D&i the second time between the strategies! Many foreign companies, such as Netflix, Apple, Intel and others, are implementing diversity and inclusion (D&i). In Taiwan, this part of the discussion is still scarce. In the future every week, women fans will talk to you about the way to help businesses gain and grow

Through the previous article "D&i not | Let staff have a sense of belonging, enterprise high-speed growth of d&i you heard?" , perhaps you are very interested in the benefits that d&i can bring, and are eager to execute d&i.

So, we're going to talk this week about the rights and benefits that d&i can bring to employees, and then we'll cite the McKinsey survey to show you actually how EBay performs d&i.

D&i rights and benefits for employees

Why is it so important for employees to create multiple communion?

MIT Sloan School of Management and Rutgers University, had a survey : The more diverse the team, in the team work, than the background of the high level of the team, performance should be better. A good team player can help people think more actively and produce more ideas. And when you think of ideas, a highly diversified team, because the background and values are different, some employees have analytical skills, some employees are creative, so that a problem can have different views, to avoid falling into the "group think".

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At the same time, a highly diversified team can also improve the efficiency of solving problems, "Fortune" has mentioned that women tend to have high social sensitivity (social sensitivity), and social sensitivity is one of the key to solve the problem. So the number of women in the team increases and the efficiency of problem solving is increased.

and create a pluralistic and inclusive environment, staff turnover will be reduced, for business owners, not to worry about spending time to cultivate talent, investment staff, and finally nothing. (Recommended reading: Taiwan is not without talent, but lack of discerning bole )

Having said so many benefits, let's take a look at how EBay actually operates d&i in the enterprise, helping you think about how to drive in the business:

Since 2010, EBay has been aware of the value of multiple genders, so it is considered a major task to "increase the proportion of higher-order women executives".

Why would a female supervisor be the target? The reason is simple, if there is no female director in the company as a model, it is difficult to encourage those who just enter the company's female staff, the courage to pursue their career goals. For the enterprise, it is more likely to lead to wasteful waste.

How does EBay do that?

From the top as a starting point, pull out the female model

At the end of 2010, when CEO John Donahoe of EBay launched "Women's initiative Network"-A forum of executive-level women (now open to women in all positions), invited speakers, organized workshops, groups Discussion, attempting to open dialogue among women through forum activities. (Recommended reading:Google CEO, Alik Smitt, was slapped by his own staff: why do you keep interrupting women?) )

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At the end of the WIN forum, John immediately made three recommendations to the board: "Increase the number of female leaders", "reduce the wastage rate of female employees" and "increase women's satisfaction with work". In the direction of the above three recommendations, EBay has also developed specific objectives and strategies in a okrs manner:

  • When conducting an open leadership position, the interviewer and the candidate are required to cover all gender
  • In any position, a good female employee must have a personal career plan and discuss with her supervisor
  • Leaders must monitor the diversity of the promotion pipeline to ensure fair
  • Each manager and associate must help guide and train five women to develop top talent
  • The company will continuously and regularly track the relevant data

The above mentioned goals, in addition to showing EBay's determination to diversify, to follow up, to be able to focus on recruitment, promotion and development plans more early on, and to consciously expand the number of female candidates to help them get higher management positions, and to have a common understanding of the diversity objectives of all company members, and put it into action.

Change is ongoing, and employees share the results!

Different sex for the workplace planning, there is bound to be a difference in the imagination of the promotion, so when implementing D&i, it is recommended that the Supervisor initiate a dialogue with the female staff, understand their career arrangements, and what they want from the career ladder, even her ambitions and ambitions, to ensure that both sides have the same knowledge of the promotion pipeline. (Recommended reading:"female Force Survey" a picture to understand: to support the modern woman self-confidence forward momentum )

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In addition, open dialogue and communication at the same time, can be timely to adopt staff suggestions, show the company in the implementation of D&i positive degree and intent. On one occasion, an ebay female employee suggested to the company that a pregnant woman's exclusive parking space be set up closer to the company's doorstep, and that over a week, all the buildings on ebay had women's exclusive parking spaces. EBay's attempt to show reform in action is evident. When a company has a specific role to make, employees are more likely to be more confident that the company wants to change and is more vocal.

Finally, keep in mind that "sharing" is one of the core values of executive D&i.

When the d&i is executed, EBay will make specific numbers of growth and progress, regularly open to employees, the data contains the female leader's share. Such transparent data, both right and right, can inspire morale, because only by seeing growth can we continue to inspire growth.

The actual executor of D&i also needs to continue to give encouragement, resources and assistance to maintain their enthusiasm. Always remember that the transparency of the data, open, relatively speaking is a commitment and statement, which can motivate employees to invest in this job!

This is this week's d&i did not report, if about d&i you have to discuss, welcome to leave a message! Next week, we will discuss how d&i can have a positive impact on society.