Single diary, writing about the single body and mind. Some love, come at the wrong time. Once we are fascinated by the cross-ocean online, watching love movies, you in New York in the early morning to throw a message to me, a midnight call, you said the winter vacation is coming back, asked me if I do not believe that there is perfect match in the world, I thought, very hesitant to say or to see the situation. You say, that's yes.

Spotify has a feature that shows what songs the tracker is listening to. I used to think that being able to read your song list was a very poetic thing.

From There Smiths' There Is Light That Time Goes, to Pink Floyd's Wish You Out Were Here, although I didn't understand the orchestra much at the time, i'm still clumsily throwing a name into goog le, but just reading these beautiful songs is enough to support many misses.

We were fascinated by transoceanic online, watching all kinds of love movies together, and you threw a message at me in the early hours of the morning in New York, just as I was leaving the company for lunch. We watched the cloud lover and summer 500 days, discussing the favorite orchestraand and lyrics. A midnight call, you said the winter vacation is coming back, asked me do not believe that there is perfect match in the world, I thought, very hesitant to say or to see the situation. You say, that's yes. (Same-field plus: 10 million people meet the only you, need luck to cherish)

At that time I thought you were a little naive and funny. But I also very late to understand, the so-called true love, not necessarily I do not bear you and i, but we walked through a lot of important memories together. As we said in the movie we reviewed together:

"Some people break into your life just to teach you a lesson and then turn around and leave. 」

Pictures . . . . . . . . .

Later, we weren't together. Love sometimes requires not only understanding, but also luck. Then we were friends, and one day before going to bed, you posted all Things Must Pass from Beatles guitarist George Harrison. Everything is bound to die. (Same field plus: Relationship Tree Cave , I know, being hurt is a kind of luck )

Its lyrics are as follows:

All things pass
All things must pass away
does Sunsetn't last all evening
A mind can blows clouds away away
After all this, my love is up and must be be leaving
It's not always always to be this grey

Sometimes, I still think of the way you sit in front of your computer and listen to a song.