The 13th time between D&i strategy! Diversity and Inclusion (D&I), which are executed by many foreign enterprises, are seldom discussed in Taiwan. We have integrated the five-point recommendation of Forbes and Boston consultants to provide a way for businesses to promote gender equality.

What do your employees think about promoting diversity in the workplace? D&i has become a career trend, foreign large and small enterprises to promote the full. But according to McKinsey's 2016 report, they surveyed 9 countries in Europe, a total of 233 companies, 2,200 employees, although most have implemented policies, but have not seen significant results. McKinsey made four discoveries about this situation:

  • Women's leadership is still inadequate: 52% of companies carry out more than 50% of their policies, but only 24% of companies have more than 20% of women in managerial rank.
  • Policy priority: Only 7% of companies view the D&i policy as a priority issue.
  • Employee sentiment: More than 88% of employees say they do not know that companies are pushing for diversity, while 62% of employees don't know how to help promote affirmative action.
  • Follow-up assessment: only 40% per cent of respondents said that after the implementation of the policy, the company has regular assessment and adjustment.

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In response to these findings, McKinsey advises leaders to support their position and to prioritize d&i as an annual priority for the enterprise, while assigning the appropriate drivers to each department and hierarchy to plan for the overall business.

Here, we synthesize the "Forbes" and the Boston consulting firm's five-point proposal to the enterprise reference that is expected to promote d&i.

Provide flexible working hours

The so-called flexible working hours, refers to the staff to set goals, and adjust their life plans, such as child care, school transfers, clinic appointments and so on. This approach enables employees to feel self-worth and work more efficiently. It takes hours to sit at your desk, to focus on efficiency and performance, and to create a positive workplace culture.

Traditionally, a person's performance depends on the length of work, the wrong judgment, and the inability of staff to properly distribute the proportion of life and work, resulting in a family burden falling on women who are considered to care for their families. According to Werk , a new career intermediary, 70% of women who resigned said they would not resign if they supported flexible working hours. (Recommended reading: Step on high heels to feed the mother milk!) The beauty and sadness of a professional woman )

Female model of drawing women

A company that is actively nurturing and drawing up female models can encourage more female employees. In 2017, the Financial Times conducted a study of 50 of the world's largest financial institutions, finding that the proportion of women at the grassroots level was 58%, but only one-fourth per cent of the higher-ranking talent segment. Without a leading role model, it is harder for women to imagine whether they will have a chance of promotion in the future. Therefore, companies should actively intervene to provide specific and obvious training and support, such as the establishment of a mentoring system, the creation of a network of female employees.

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Elimination of gender bias

Women in the workplace, faced with many unconscious prejudices, such as denying the value of women's labor, that they will eventually return to the family, not long-term career, and society's negative value of women also makes it difficult for them to express dissatisfaction or expectations, and even need to spend more effort to prove themselves. But how to change the business environment? You can open a course and start a group conversation, which is being done by well-known companies like Facebook and EBay. (Recommended reading: promotion Pipeline Transparent Fair, eBay with D&i training female top talent )

Avoidance of preconceived notions

Companies should avoid any position, including goals and requirements, for female employees. For example, when assigning a task, the supervisor may give the opportunity to others in good faith, considering whether the woman needs to take care of the child, but few managers will consider the needs of the male employee. A better approach would be to directly ask for their wishes and actively assist her in their potential.

Proper use of parental leave

Many businesses offer parental leave, but these vacations are often not fully utilized or are only available to women. Companies should encourage men to make more use of these family policies, not only to allow men to bet more time in the family, but also to improve the competitive environment for women to achieve equality in the workplace.

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The above is for everyone to organize the D&I strategy recommendations. Of course, there are many ways to promote gender diversity in the workplace, if your company is performing d&i, or if you have other ideas, welcome to fill out the form + comment below to share!