This is the day I Love me the fifth day of the festival, and the fifth event of this year's 525: Women are obsessed with Open house.

This day is the fifth day that I love my courage festival, and I love the fifth work of my day-I love I have the courage section of the fifth event. 525 that night, we have a very special design, is also the first woman fans in the form of Open house, to Email inviting women to stay in the station for seven years, with women fans of the most intimate group of readers, to the scene of women fan paradise, and women fans of the partner for in-depth communication.

At 6:30 in the evening, readers begin to enter Paradise, paradise atmosphere gradually heat up, from 6:30 to 7:30, is the reader with a woman fan partner together for dinner time, paradise first floor atmosphere warm, five or six people sit around a circle, we exchange each other to the female fans of the understanding, but also share the female fans and their lives deep shallow fetters.

525 activities, not only to the reader, but also for women fans partner. Woman Fan is a community, the world again indifferent, there are still a group of people, believe that we deserve to be gentle with each other, without distinction of gender, sexual orientation, gender temperament.

Tonight's activities are divided into four parts, the first part, by women fans partner Tanya, Audrey, merci for readers to bring women fans team culture experience. The second part is the Guest courage Guest ball Zhung, sharing his Nordic courage journey with the reader. In the third part, we invite a woman to fan the reader and share her courage story with all the people on the scene. In the end, it is a woman fan designer Merci, and everyone to share the female fans of the companion plan.

Before the official start of the event, the co-founder and CEO of the female fans Wei Xuan, sitting in the night area sofa, and everyone to share the purpose of doing 525 activities, in fact, is to hope and readers have more to go heart, distance closer, more warm contact. Wei Xuan to all the readers who have supported women for many years today, deep expression of gratitude, words to the depths, can not help falling tears, "I actually did not prepare to cry," she said while wiping tears, the reader also smiled, the readers are also warm in the stage Shang Xuan Express support.

In fact, at dinner time, readers have naturally formed a circle of readers, before entering the team culture experience, the co-founder Tanya invited everyone to stand up and walk, move the body, then please sit down in place, break up the natural formation of the group, so that different readers in the waiting experience have the opportunity to communicate with each other.

The next is the woman fan editor Audrey, for you to explain the female fans of the special activities when thinking "brain Storm" is also the focus of the team culture experience.

The theme of this brain storm is "I do not white live is ____", echoing 525 activity slogan, we send a convenient post, invite the reader in three minutes, as far as possible to think and write on the convenience of "I do not white live" performance keyword. Looking at readers attentively, slanting head thinking, or Shong write down their respective keywords, it is very lovely, very beautiful.

After the thought, then is convergence, each group discusses their own group Three key words, we also invite the reader according to three key words, carries on the visual creation expression, jumps out the comfort circle, uses the usual unaccustomed way, broadens own imagination. Some groups create together, and some groups are based on their most experienced keywords to graffiti. Finally, it is the time that each group shares.

Many groups appear together, "Brave expression of Love", "dream of Practice", "live in the Present" keyword, in different groups of visual description, but also see their respective interpretation of these keywords style. It is impressive that among the group-sharing, one of the groups mentioned that their team members were very passionate about their work, and that one of the key words was "I love to Work", and the whole audience laughed and gave them applause.

After the end of the team culture, the group members are still very involved in the atmosphere, continue to discuss the posters on their respective written keywords, and even the group of members, and the poster to take a picture of a big photo.

In the warm atmosphere, Open House entered the second event: the Courage Guest Guest ball Zhung Nordic travel to share.

The ball of sincere sharing: to break through, but do not force

The ball is not the first time to participate in women's activities, in fact, she was also the 2016 I love my big woman time speaker. In the opening, she greeted the reader in a more direct manner, and expressed her concern to the woman's partner at the scene.

She says she mainly relies on singing to make a living, but it's not so limited to her own imagination, she often writes words on albums, and occasionally many people want to hear her share her life story. Today, she shares with her readers the story of her March trip to northern Europe.

"I'm not really a person who is good at traveling, and my most comfortable trip is tied to work," he said. I am a person who is afraid of traveling. This is the way I try to break through myself. However, this time I am not a person traveling, I feel, want to break through, but do not force. "The ball tells the reader frankly at the outset that traveling is a challenge for her to leave the comfort zone." She tried to break herself, but not to force herself.

She began with the film from the air machine and shared her views with her readers. It's lovely to be honest, "before I started, I thought I was going to Iceland, and I finally found out that there was no Iceland on this trip, and all the travel imaginations were destroyed after the mystery was revealed." Then we should go to Switzerland, and as a result we went to Sweden. "The whole audience is a laugh, the ball is not afraid to expose their silly side, not only cute, I often feel that people who can show their true colors, the most courageous."

"We are six people, traveling together in northern Europe. One of them is very control of the trip, so the itinerary is good; another friend is in charge of the budget, so we don't have to worry about money. I do not have any, originally wanted to take care of food for everyone, did not expect to have another partner than I am better at this matter, so, I actually is not useful. She also gave herself the role of enjoying the journey as much as possible, not arguing about the itinerary, but enjoying every moment.

