What do you think of the popular language industry now?Listen to the writer, Max.

A serious problem with the design industry

Minister of Culture, Chris Chrissy, in 1997.After ten years of development, Smith (Chris Smith), who shouts the themes of design, architecture, fashion, advertising, movies, music, and other issues, has dominated the economic development policy of many countries by adding to the huge concepts of product sales, creative market, cultural tourism and other mechanisms.

However, after exploring the creation of industrial parks and the creation of people in this country, I am not able to ask: Is there really a successful, human-planned, new industry case?

The Guggenheim Museum in Spain is a positive example of the strength of the culture. But if we read the book's chapter X, "The City of Revitalization," it was not known at the beginning of the book that it was effective, and that all reports were after the success. Can sustainable development be sustainable?(Recommended reading: Slash youth: Landscape development is a strategy, it's just a stupid thing to do a whole lifetime

It seems that no one knows the answer.

I have expressed my views at a dinner party with Joerg Suermann, Chairman of DMMY, Germany, and he is very much in agreement.Joerg said that both the Berlin municipal government and the EU had invested heavily in the development of the budget, and that it was also a bustling activity in the Berlin International Design Festival. But besides the arts, other cultural and creative industries in Berlin have to struggle to see real money and beef.

He doesn't have a business mechanism to support, no sales, no cash flow industry, and the name of the other is not valid.

's Designing Industry

The Swedish design team, ASSHOFF & BROG Å RD Å D Designsstudio, and Hanna Brog å rd, carefully discussed the current situation in Sweden, the envy of Sweden's design industry, and the difficulty of:

Sweden Design Team ASSHOFF & BROG Å RD Designsstudio | Source

First, the downturn of the industry itself

The big trend of Sweden's design industry recession was revealed as early as 2005 (otherwise the Swedish government did not organise the "2005 Design Year" for Swedish private businesses and nationals to spend Sweden's design), and that the annual growth in consumption of Swedish household designs was only concentrated in the IKEA business, and was not helpful to the country's overall design industry.

Swedish industry observer Stefan Nilsson also said: " The Swedish design, after the government's 2005 Year of Design reached the peak, entered a period of stagnation, not only in a snagged pace, but also in the direction, and even the company itself was idle.A few years passed, nothing happened, the Swedish design was the old face of the late 20th century."

Second, design power oversupply with limited Swedish local market demand

The Swedish design industry produces about 1,000 designers each year, with a small population of only 9 million people, unable to digest such a large designer supply.

Third, the cultural and creative industries are still obscure

In 2005, the Swedish government launched a new development plan, led by the Swedish Academy of Arts and Technology, the Swedish National Arts and Technology Design University, the Ericsson Research and Development Center, and a dozen new design companies.

So we have to ask another question: Designing the industry or cultural and creative industries, can we really "develop"?Can it really be a fait accompli and generate the expected high yield?(Extended reading: The antimachi history also lived!)The Hong Kong Tran Garden full of film memory

Several limitations of the design industry in Taiwan

Joerg thinks that the energy of the Taiwan design industry has been significantly improved, and there is also a key "first" advantage in the three places across the Taiwan Strait, but he also sees a limitation that this energy is not being properly guided.

We are trying to propose a reason for limiting the development of the Taiwan industry:

1. The domestic market is limited.By adding an M-typed society, the disappearance of the middle class has allowed the Taiwan language to create a market that shrinks relative to the market.

2. Channel immature, insufficiently cosmopolitan, and lack of insight into foreign consumer demand.The possibility of product export is greatly reduced.

3. Design energy is concentrated in industries that are unable to accumulate capital in large quantities.For example, the creative market, for example, is a traditional technique

4. The positioning of the national brand.In the image of the international consumers, "Made in Taiwan" is not the bad quality of the 1970s. It was a mix of "Made in Thailand", and even many Europeans are ambiguous in what they are, and "Taiwan design" is even more theoretical.

In other words, in the foreseeable future, the design level of Taiwan's design is strong and the design level is already in place, but it will still be a long way away from forming a cultural and creative industry that exports and can grow the GDP of the country.Because it's not a design capability, it's about talent-related talent in the design of energy.

The design industry, or the development of the industry, seems to have something deeper and less noticed.

Basic Essentials of Industry Development — — A fool

On the 43rd issue of the 2008 edition of Life magazine, there was a report on the cultural industrial park in the village of Songzhuang, where it would find that the core of this huge hobbing machine was just an art lunatic called the Su Xianting family.He had no strategy, no brokers, no business plans, some were just a strenzy, and then created the largest group of artists in the world in the village of Beijing, and created a real, cash-rolling and creative industry.

Beijing has an old drop in the grain, and Berlin has a Borge, then what about us?

Looking back at Taiwan's founding organization, you can count the number of Lin Huai-min, Hsu Li-ling, Eslite, and Wu Ching-yu. Are there any such crazy people in the design world who look down at the age of 40 or below? Fortunately, in the last year of the Taiwanese designer, I saw the convener Liao Junhao, who saw the group of curator Hu Youzong, Yi Wei-sheng, and this group of idiots.

curator Hu Yuzong's "Tea for Tea" exhibition.Photo from Taiwan Designer Week | Source

The Rain show that is easily won by the curator.Photo from Taiwan Designer Week | Source

A prerequisite for industry survival — — an iron-selfless business mechanism

However, I still need to remind you that the creation of cultural and creative industries is not enough, except for the great enthusiasm of a group of idiots.

We are still looking back to the new economy, which is now shouted by countries, and the new economy that we shouted at the beginning of the development of the Internet. Is there a similar bubble? I must say that after the financial, manpower and civil air converged by the surging blood flow, the cultural and creative industries still have to return to the point of origin of the business.(Sibling: What do you do with luck?An Interview with Liu An-ting: "Once it's gone, it will be more than left at the origin"

Picture | Source

After the financial, labor, and civil population converged through the blood flow, cultural and creative industries still have to return to the point of origin.

We will understand that all good ideals and concepts are rooted in the realities of the real world, "says Mr. Huang." Just as the constitution of the Republic of China has been established, it is necessary to compromise to the real political power, and the noble aesthetic and design will eventually be taken to the supply and demand principles of the market.

This is the moment in which tax laws, labor conditions, costs, employment markets, consumer demand, business competitiveness, and even history, social values, and people's behavior models are not important to the cultural and creative industries.

How can the industry develop? I'm still thinking about how to go there. The only thing that is clear is that the design of this tool is both strong and dazzling, after all, there is still its limit. It will ultimately be the rules of supply and demand in the marketplace.

Section content section of this article is taken from the < Polar Light — Sweden, which is published in Marx.Design economics >.The contents of the Berge statement were based on a dinner interview of 5 September 2009.