Miss Movement, Miss Sports, not to please who, in order to please themselves, longing for a warm sweating body. The movement teaches us to feel fear, to cross the fear, only to begin, you will meet the more advanced self!

On holiday afternoon, the gym report.

Stepping into the gym, I often feel like stepping into another space of thought, a world that encourages you to think less and act more, a place where you pay attention to yourself, a journey of hardship and growth, a body with memories, a clearer picture than you, and a stronger memory.

Usually too dependent on the head of the people, sometimes through regular exercise, remind themselves to take care of the body information, not always in the pain, just remember their body, the original is there. The so-called movement, in fact, more often, is serious and really, with your own body to establish a relationship, know that the past is ill-treated, give the body due respect, due time, listen to it, exercise it, let it support themselves, to the future and far away.

The process is not so comfortable. No one really grinning to exercise, no training is not hard, the gym girl, almost all cheeks red, or grim face.

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The coach said today to practice unarmed, do not carry weight, the main points in muscle coordination and strength training. I made some of the most annoying push-ups, from kneeling to stretching, and shaking my hands slightly. Ground up, my body went down the amplitude has been too small, lower than the torso faster, I am very distressed to ask why, the coach said, because you are afraid. Because you gave up too early. Because you think you will not get up, so you are more afraid.

Coach with elastic rope around me, said as far as possible pull large, as far as possible under pressure, do not fear, you want to let your body know, go down in the end is what kind of feeling, let your body to experience, to get used to this matter, let the body tell you, you can.

I have to bite the bullet to do a few groups, not much thought, absorbed, let the body take me down, and then down, feel stuck, knowing not to, and then down, to experience their boundaries. Sometimes under a lot of, can not afford their own body, I really do not come when the coach with the elastic rope to pull me, I vigorously breathe, then down, because of experience, know I can. I was sweating and panting, knowing that I had reached the place I had never been before and was happy in my heart. (Recommended reading:"Miss Sports" the beauty of the re-training is the experience of pain )

The trainer said that the muscle strength is so practiced, you have to stimulate, to experience, to get used to, to make it a part of your memory.

Some of the action is poor, perhaps muscle strength is not enough, may also dare not experience, like me, people will be afraid of, this good normal, but because of fear, but not to experience, it is a pity.

After thinking about it, I think it's a lot like doing things. Some things you always do poorly, it may be because the ability is not, it may be because you do not dare to let yourself to experience, so you have been in a safe range, pacing in situ, thinking that they are not to do.

In fact, it's very simple, after you try it out, you know you can. May, may not, really no loss. If it does not, let the elastic rope ring you, it is your partner, the partner is willing to catch you, but only you can start well for yourself. Only the beginning, will not always have the fear, always pacing in situ, it is possible, seriously and really for their own growth happy.

I would like to give those groups of particularly embarrassed push-ups to the future of their own.