Korea's popular drama in Asia, behind its bright, is the Korean society of oppression of women, even if women rise and revolt, is a long road.

From the recent aggressively Korean drama "Kim secretary Why", by the beginning of July, spending 40 billion, triggering a popular hot drama "Mr. Sunshine Mr.sunshine", South Korea Film and television in the Asian circle set off the trend, until now has not ceased. South Korea in the production of drama, do not hesitate to hit the heavy, its fruitful results, in addition to the reaction in the soaring ratings, but also reflected in the Asian fans, for its fashion, music and other trends in the pursuit.

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The charm of the Obadhai pursuit of heroine plot, Prince Princess love story, however, in the gorgeous stage of Korean drama set up behind, is the Korean women struggle against male power oppression. (Recommended reading:"Gender Watch" fear of abandoned Obadhai, Korean dramas other than the generation of women )

Do you see the oppressed women behind the brightly-colored Korean dramas?

The Korea Times said in a report that according to a woman who had been an intern at a television station, they worked from 7:30 to 3:40 during the TV show, working 20 hours a day and one months only to receive 177 dollars. In addition to long hours of work, it is also necessary to endure male verbal sexual harassment, such as indecent dirty jokes on women, or use inappropriate words to humiliate women. Even, there will be sexual harassment on the body. (Recommended reading:"82 born Jin Zhiying": Korea's best-selling aerial novel last year, but also our real world )

They have expressed dissatisfaction, but only in exchange for the superior's warning: "This work is so, can not bear to go, anyway, many people want to rob this job." "But they know that once they leave, that means there's no chance of being in the movie circle anymore."

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In fact, the Korean workplace discrimination against women, sexual harassment, has always existed, especially in the Korean film and television circles, before the scene behind the scenes are so.

In the previous days, for example, the Korean actress, a instargram, posted an entrepreneur's private message on the island and warned that if he were to send him a similar message, he would disclose the IDs of those people. The message reads:

"Hello, I am 43 years old, is a Korean entrepreneur living in Japan." Want to know if you are interested in long-term financial sponsorship? If you can be my escort every time I visit South Korea, I will sponsor you for a long time. If it bothers you, say sorry first. 」

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Not only Zhi Xing, in fact, from the 2009 Zhang Zi Yan Suicide case [Note 1], Korean Entertainment has been exposed to the so-called "unspoken rules", that is, the actress through the relationship with business owners to obtain funding, or job opportunities. The actresses, who are mostly restricted by brokerage firms, are forced to have sex with these sponsors.

Female stars in front of the curtain are oppressed by brokerage firms and must have sex with sponsors, and female workers behind the scenes must endure verbal and physical harassment from colleagues. The same is true for the pursuit of dreams and life, they have to pay more than other men, and more.

Where are the vocal ducts of Korean women?

Korean drama "Often invited to eat sister," is depicted in Korea women in the workplace situation: after work, with colleagues, the director of dinner, girls help pour wine, help clip vegetables, not because the job is low, because, he is a girl, be in charge to accompany male customers to eat, entertain, also be told skirt wear a little, makeup a little bit, tone a little bit.

These women, do you have a chance to say no?

According to the Korea time, in the South Korean film Circle, 62% of women in 749 questionnaires said they had been sexually harassed by their male colleagues, including actresses, female writers, and women backstage quests. The data show how rampant sexual harassment is in South Korea's film and television circles. However, there are very few people who actually seek help from outside.

Perhaps you may ask, the MeToo movement in South Korea to burn, did not become the female to seek help the opportunity? Indeed, because of the rise of the Korean MeToo Movement, film and television circle latent rules are again valued, there are 200,000 of South Korean netizens to launch a joint campaign, I hope the police can thoroughly investigate the case of Purple Yan, also gave the victim a justice, and all the hidden rules of the female star, a fair.

An Xizheng, once regarded as a presidential candidate, has stepped down after being accused of sexual assault on the secretary, Gao Ban, a South Korean poet who has the chance to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, has been moved out of South Korean textbooks for alleged sexual harassment, and hundreds of women have stood up for MeToo. (Recommended reading: reading "The Jin Zhiying of the 82": only to become someone else, I can speak for myself )

But when women are brave enough to resist the oppression of men, men in power choose to respond in a different way.

South Korean man's MeToo counterattack, burns code excludes female participation

According to the Chosun Ilbo, male workers, fearing to be involved in the MeToo movement, began enforcing the "Burns Code" (pence rule) in the South Korean workplace (referring to the principle that the President of the United States was Mack Pens to do not participate in any cocktail party without a wife).

A 29-year-old South Korean female employee said he was unable to participate in any dinner with a male employee or boss because of the company's Code of bones, depriving him of the opportunity to cultivate interpersonal relationships. "I didn't do anything wrong, but the way they treated me made me feel wrong," he says. 」

So, does the MeToo movement really make Korean women's rights and interests rise? Undoubtedly, the MeToo movement makes Korean women more conscious of fighting for rights, but in the Korean workplace, the real power is still male.

According to the South Korean Ministry of Gender Statistics, in 2017, the country's top 500 companies, female executives accounted for only 2.7%. If Korean women do not work in the workplace, have a certain proportion of the right to speak, MeToo movement, may become a female workplace rights and interests of the obstacles.

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In response to the impact of the MeToo movement, the Ministry of Gender in Korea is developing a response to prevent the spread of the code of burns. In the near future, the community also launched a "#WithYou" campaign, when users in the use of #MeToo, will also use the #WithYou together, hoping to express the "with the victim" mood, become the victim's strength.