:

  • Cognitive
    • Self-cognition: Have a clear understanding of your own expertise and strengths, and give yourself value in the team
    • Cultural cognition: There is a preliminary understanding of each country's culture and values, so that we can understand the value choices of others and consciously notice that we should not offend others.
  • Communication
    • Training self-logical ability: in the trend of internationalization, language is not the first priority, clear expression of self opinion, logically conveyed message is the ability of cross-border talents to convey clear messages with simple messages, so that the whole team of partners to receive the same message, efficient joint implementation
  • Participation
    • Active participation: Take the initiative to participate in the team, position themselves, in the need for sound discussion, active participation in the others throw problems before, think and ask questions, give their expected Jie Fang, let the discussion of the team, stirring the updated creative and executive power.
    • Continuous participation: In the workplace, continuous participation in the work process, regardless of whether or not the same work content, should be sustained and stable focus on team dynamics, and timely advice to help the team grow.

To look at these three steps is not the abstruse professional function I imagined, instead all are people-oriented, from self-awareness to communicating with others, these communication skills have achieved a person how quickly and calmly in a multinational team to survive, the basic professional is necessary, but more is in the workplace to treat people, logic and communication of the truth. I think about the experience of Sabina for nearly 20 years, which nourishes her life. The smile she kept hanging around her mouth became serious, like thinking and declaring: "I think the most I've learned in a multinational team over the years is the" courage to be different. 」

Let us be happy to be different! Your tolerance, others can not learn

She says there are three stages to this journey, from being afraid of being different from others, denying one's uniqueness, to discovering the importance of uniqueness to the world, eventually beginning to accept the difference, and trying to affirm your strengths in these differences. Now, she embraces the special oneself, only has the unique, only then other people studies also does not learn the style and the bearing, this is she in this rapid change time harvest most, also the most valuable experience. (Recommended reading: write farewell to the youth of their own: to do their best to live is the only obligation )

Looking at the Sabina, I finally understand her current self-confidence and emboldened, the original is a few setbacks to learn the truth, the interview finally I asked her to this generation is still looking for their own positioning of the young people say a word, she said a sonorous:

"When you feel painful now, you are walking in the path of growth!" 」

To every restless actuality in this generation, to pursue the growth of you, to learn to become a different self without fear, life is not a road will be white, as long as you with confidence, to the ideal of their desires, when you look back to each experience will find that it has meaning, to try to use your ideas to impact life, learn to take responsibility under the pressure , if you want to see a new self, then please do not hesitate to throw yourself out of the comfort zone, the process may be painful, but these experiences will be in the future one day, let you smile harvest.