Written on the Golden Globe winning list, for you who care about different issues, select 10 winning movies, paired with IMDB score, for the upcoming Lunar New Year even fake preemptive plan!

The 2019 76th Golden Globe Awards ceremony was held on January 6 to announce the winning list. Whether it is the winning actors and movies are worthy of attention, for you to organize 10 Golden Globe certification, online film database IMDb score of more than seven points, for the upcoming Lunar New Year even fake to do a good job of planning the film!

"Bohemian Rhapsody" (Bohemian Rhapsody) |imdb 8.3 points

Recommended for you who are crazy about pursuing your dreams.

The biographical film of Queen's Choir, a prominent British rock band, describes the short and legendary life of Fleddy Meu Churi, the soul figure of the Queen's Choir, in addition to vividly depicting the Queen's Choir's situation before it became famous and the grind between members of the orchestra after becoming famous. (Recommended reading:"Relationship Diary", "Queen's Choir" Freddy and Mary, you're the only friend I have )

If you have also been with a few crazy friends, together have a period of youth, it must be in retrospect, the best part of the day? Re-meet with old friends to watch "Bohemian Rhapsody", evoking our once crazy time!

Won the 2019 Golden Globes drama Best Film, the best Actor in the plot category

Photo | "Bohemian Rhapsody" movie Stills

Love Deception (the Wife) |imdb 7.3 points

Recommend to you who are interested in gender issues

Adapted from the best-selling novel of the same name, love. , describing the interweaving of love and hate between the people of the literary world who are adored by the crowd. Both men have the talent to fly, but the wife countless times in order to support the husband, free from the outside eye, sacrifice to hide their luster. Two people with a touch of emotion, how should they face the rest of the day?

In an exclusive interview with women fans, Deng Huiwen, a well-known psychiatrist, once said, "Don't stay where you are wronged." In a relationship, if you feel wronged, sacrificed, unable to do yourself well, and at the same time can not say go. Perhaps try to change the mood of the heroine in the picture, turning the "feel sacrifice" mentality into "I made it all."

Won the 2019 Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in the plot category

Picture | "Love." "Deceiving" movie stills

The Green Book of Happiness |imdb 8.3 points

Recommended for you who like to play with friends

With the 1960s as the film's space-time background, the famous African American pianist will travel to the conservative region of the southern United States to tour, in order to protect personal safety, hired a nominal American bodyguards as a roving driver, developed a more than race, color of the moving friendship.

If you should be my friend, you will be my friend. Our friendship is not limited by the gap between class, gender, rich and poor, I only know that when we get together, I can be the most comfortable to be myself, you will always be in front of me to show the real self. A look, we can dialysis each other's ideas, that is the proof of our friendship.

Won 2019 Golden Globe music or Comedy Best Picture, Best Supporting actor, best screenplay

Photo | "Happy Green Book" movie Stills

"True Favorites" (the favourite) |imdb 8.0 points

Recommend to you with a sense of history and culture

The film was engraved in the Britannia kingdom in the early 18th century, when a wise waitress appeared in the power struggle between the Queen and his wife. The waitress step by step Deborah let oneself jump out of the sad role, forward court to join the Queen and the Lady's battle, let two people confrontation into a three-person battlefield. And see who can stay to the end, which female force will be.

I fight not only for the pet, but also for the power I need as the master of the Court. If you like to see you come to my court struggle, women's pitted confrontation drama, I believe you will like "True pet."

Won 2019 Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in music comedy

Picture | "True favorite" movie stills

"For the Vice insensitive" (vice) |imdb 7.1 points

Recommended for you who are attracted to the history of the White House.

Have you ever wondered who the most powerful "vice President" in American history would be? The film depicts Dick Chaney, the deputy to President George W. Bush, to see how he moves from the staff to the vice president one step at a time, and how policy affected contemporary society.

Remember the Infatuated album "House of Cards" that let fans see a few years ago? Political behind-the-scenes operations that we usually struggle to understand and have no access to can be answered in albums or movies. Recommend "for the deputy unkind" to love to explore the political culture, with a rich curiosity of you.

