The Hollywood MeToo movement continued to ferment. The CNN survey revealed that Morgan Ferriman, a well-known film star, has recently been accused by many women of improper behavior and sexual harassment of women.

The Hollywood MeToo movement continued to ferment. Morgan Freeman, a well-known actor, has recently been accused by several women of Morgan Ferriman and sexual harassment of women.

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Morgan Ferriman is an Oscar-winner who has been deeply rooted in the image of God in the famous movie "Ace Gods". He is also the producer of the popular album "the Secretary of state," who, in addition, has played three-degree Justices of the Supreme Court in CBS's political dramas.

CNN published a survey in Thursday, pointing out that Morgan Ferriman often sexually harassed young women in film work or in his own film campaigns.

Of the 16 people interviewed by CNN, an Phung and Chloe Melas, 8 explicitly accused Morgan Ferman of sexual harassment and 8 indicated that they had witnessed Morgan Ferman sexual harassment of others.

Morgan Ferman was accused of sexual harassment, including an attempt to uncover a female production assistant's skirt, or to utter offensive remarks about a woman's dress or body in public.

A young production assistant told CNN that he had been entangled in the movie "Going in Style" in the 2017-year film "Dashing and rushing back".

"Once, Morgan Ferriman in the film constantly want to lift my skirt, and even asked me" there is no underwear ah! 』」

The woman said that although Morgan did not "successfully open the skirt", but constantly touch her body, ignoring her evasive evasion. Finally, the same play actor Aaron. Kim (Alan Arkin) can't see it, stop it, "Morgan just touched his nose and left awkwardly." 」

In response to these allegations, Morgan Ferman through Hollywood Reporter . "Anyone who knows me or who has worked with me knows that I will not deliberately violate or deliberately act to make others uncomfortable," he said. I apologize to those who feel uncomfortable or not respected because of my behavior, which is never my intention. 」

"Anyone who knows me or has worked with me knows I am not someone the WHO would intentionally the offend or knowingly make Anyone Feel uneasy. I apologize to anyone who felt uncomfortable or disrespected-that is never my intent. "

This January, Morgan Ferman also received a lifetime achievement award from the American Actors Guild (the Screen Actors Guild, SAG). Today, SAG is reopening the debate on whether to revoke the award of lifetime achievement awarded to Morgan Ferman.