Everyday matters Illustration unit, take you to see how every day in history, how to affect every one of us today.

July 13, 1954 is the anniversary of the death of renowned Mexican painter-Frida Kahlo, a famous famous saying, "I have no ambition to be anyone" "I don ' t have the least ambition to become anybody."

July 13 is the birthday of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo (1907-1954), she is famous for her feminist, symbolic and surrealist paintings, while the very personal character of the eyebrows, the big flower bun and the Red scarf shape is also the classic element of her self-portrait. (Recommended reading: A condensed view of her own female artist, Liv-Carol )

Bold and creative performance, the Frida Kahlo broke the traditional aesthetic on the female body similar to the Venus-like worship, truly carved out the real life of women and ugliness, restore the strength of female life. And when we stare at Carol's self-portrait, it's like staring at a woman. A petal of the heart with a brush peel, see a single belongs to women, the most primitive expression.

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