Won the 2019 Golden Globe Award for Best Actor in music comedy

Photo | "For the vice insensitive" movie stills

Spider-Man: The New Universe (Spider-man:into the Spider-verse) |imdb 8.7 points

Recommend it to you with a hero's dream.

If there were more than one Spider-Man in the world, what would it look like? From the Spider-Man story as the background, but also known as Spider-Man-Peter Parker as a mentor of young Spider-Man, depicting Spider-Man from different "universes" to fight crime together, show justice, see all kinds of Spider-Man show different small universe.

No matter how many versions of Spider-Man movies, watching spider silk spit out, you can travel through the city, timely to prevent possible disaster images, can always evoke the soul of the hero in our hearts, we know that the world is not always full of light, but also believe that everyone is their own hero, everyone can create extraordinary for themselves.

Won 2019 Golden Globe Award for Best cartoon

Photo | "Spider-Man: The New Universe" movie stills

"Rome" (Roma) |imdb 8.1 points

Recommend to you who are interested in the turmoil of the Times

In Mexico City in the 1970, the political turmoil, how can the conflict between a middle-class family and social class problems affect the development of family members? "Rome" throughout the film in black and white tones and slow long lens, write down the emotional deep family story.

In a state where society also has serious racial discrimination, what would you do with a domestic helper if the family came to him? In the political turmoil of the middle-class family story, although the whole film is presented in black and white, in the lens, the ingenious use of the soundtrack, but also shed a calm atmosphere, that share of the long stream feelings.

Won 2019 Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film

Photo | "Rome" Movie Stills

"If Bill Street can speak" (if Beale Street could talk) |imdb 7.8 points

Recommend to you who believe in hope and love

Adapted from the work of the same name, "If Bill Street can talk," about the 70 's in the Black neighborhood of New York, when two young people were in strong love, the man was suddenly accused of being jailed and the woman found herself pregnant. How should this partner clear up the wrongs and face the rest of the life?

Just like everyone else, the protagonists in the movie are eager to get a secure, mundane love story, but there are always ups and downs in the process. "If Bill Street can talk" really shows the common problem that every lover will encounter-the outside eye, the two people are separated from each other in the situation. How to work together to spend a lifetime, one by one to solve the problems in life, is the protagonist of the film Life, but also our.

Won the 2019 Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress

Photo | "If Bill street can talk" movie stills

Pioneer of the moon landing (first man) | IMDb 7.5 points

It's recommended for you who like character movies.

Armstrong, the first astronaut to land on the moon, in his 1961-1969 life story as the background of the film story, in the first person's perspective to recreate Armstrong's landing on the moon at that time of uneasiness, sacrifice and efforts.

The film describing Armstrong is naturally a few, but can depict the difficulties and risks of the mission to the moon, while at the same time showing Armstrong's inner fear, disputed film, "Pioneer of the moon landing" is probably a minority. Armstrong is not a legend, he is a person who writes legends, he is like us, are living people, we can carry Armstrong's courage to live out of self-worth!

Won the best soundtrack for the 2019 Golden Globe Award

Photo | "Pioneer of the moon landing" movie Stills

"The birth of a Superstar" (a star is Born) |imdb 8.1 points

Recommend to you with an artist's character

Describe two of talented artists who inspire each other in music and the stage of life, pursue love, and strive to reply to love stories after setbacks. In the emotional entanglements of the two, from time to time there are wonderful music, a film full of hope from this born. (Recommended reading:"The birth of a Superstar" Lady Gaga: No one can stop you from becoming yourself )

Each with our artists belong to the temper of us, love and embrace each other at the same time, may also cause each other harm. But no matter how we quarrel, as we hear the familiar melody, the first figure in the brain, is still you, since we are all fascinated by each other, why not love a good one?

Won 2019 Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song

Photo | "The birth of a superstar" movie stills

In addition to giving performers encouragement, the Golden Globe is no doubt a selection of several memorable films for the audience in the vast movie sea. May we all be able to see the truth of life from the plot during this viewing journey and find a better way forward in the future.