June 28, 1969, the stone wall incident, the stone wall riots were identified as the United States in the history of homosexuals first against the government-led persecution of gender-disadvantaged groups of examples, invite you to review the history of today, pay attention to gay rights.

On June 28, 1969, the stone wall riots (Stonewall riots) were widely considered to be the important origins of the American Gay Liberation Movement and contemporary gay rights struggle.

New York police in the United States when the gay people gathered at the stone wall Bar (Stonewall) to conduct a search, sparked resistance and outbreak of a dispute. Stone wall riots were identified as the first time gay people in the United States to rebel against the government-led persecution of gender-vulnerable groups, but also gave birth to the Gay pride parade, June 28 is considered a gay pride day, June is gay Pride month.

The day of the history of the "riots" has opened a gay movement, June 29, 2017, the New York Times more than the scene of the 360-degree documentary film, so that people around the world can urbanite, participate in the gay parade scene of the hot atmosphere, see the rainbow flag flying throughout the city.

Let's commemorate this day in history, everyday matters.

It's a long way to go, if you want to learn more about gay sports,