A Pakistani girl who has lived in the UK for most of her life and was given a notice to attend several prestigious schools has been asked to return to Pakistan to marry her cousin, The Independent reported. She said her father had been using psychological violence against her for a long time and threatened: "If I don't do it, kill me." When she tried to apply for asylum in the UK, she was refused.

"If I don't want to marry my cousin, my father can kill me in the name of family honor." 」

The Independent exclusively reports that a 23-year-old Pakistani girl from the UK has been given an astronomical admission notice to several british universities and has lived in the UK for most of her life, but may still be sent back to china because of her immigration policy. Back in Pakistan, waiting for her fate, her father will act as her male guardian and ask her to marry her cousin upon her return to Pakistan.

In February this year, she tried to apply for asylum at the Home Office but was refused because officials believed the evidence she had provided was not sufficient to constitute an "immediate risk". This month, she is still awaiting the outcome of the appeal.

Her lawyer, Sairah Javed, said the Home Office had determined that her father was a civil servant of Pakistani descent and had no record of domestic violence in the past. "But once she returns to her country, her father will have the power to make most of the decisions for her, and she does not enjoy much freedom." 」

Pictures . . . . . . . . .

My dad said, "Wait till I get back to Pakistan and see how I fix you."

According to reports, the girl has received degrees in astronomy degrees from a number of prestigious schools, including King's College London, Bristowe University, Sheffield University and Queen Mary College. Born in Islamabad, she moved to the UK at the age of 11. Although the father does not use direct physical violence against them, he often resorts to long-term psychological intimidation against his family. (Same-field highlights:"Atlas" sexual assault, verbal violence, intimate violence!) You don't know about gender violence everyday)

"He always intimidates us to show his power. She said. "He's not physically abusing us, he's psychologically tortured. For example, he would keep telling us, "You wait and see, what can I do when we get back to Pakistan." 』」

In 2011, his father abducted them back to his grandmother's house in Pakistan, "and my father locked me and my sister at home. He later fled back to the UK, where his mother tried unsuccessfully to apply for asylum with the British authorities.

His father claimed that the move did not violate his religious beliefs, family customs and culture. "The father has the right to keep the daughterated at home until she is married. 」

In a letter, he continued: "Most of the time, we arrange marriages that will not be postponed. When my daughter was not an adult, I had promised my brother that she would marry his young son. In Pakistan, if you violate your father's wishes, you are often considered to be damaging the family's reputation.

"They have the power to punish you, even to kill you, in the name of honor." The girl said. (In Pakistani culture if you don't obey your father, his honour will be affected, " she said. "They can go to any y, they can ly abuse you and kill you in the name of honour.)

Women are men's property, 5,000 "honor killings. "

On July 1, Reuters reported that a man from multan, Pakistan, had also shot his wife, two children and several other relatives at his home. The reason was that when he saw a photograph of his wife, who was a tailor in Saudi Arabia, with a strange man, he decided that she had an affair. So when she returned home, she was killed.

Pictures . . . . . . . . .

"It's obviously honor killing. Imran Mohamed, a Multan police officer in charge of investigating the case, said. "He is not sorry for his actions. Although the husband was charged with murder, it did little to change the idea that people were deeply rooted.

The Independent reports that honor killings still occur from time to time in a handful of Islamic countries. Nearly 1,000 Pakistani women are reported to be killed each year for honour killings.

As a male property, women's dependents are strictly restricted by male relatives in schooling, marriage and even action. When women do not comply with male restraint, they are severely punished as a "family reputation" of the door-washing behavior.

A girl is threatened, a girl dies, how many women in the world, must be in the name of family, religion, male dependents, subject to inhuman treatment?

Is a woman a marital property? Gender-based violence, not just in Pakistan

Looking back at these events, the notion that women are regarded as men's property is not so far away from us.

According to the Immigration Department, as of February 2019, there were 540,000 foreign spouses in Taiwan. Even so, we often see them subjected to gender-based violence. Even though most people have used the term "new residents" to refer to them, foreign spouses are still regarded from time to time as all of their husbands' products. Even some politicians have said that "Taipei City has "imported" 300,000 foreign brides " , " one life, one life, can be freely imported and exported items.

Many people misunderstand that when "the daughter-in-law is bought with a bride price", it means that a woman is a commodity and can be treated arbitrarily. Once the marriage is only understood as a transaction, it is a market consumption for the husband and a daughter is a property for the father.

It can not be denied that marriage as a long-term social contract, it is inevitable that the exchange of relations, poor marriage, low-level marriage, old and young matching, in any form of marriage are the same. However, even if sometimes marriage is understood as a "market", it does not mean that anyone can be regarded as a inferior party.

This is still the relationship between man and man, not the relationship between man and thing.

To the woman who was cut: "No matter how many times I break down, I will make a comeback"

In 2016, a Pakistani woman, Qandeel Baloch, was killed by her biological brother on her couch for promoting feminism. Before she died, she left a message on the social network site, which was well worth reading. (Same show: Pakistan's "Honor Execution": She was killed by me because she was a feminist)

"No matter how many times I've been knocked down, I'll come back because I'm a warrior." To those women who have been cut by society, I will continue to practice my promise, and I also know that you will continue to maintain your hatred. 」

The British astronomical girl is still applying for asylum pending the outcome of the Home Office's appeal. In any case, we all hope that no matter what happens in the Uk, whether it is Pakistan or Taiwan, such an incident will not happen again. If you're also concerned about gender-based violence and want to be able to do more, read these articles:

He cares about such an event because he is not far away from us, as long as the idea that this marriage is treated as a transaction is not broken, it can happen not only in remote areas, but more likely to happen to any woman.