Set out in northern Europe, everyone is looking forward to see the Aurora, but the small ball said she dare not delusion. "I've never been a very lucky man," he said. So I have been building for myself: This journey, I certainly will not see the Aurora. I didn't expect to see the aurora on the first day of dinner. She recalled that the Aurora still had the same surprise on her face. She also said, although the mouth said so, but she actually has a strong belief in the heart, I believe she will see the Aurora. "I always, with the best hope, do the worst psychological preparation." 」

She thought she'd been lucky to see it the first day, and she didn't think there would be any aurora for the rest of the day. She was also there to understand that, under such geographical and natural conditions, the human form of life was indeed related to the land, the climate and the natural breeze.

"In Northern Europe, you will understand why IKEA furniture colors are like this, because that is the color of their natural scenery." However, I do not want to say that the foreign moon is more round. "The small ball uses the very vivid analogy," the Nordic strawberry is very big, is very stout beautiful, but when you bite down, but will discover the strawberry does not have any fragrance and the sweetness, I thought that perhaps is because, they exhausted the strength to withstand the Nordic cold weather. But in Taiwan, our fruit is very sweet, and these parts that we used to be, in fact, are very amazing, but we are too accustomed to, so we ignored. 」

Sometimes, go to the distance is not to see the broader landscape, but also through the arrival of the distant, will understand those we are accustomed to the things, are worthy of cherished scenery.

"So the current situation is not the lifestyle you want, and only you know it." The way you love yourself, only you can decide. Only if you know what you look like and whether it makes you feel comfortable and comfortable, it's also a question you can ask yourself. Then bring up the courage to practice or change. She said that she saw everyone in their own life has been the courage to practice, they are just sitting on the more comfortable sofa, and share her story. In the end, she shared with all the readers of the audience the cream caviar she had brought back from northern Europe, and the share was ended in a contented expression.

Fan Xin: When lucky absent, courage always in

The fourth part, is the reading of women fascinated by the hearts of fans for many years to share. She wears floral skirts, smart girls, sharing themes full of women's positive force: can not take off the volume label, give these volume standard strength.

Wen Xin's voice is very gentle, she said, before introducing themselves, invite everyone to think about how they will introduce themselves, whether involuntarily through a lot of classification, to classify each person's appearance?

She said her key words are "two","two there are many kinds of concepts, I am two or three groups, I am the second voluntary Normal school attached to the secondary school, is a girl, this society is said to be second nature, who will become the accessory." My mother is not Taiwanese, they say, you are the second generation of new immigrants. 」

Her parents are blue collar, she said, she heard many people told her, "because you are ... so you can't." Your parents are all blue-collar graduates and how to compete with children whose parents are doctors and professors. When the whole world tells you this, there will be a moment of wavering. If not repaired in time, he will grow into a big tree and crush your confidence. 」

People around her will also tell her, "You do not tell others your mother is Chinese, because everyone's discrimination is very small, you say, others look at your vision is different." Don't tell anyone you're in Group two or three, you may not find a boyfriend. I once believed these things, and the community told me and the people I respected. "It's a breakthrough for her to be a fan of this," I'm really grateful to women, and I've found that a lot of things are not like this through reading and discussing here. 」

Wen Xin says, "Reading a woman is like digging a shovel out of a bad seed and filling it up with your heart, making you a better planet and more aware and accepting of yourself." She said it was because of the power of reading that she found the right planet to walk on. When she said here, the Wei Xuan under the stage has been moved to cry into a tears.

Wen Xin slowly dropped her share of the conclusion, "find those who make you feel alive and worthwhile and meaningful." Let the courage accompany yourself, when luck is absent, courage is always there. "After the words, the stage sounded enthusiastic applause."

Along the way, you and I have company: the companion plan of the female fan

525 Open House comes to an end, and women fans designer merci to share her reasons for joining women fans with the field partners. "In 2014, when there was no media coverage of gender and gay issues in Taiwan, I was surprised to see women fascinated by the French article on gay marriage, and I was amazed by the fact that the media in Taiwan would insist on such content," he said. 」

Not just her, but in the process of Merci doing the user survey, she also heard a lot of moving stories, the same day she shared with us, once had a more than 30-year-old girl, because the body of the surgery to take off the uterus, she said that after losing the uterus, often feel like they are not normal women, in the woman fans read let her find, as a woman , there are a lot of possibilities. Merci said that the day the reader told her, her eyes sparkled, "like you sitting under the stage." 」

Merci the end of the evening, "women are obsessed with this year, have been gone for the seventh year, we want to do more things, more articles, services and activities to help all people to find their own strength." "Women are hooked on plans, have different companionship programs, want to be closer to the reader, and want to provide a conduit for readers to be more specific about gender change."

We all need companionship, need to be supported, and need to be surrounded by tenderness. We hope to provide readers with such support, but also hope that readers can become our friends, support women fans go down together. In the second half, the company plans to be online, next week will release detailed information, welcome to lock. Also please all online fans under the line, together look forward to: