Careful inventory, from the virus, disease, all the way to the body's organs, are engraved with the name of the male anatomy, this is a memorial, or a manifestation of gender bias?

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Have you ever been curious about this? When we refer to the disease, the name of the body structure, it is like reading a book: "The Man Aha moment"?

For example, in order to commemorate the anatomy of the James Douglas, female abdominal cavity of the deepest uterine rectum recess, was named the Douglas Nest. Oviduct is also because of the discovery of Falopio (Fallopian), and is named as "Fallopian tube".

To count these mysterious human constructs, bacterial viruses, diseases: Aquilis tendons, salmonella, Parkinson disease ... let us move our eyes, then to the female pelvis, from the womb, the ovary, to the vagina, the labia, even the mysterious "g point, as if there were countless male seals.

Women's vagina, is to protect the "blade"?

BBC Future in 〈the case for renaming women 's body parts〉, from medicine to biological science terminology, to explore its source, seems to reflect the patriarchal system brought about by gender bias. After all, in the past, the realm of biology and medicine was dominated by men, and women did not have the right to speak. (Recommended reading: who is holding a woman's body?) The Goddess and the slut under the patriarchal eye

The most commonly heard example is hysteria (hysteria), although it is now used to describe human moods and emotional instability, but in the past, hysteria was a form of mental illness.

People at the time believed that the symptoms of hysteria were caused by disturbances, wandering or errors in the female uterus (although it was later confirmed that men also had the possibility of hysteria) so the word hysteria originated in Greek "Hystera", which had the meaning of the uterus.

For example, the female vagina (vagina), whose word is derived from the Latin "scabbard" (sheath), is used to protect the blade of the condom. The clitoris (clitoris) is also derived from the Greek "kleitorís" or the verb "kleiein", which means "closed".

Even the hymen (hymen), also by the anatomy of Andreas Vesalius, the use of male Greek marriage god hymen for the name of life.

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The controversy of "thinking of language shaping"

Now, do we look at our bodies from the perspective of the male anatomy, and will we shape our thinking because of these sexist words? The question of whether language will affect thinking or whether to think about the need to rely on language has always been a matter of great controversy and discussion, as is the case with chickens, eggs, and mixed.

However, it is up to us to ask who has the right to stamp his or her name on other people's body parts and the name of the organ.

Therefore, the BBC Future in the article, citing Professor UCSD Lera Boroditsky's study, replied: "These body parts of the academic terminology, should not only around the male" found "body structure victory. Medical terminology should be replaced by the fact that for the body users, there are practical and instructive words. 」

Should we still give the body part the name it should have and function, rather than just to commemorate the inventor?

I think that regardless of whether the language is shaped or not, whether or not these sexist words will affect people's values, can you recall that there was a problem with the phrase "long used but with gender bias" in the past? (Recommended reading: ubiquitous mouth cannon culture and sexism!) "The Dead Waiter" is actually no more than "the big tail bass eel Two" clever )

If so, I think that's the answer.