Draw to the mother, as well as a family's healing book. Sometimes you suddenly think that Mom is becoming weird. She suddenly feels bad, angry, or sick, you imagine the mother should be very strong, how can she look so depressed at the moment?

In the face of sick mothers, children will also follow the uneasiness. Yet this book tells every family that mothers are vulnerable, and that as family members we should take care of her more than the world. Because you are the warmth she needs most.

When you have children, many people will teach you how to be a mother.

They'll show you ways to calm a crying baby, how to get your child to eat healthy and nutritious, and how to avoid childhood illness. You want to take responsibility for this life, to make every effort for a family, you are desperate lying to a mother, but you begin to find that before the mother, you have no self.

In a home, the mother generally bears more responsibility for care, but the mother also has her own emotions, but when she is sad or tortured, can the family also understand, and support and companionship? When a mother is physically or psychologically ill and the home begins to lose her balance, how do you find a way to recover?

"What's wrong with Dear Mom" uses a child's whimsical perspective to compare a mother's mood through a variety of animals. Mom suddenly turned into a goat, a dog, a crow today. But when the child asked, she was no longer human. Mother is not a familiar mother.

The children tried to comfort their mother, but they childishly got up, and when the father came home, he would advise the children: "Love each other." Mom is not good at it. "To tolerate each other! Mom's not feeling well. "Don't make a bang! Mom is sad! 」

The weak mother stopped talking, and the family was in a state of chaos.

Spring, a bright yellow afternoon,
Mother never wants to leave the sofa anymore.

Her fingers were tapping on the thighs,
The slippers moved under the wool blanket,
eyes restlessly looked back and forth into the living room.

"Should I pick up debris on the ground?" The loud-voiced Menlot-Garon asked.
"Should I have a cup of coffee?" Little don't do Paul ask.
"Should I take a shower of shoes?" The loud-voiced Menlot-Garon asked.
"No, no, " cried the mother. " 」

Dad came home, and Little Paul was putting the trash can upside down on his head in the loud-voiced Menlot-Garont province.
Because Lott-Garon tresked over and tripped him.

"Love each other." Dad asked them. "Mommy is not good at it. 」
"Infine?" Little little paul and loud-voiced Menlot-Garonprovincet were surprised.
"But she barks like a goat. 」

So the children made a wish to let their mother's favorite weather appear. It suddenly began to snow in the house. In a white, lonely snowdrift, the children "couldn't find the windows and the door to go home" and began to go to a deep sleep.

This scene, the Buddha tells the gap between mother and child - on the one hand, implied that there is no human understanding of the mother, let a family into a cold period;

It began to snow.
The snow fell from the ceiling and slowly flooded the living room.

Dad came home.
Loud-voiced Lotte-Garonand and Little Little Paul walked through the high snow,
The snow piles are getting higher and higher.
"Where are you?" Dad called them.
The children could hardly hear what dad was saying.
"Mommy's sick! Dad yelled.
But they couldn't hear it anymore.

One day they came across a spherical house in the snow.
The house has no windows and no doors.
Loud-voiced Lotte-Garonprovincet and Little Little Don Paul found a hole,
The size just lets them squeeze past.

They fell on the hard floor and sank into a deep, long sleep.

But at the end of the book, there are crows breaking the snow, dogs licking the children's faces, and goats gently combtheir their hairwith with horns. These animals, as the embodiment of their mother, symbolize that even if I am a mother you do not recognize, I am, after all, a mother.

The mother will get hurt, but the mother will come back, or, in the cold winter or summer, the mother will always be there.

In early winter, it began to snow on a gray afternoon.
Snowflakes fall from the sky to the ground.
The big-voiced Lotte-Garont and Little Little Paul had windows on their foreheads.
Very quiet.

"Shall we sing a goat song?" Mother asked.

Dad came home, and Mom and loud-voiced Lotte-Garont had little Paul sitting on the couch,
Cover edgy with a bed of wool blankets.
They sang the song of the goat together.
The loud-mouthed Lotte-Garont and Little Little Paul pulled each other's blankets from time to time, laughing with pride.
Mom played the guitar, and the loud-voiced Lotte-Garonne and Little Little Don Paul came up with eleven new lyrics.

Dad sang together, so they simply sang the song from the beginning.

In the drawing book, while drawing a strong mother, how to have a low-tide side, but also mentioned the lack of home shelter for children, but the winter weakened the appearance. Here, in addition to mentioning that the mother has the right to be ill, it also shows that a family would have high and low ups and downs, when we can see each other vulnerable, and trust and companionship, then we can walk through the cold winter together, ushered in more beautiful family moments.

When his mother came back, Lott-Garon and Paul became much quieter than before. Perhaps at this moment, they are still worried about that separation, the heart has a few feelings of uneasiness and uncertainty. Until my mother suggested, sing a song together, melting the peaceful atmosphere. In the melody that the whole family opened and hummed, it seemed to feel how the channel of communication was established again, and every family member could be gently taken by the family again.

The mother has changed back to the familiar look of the child, but not because "the familiar mother is back", but because we can, after all, gather here to sing the same song in the moment of mutual injury.

It was the most intimate and touching moment of belonging to a family.