In May 2019, Taiwan became the first country in Asia to marry together. But so far, many Asian countries still have Section 377 of the Criminal Code. Why didn't Thailand and the Philippines become "Asia First"? Gender force to make graphics, take you to see the Asian marriage flat map, together with the marriage equal rights out.

In May 2019, Taiwan officially recognized same-sex marriage through interpretation of the Court Of Justice Act No. 748.

But outside Taiwan, how far is the rest of Asia from the last mile? In many countries, the gay community still faces criminal responsibility under section 377 of the Criminal Code and the stigma of "crime" and "sickness" in medical care and religion.

Gender try to solve, take you to see the Asian marriage equal rights map, starting in Taiwan, let us look forward to one day, marriage equal rights in every country to take root.

Japan: Only regions recognize partnerships, but popular culture flourishes

In 2015, Tokyo's Shibuya District Council recognized same-sex partnerships. However, only some regions currently recognize partnerships and can deal with civil law matters. Japan's constitution is still a condition of marriage for "gender".

South Korea: No same-sex marriage still recognized

Although the popular film and television culture discusses the issue of same-sex marriage, the Korean Civil Code is still limited to couples. There have been appeals, but same-sex marriage is not yet recognized.

Thailand: Possible country of marriage

According to Wind Media , thailand proposed a draft "legalization of same-sex marriage " in 2013 , but it was delayed by a military coup . At the end of 2018, the government approved a draft of the Same-Sex Couples Act and sent it to Congress.

Philippines: Possible next country of marriage

According to the LGBTI Federation, the Philippines is the most gay and friendly country in Asia, but there are also 80% Catholics. In 2015, Gay Lawyers for the Philippines Jesus Falcis asked the court to declare marriage unconstitutional, according to The New York Times. In 2017, Duterte was also openly married. On May 21, the Philippine Congress conducted an online vote in favor of gay marriage, with 73,737 votes in favor, 77,307 against and 843 against, according to Vice.

China: Not recognized and tightening gay freedom of speech

The Chinese Civil Code still limits monogamy. In recent years, the "New Rules for the Review of Audiovisual Programs on The Internet" have been published, which has identified homosexual subject matter as "promoting unhealthy views of marriage and love", and in recent years, gay speech has been gradually being cracked down. (Extended reading: China's weibo blocks lesbian group: "Death will be quiet without a voice"

India: Same-sex sex is no longer illegal

In 2018, India's Supreme Court repealed section 377 of the Criminal Code, which has been unfriendly to homosexuals since British colonization. From this day on, same-sex sex in India is no longer illegal.

Many of the countries that had experienced British colonization still have traces of the criminal law left by the Great British Association. Section 377 of the Criminal Code, also known as the Sodomy Law or the Sexual Misconduct Act, is intended to prohibit "unnatural sexual conduct". Therefore, in these countries, the stigma brought about by criminal law alone is relatively difficult, and there is still some way forward from the right to marriage.

Brunei: Same-sex sex could be jailed, stoning suspended

In April 2019, the Brunei government had stoned same-sex sex, which has been suspended. However, same-sex sex is still illegal. (Extended reading: Gay Stone Criminal Law controversy, Brunei announces suspension of implementation)

Indonesia: Part of province, same-sex sex illegal

According to the Newsline , same-sex sex is still illegal in Indonesia's Sharia province of Aceh , where it is punishable by public flogging .

Myanmar: Male same-sex sex is illegal

Article 377 of the Criminal Code makes it clear that male sexual conduct is unlawful.

Malaysia: Male same-sex sex is illegal

Article 377 of the Criminal Code makes it clear that male sexual conduct is unlawful. In 2019, Malaysia's tourism minister said there were no gays in malaysia.

Singapore: Male same-sex sex is illegal

Article 377 of the Criminal Code makes it clear that male sexual conduct is unlawful.

Timor-Leste: No penalty, but marriage is not legal

Although same-sex sex is legal in Timor-Leste, there is no law recognizing same-sex marriage or partner rights.

Yan Guo: No penalty, but marriage is not legal

At this stage, there is no law prohibiting discrimination against sexual orientation, but there is no law recognizing same-sex marriage or the rights of partners.

Cambodia: No penalty, but marriage is not yet legal

Sexual activity is legal, but explicit LGBT rights legislation has not yet been discussed.

Vietnam: No penalty, but marriage is not yet legal

In 2013, Vietnam abolished the constitution between a man and a woman. Gay weddings are now allowed, but legal recognition and protection are not provided.

Taiwan: Same-sex marriage legal

In May 2019, same-sex marriage was officially recognized in the form of a special law, through interpretation Of the Division Court Interpretation Act No. 748. (Extended reading: Marriage instructions for comrades: with 80 pieces, buy out our happy second half of life!) ) )

From the development of marriage equal rights in these countries, we can see that in the marriage equal rights road, no matter which country, the road is always bumpy and tortuous. And Taiwan's experience, for better or worse, can serve as a reference for other countries, and let us continue to pay attention to the recent situation of marriage and equal rights in the world.