Handsome lady, take you to pussy Riot, who rushes into the World Cup championship, and listen to their ideas, and perhaps you will understand why they are playing.

In Sunday, the World Cup championship to the second half of the 52 minutes, the scene suddenly appeared three women and a man disguised as police, performing "police break into the game", rushed into the football field, one also with the French team's young star Mbappé high fives. Who are they?

Photo source |pitchfork

They were in fact the Russian punk band/feminist group Pussy Riot, who fought for a dozen seconds on the court. 15 seconds, the global surprise exclaimed, some dumbfounded, someone cursed, but this is not the emergence of the "noisy field", but there is a plan to the Russian human rights issues, through the various countries broadcast footage, transmitted to the eyes of hundreds of millions of viewers around the world.

On this day, it is also the anniversary of the 11 anniversary of the death of Dmitri Prigov, the Russian poet and human rights campaigners. Dmitri Prigov was also imprisoned by Russian dictators in a psychiatric hospital.

Pussy Riot, in Facebook and Instagram, quotes the poet Dmitri prigov classification of the police "ideal police (the heavenly policeman) and the real police (the earthly policeman)", and wrote A statement.

Dmitri prigov Picture Source

Photo source |pussyriot FB

"The ideal policeman treats wild flowers tenderly and enjoys Russian victories; the reality police ignore Oleg Sentsov's hunger strike ...
The ideal police protects every step of the baby, and the reality police arrest them not only for political prisoners, but also for people who share their praise in the community.
The ideal police organized a wonderful World Cup carnival, the real police are afraid of festivals;
The ideal police seriously ensure that the world is governed by the rule of law, while the actual police regard the rule of law as nothing.
The World Cup reminds us that in the future good Russia may appear (as if from heaven) the ideal police, but see the rules of the game as the reality of the police, but Zhen ri destroy our world.

The Oleg Sentsov, which appeared in the Pussy Riot statement, was a Ukrainian film director born in Crimea who was convicted of terrorism in May and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Oleg Sentsov, who refused to yield to power, ordered the Russian authorities to release other Ukrainian political prisoners after more than 60 days in prison. The number of these political prisoners exceeds 60, some of whom have been on a hunger strike for more than hundred days. The reasons for detention, such as the hoisting of the Ukrainian flag at home, or only the general human rights movement.

Oleg Sentsov Photo source |Meduza

Pussy Riot attached 6 points after the statement: (a) release of all political prisoners; no detention of any person on the basis of "praise" in social media; stop unlawful arrest of a rally or procession; domestic political competition should be allowed;

The claim that no one can detain anyone because of "praise" on social media sounds small, but is a human rights situation facing the Russians.

Before the start of the World Cup, Russian citizens found that they could be investigated and prosecuted for "extremism", "incitement to hatred", "threats to existing state systems" and "treason", according to Juneau, a citizen of Russia, before the tournament began. Penalties include fines, imprisonment, and even compulsory institutionalization.

The human rights situation in Russia is something that deserves the world's attention as well as the Champions League.

Before the World Cup, the global solidarity of the pussy Riot

Pussy Riot in September 2011 Putin announced the re-election of the president, the Taiwan translation will pussy Riot turned into a "kitten riot", in fact, Pussy also have female genital meaning, they have in the interview mentioned, the use of the word pussy, women have challenged the "order" of the meaning.

Photo source |meduza

The 12-man punk orchestra they originally made for women, dressed in bright clothes to keep anonymous personal safety in the hood, and through musical performances and various behavioral arts, the country's democracy, freedom and human rights issues were watched and protested, and 15 technicians joined the scene, filming, editing and uploading to the web to broaden the visibility of the issue.

The group's 3 members were arrested and sentenced to 2 years in 2012 after 5 members of the orchestra staged an anti-Putin performance at the altar of the church in Moscow, where the video was online. The incident received global attention, from the United States President Barack Obama, British foreign Affairs Secretary, Foreign Minister of Canada, Aung San Suu Kyi, the German Bundestag 120 members, singer Stimson, Madonna, Paul McCartney and other people, are pussy Riot public solidarity.

The sentenced 2 members were soon pardoned, while lead singer Nadezhda Tolokonnikova continued to be imprisoned for up to 18 months.

Pyotr Verzilov, the only male member of the scene of the break-in, is actually the lead singer Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, who was imprisoned for 2012 years. With Mbappé high Fives female associates treatment is different, on the court, Pyotr Verzilov Miss Aya Dejan players Lovren mercilessly caught. After the game Dejan Lovren to reporters that he had lost his sense, just want to make the scene of the people caught out of the field.

Photo source |thewest

It is understandable that the game was in the second half, when Croatia was 2:4 behind France, the offense was disrupted, and the players were naturally frustrated.

After the game, 4 members of the Pussy Riot who broke into the venue were charged with "violating the rules of formal sporting events" and other non-criminal offences, the lawyers they appointed lacked the right to meet immediately, the parties were sentenced to 15 days ' imprisonment and were barred from participating or watching any sporting events for three years, so that Putin disgraced them, There may be more criminal charges to come, and international attention continues to pussy Riot dynamics.

The latest news is that Petr Verzilov in the course of the police transcript, the dialogue with police officers was recorded in the police station, and was reported by the multinational media.

Russian police officers loudly questioned the male member Petr Verzilov why to do so, Petr Verzilov replied, "We support Russia as much as you do-if you support Russia." 」

The remark made by the police officers in the transcript was widely reported, and this passage also showed a general view of the Russians on the dissidents: "I sometimes think it is a pity that it is not 1937 years." (referring to the "great Terror" totalitarian period under Stalin's rule.) )」

The so-called "war nation" Russia, "feminism" is still a dirty word

"Rolling Stone" has invited Pussy Riot's lead singer Nadya Tolokonnikova with her husband Pyotr Verzilov, and their collaborators Matt Kulakov interviewed, during the interview, the lead singer mentioned that in Russia "feminist" is still a dirty word, " You will often hear that feminism is evil, derogatory and considered obscene, and that, under the propaganda of the State apparatus, feminism is considered to be in conflict with Russia's values. 」

Image source | Rolling Stone Magazine

In the 2012 court-related document of detention, Nadya Tolokonnikova was considered anti-Russian because she claimed to be a feminist.

In spite of that, Nadya Tolokonnikova more inclined to claim sex as a feminist, because feminists are not just fighting for women's rights, but of liberating a rigid gender role in a patriarchal society.

"I also want to fight for Matt's freedom to wear skirts and makeup," he said. "she said.

Her husband, Pyotr Verzilov, said in unison with Matt that feminism has always been about more than women's issues. "Many initiatives of feminist action, not only by women, but also by men." "PYOTR Verzilov said," Feminism is definitely not limited to women. " 」

Just as feminism is by no means feminine, artistic expression can never be limited to art, but completely disconnected from politics. The World Cup soccer tournament, also cannot volley in the real world to hold.

Pussy Riot Not only is the orchestra, from the feminist care, for human rights, the rule of law, freedom, equality of the spirit of voice, they pay attention to LGBTQ situation, attention to transnational trafficking, challenge the whole country's dislike of women and phobia. A national regime that challenges the center of masculinity with the name of a female genital group. In Russia, where NGO development has been suppressed and even incorporated, the Feminist Initiative in the form of orchestras, such as the orchestra, is rather an informal feminist organization that is more free and creative.

Photo source |cosmopolitan

Pussy Riot in a cheerful and not offensive atmosphere of the celebration to break into the stadium, creating this informal "pause time", take us those who have been accustomed to freedom, equality, the rule of law foreign audiences, see the stadium win or lose, the real Russian appearance.