By studying a different sex position and having sex with the other half, finding the best way to make love becomes even more beautiful!

A woman's positive sex with a man is a two major condition of extreme sexual love.The most authoritative sex expert in Japan, Sung Mei-hsuan, is based on the perspective of sex science. In terms of the clinical experience of more than 10,000 people, how can the general public share a small method of giving men women pleasure to enjoy sexual pleasure?She emphasizes that both men and women should understand that their partner and their own body structure and reaction can be more enjoyable than their own.

Today, let us follow a simple illustration with a female doctor to make an introductory love in the text, so that you know what to do in the instant that it is inserted.

A lot of people are wondering if there is really a problem of "physical combination"?The Japanese sex authority expert points out that naturally, if each time a drawer is able to rub against the other's most sensitive places, it is of course very lucky. But even if there is not a 100 % perfect fit, it can also rely on various body positions to make the sex of each other cheer and be joyous.(Recommended reading: Adult film doesn't teach you: it's a good thing to focus on your knowledge of yourself )

The easiest way to relax the girls' posture is the missionary position, which is the most appropriate for the couple who are just together to explore the physical and reactive base of their bodies:

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Even if the partner's private place is not entirely appropriate for your body, it is not a serious problem.As long as the sum of money is spent on the body position, it can beSometimes you just have to change the angle of your feet or open the margin. Every sex is an infinite combination of changes. Two people will definitely find the best position best suited to the two sides!For example, the posture of a female child can increase the physical intimacy by sticking to the upper body:

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If the boys'private places are large, they can use the techniques (3), not deep, but still stimulate the girls' private place without suffering from pain:

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If the boys' private dimensions are small, you can use the techniques (4) to press the weight of the body on the body to make it easier to reach the female's mysterious G point:

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But of course, we have to be careful with the NG's case of NG's success!If the angle is not adjusted, the boy will focus on supporting his body and instead misses the stimulus point:

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Inserting an absolute value of sex is a major part of sex. You can try out more gestures and angles with your partner, and then you will find that as long as you find the right posture, your body can always be very close to one another!(Extended Read: Danish Sex Ambulance: Make Sex Workers Do )