In confusion and negativity, there is a nearly 20-minute TED talk video, translated into 28 languages, and has seen more than 10 million views so far. It holds our hand and says that the future is not terrible; it tells us in one direction that we can move straight ahead; it becomes the salvation of millions of people in endless confusion. Concentrate this 20-minute TED talk for you, looking forward to giving you a lost look and illuminating the way ahead.

Entering the word "lost" in Google's search engine, nearly a thousand results immediately appear, including "don't know what you don't know what you're right about", "i'm going to graduate," "lost the direction of life" and so on. Confusion is almost and life is long, can not see the end of the road, as long as we can still breathe, is destined to meet different degrees, stage of confusion.

"After graduation, i am lost in the direction of the future" is particularly special, because this is the world's millions of graduates in the mind of the common question, fixed in June each year, and never fade.

Of all the confusion and negativity, there's a nearly 20-minute TED talk video, translated into 28 languages, and has been viewed more than 10 million times so far. It holds the graduate's hand and says that the future is not terrible; it is more than a direction, telling the graduate sit until he can go straight; it becomes the salvation of millions of people in endless confusion.

Today, concentrate this 20-minute TED talk for you, looking forward to giving you a lost look and illuminating the way ahead.

Ask yourself, what do you want to do as soon as you open your eyes?

Us entrepreneur Scott Dinsmore brings a 20-minute presentation on TED Talk under the title "How to Find your favorite job." From his personal experience, Scott Dinsmore mentions that he used to work for the world's top 500 companies, thinking, "Great, I'm going to do something that will change the world!" 」

But it wasn't long before he found out that every day when he got to work, the idea of hitting the computer screen with his mind, he found that he wasn't the only one who thought so. Nearly 80 percent of workers don't like their jobs, according to a survey of people who don't like their jobs, so he starts researching and visiting to try to figure out why people are getting into work and why they don't like it.

He found that the first condition for a passionate engagement is that we have to fully understand ourselves. How do we talk about "find" preferences when we don't understand our true preferences? Therefore, before we can find a way in life, we have to find our own positioning.

And there are too many ways to understand yourself, and it is recommended that you learn more about your potential yourself by:

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Ask yourself, why did you make this decision?

After clarifying our preferences, Scott Dinsmore suggests that we can ask ourselves further about the "root cause" that lets us make a choice. For example, if you find yourself interested in design, what is it? Is it because designing good things gives you a sense of accomplishment, or is it because designing good things can lead to a better life for more people? For example, do you find yourself interested in teaching because you really care about others and want to share knowledge, or do you think you can teach others to show your abilities?

Time and again, we ask ourselves why we do it, and we also determine our confidence step by step.

If you want to know how important "Ask yourself why" is, it's recommended that you take a look at:

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Finally, please record the moments that inspired you.

In an age when the Internet can get a lot of information, our message volume is explosive and fleeting. Scott Dinsmore encourages everyone to consciously care about the messages that pass with themselves every day. Think about what information means to you, digest what your predecessors have told you, and apply it to future life. In particular, focus on those "moments that have inspired you."

If you've ever had a "ah, imagine someone like" mood, please be honest about that person, why encourage you? Why do you think he's the same? What are the characteristics of him that he does not currently have, but want to have? Write down the reasons for encouraging him to you, and over time we have a dedicated repository of information, we know who is the benchmark, we know what we lack, and we know where we will go in the future.

How important is it to write down? See what they say:

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Reading this, do you think the above three steps have anything in common?

At the end of the film, Scott Dinsmore says, "All in all, one of these three things is that it's entirely in our own hands." Don't listen to people say you can't understand yourself, don't let others tell you you can't move on, and don't let others decide that you can't live with positive people. 」

There are many things in your life that you can't control, you can't control the state of the world economy, you can't control who your boss wants to hire. But these three things are real and real lying under control, and we really have "we say it". Please believe in yourself, and when you decide to act in the moment, it is possible to completely change and get a job you really love.