In India, where menstruation is heavily stigmatized, women are fined if they are affected by their physical period, leading to the removal of their uterus, and employers deny female employees physical leave and force them to take unidentified drugs in order to continue to provide work.

Menstruation has always been taboo in many traditional societies, such as the prohibition of women from entering temples or religious places during menstruation. India is a place where menstruation is heavily stigmatized, and women are often considered unclean and dirty during their physical life and are excluded from social or religious activities. In recent years, India's menstrual stigma has remained unresolved, although educated women have begun to challenge this conservative idea, but the effect has been limited. (Extended reading:"You have menstruation, you're dirty" Indian menstruation humiliation, leaving 12-year-old girl to choose suicide

According to the BBC, the majority of Indian women, especially those from poor families, are indirectly forced to make health-affecting choices because they are not educated. Recently, there have been two pieces of news about women and menstruation in India, so let's focus on them.

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Event 1: In order to work to make money, had to remove the uterus

The first incident took place in the Maharashtra region of western India. Every year, thousands of poor families from beed, Osmanabad, Sangli and Solapur move to a ffluent areas of the state known as the sugar belt to survive, where they work in sugar cane fields. However, when women's menstruation comes, they may not be able to work for one or two days. If women miss a day's work because of their physiology, they have to pay a fine.

Poor local sanitation has led many women to contract the virus. Proponents working there say the diseases can clearly be treated with medication, but doctors often deliberately encourage women to undergo "unnecessary surgery" - to remove the uterus directly.

Since almost all of them have already given birth, and because doctors have not been informed of the risks and sequelae of the operation, many women choose to undergo uterine removal surgery. "Women who undergo hysterectomy before the age of 35 are at significantly higher risk of long-term heart disease, " according to the Center for Health and Wellness in Minnesota.

The BBC's Prajakta Dhulap visited the village of Vanjarwadi in the Beed region of India. He says that between October and March each year, about 80 per cent of villagers move to work near sugar cane fields. The visit also found that about half of the women in the village had had surgery to remove the uterus, and most of them were women under the age of 40.

Many women who have undergone uterine removal surgery say their health is deteriorating because of the sequelae and they are no longer able to work in sugar cane fields.

Event 2: Can't take time off, forced to take unknown drugs

The second incident, from the Tamil Nadu region of southern India. Women working in the high-value clothing industry claim that when they ask for physical leave or rest because of pain, employers not only disagree, but force them to take unidentified drugs.

Most women from poor families said they could not afford a day's loss of wages and had to accept the situation.

According to the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the drugs were almost non-supplied by medical professionals, according to interviews with 100 women. They were also not told the name of the drug or the side effects.

The 100 women surveyed said they had taken the drugs, and more than half said their health had been affected after taking them, such as depression and anxiety symptoms, urinary tract infections and even miscarriages.

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In order to work, is it only the removal of the uterus?

These events report, blood-soaked revelations of the plight of Indian women in the face of menstruation. India'sNational Women'sInstitute described the Maharashtra area as "pathetic" and "tragic" and asked the government to prevent these "atrocities" from happening in the future;

The BBC says india's female labour force participation rate has fallen from 36% in 2006 to 25.8% in 2016. When Indian women's menstrual and physiological rights are never to be faceed and treated, their willingness and opportunity to enter the workplace may be relatively less, and many women have no choice, in order to plan and survive, they must work, even if subjected to harsh treatment, still have to swallow.

From life to the workplace, from family to society, the unique uterus, menstruation and body of physiological women should be seen and respected by the public. (Recommended reading: Reform India with menstrual encyclopedias!) The gentlest TED speech: "Menstruation is not a disease, nor a curse"

"Menstruation, blood, blood, nausea, secrecy, cover-up. Why? Menstruation is a physiological process that every girl and woman goes through, but it is considered taboo. 」
- Aditi Gupta, founder of Menstrupedia

"The Moon Revolution," which tells the story of a woman's menstruation, won the 2019 Academy Award for Best Documentary Short, in which the director asks teenagers, What is "menstrual"? The boys replied, "Is this a time?" "It seems to be a disease, only girls can get it?" It is clear that men do not know much about menstruation. The employers of these events, which have been stigmatised and have been in India for a long time, may not be able to account for these suffering female labourers because they do not understand the physical period. (Same-field plus:"Gender Watch" menstrual stigma only in India? Oscar anonymous review: "I just think menstruation is disgusting!" ( ) ,

Thought affects the social atmosphere and also leads to behavior change. While advocating the importance of menstruation and physiological leave rights, perhaps we should push forward, first understand menstruation, remove the stigma of menstruation, can bring about substantive deductionand and process.