Do you like to enjoy the joy and sweetness of chocolate? Foreign studies have shown that people who eat chocolate perform better in terms of vision, organization, work, etc. Enjoy the chocolate, together through the sweet psychological test, to better understand themselves! Choose one of your favorite chocolate sweets.

Are you a chocolate lover, too?

Foreign studies have shown that people who eat chocolate perform better in terms of vision, organization, work, etc. From the past chocolate is regarded as a high-class drink, in addition to the noble exclusive, but also as a healthy scent, chocolate in addition to delicious, there are many nutrients, in addition to iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, cocoa contains flavonoids, is a great antioxidant.

When it's hard at work, relax and enjoy time, when you're happy, when you're happy, chocolate sin-pieces seem to make the day fly like it's going to fly, and everything's more fun. Even in the hot summer, we want to eat chocolate heart is still the same!

What kind of chocolate do you usually eat? Choose a favorite chocolate, understand your personality, but also let us recommend for you a super-business can buy chocolate bar!

Have you chosen it?

Let's see the answer!

Fruit Chocolate: You Live A Wonderful Life

Like the fruit chocolate you, hate the same day, stability is good, or still find a way to make life interesting and wonderful.

Your bones are pragmatic old-fashioned, romantic ally hopeless, the whole city for you to dump. Your attention to your casualness makes your personal qualities more attractive in your hands and feet. (Extended Reading: Feel ordinary?) Psychologist: People who are really different are people who hold on to themselves under pressure)

If you want to recommend a chocolate that belongs to you, we chose: Jinsha Chocolate

Dark Chocolate: You to the Old Soul

Like dark chocolate you, have an old soul, sometimes mouth bar is a little bad, but the heart is good, people around you have found your old school and pay attention to it? At the same time you are also a person who loves yourself, that "love" yourself, from you know how to self-control and self-discipline, may you in the next days, can also live an infinite number of their own. (Recommended to you:"Stories like mine" San Mao: I don't want to look at the life of the end of the eye)

If you're recommending a chocolate that belongs to you, we've chosen: Meiji THE Chocolate Series:

Ice Chocolate Drinks: For You Who Are Willing to Waste For Yourself

Like iced chocolate, you are good at in the military chaos days, for their own a small moment ME TIME, and their own good time.

Life always want to move forward is right, but let oneself happy is also important! You like to enjoy the abundance, but also know for their own to go to the barren, you understand that their time is precious, will never waste time in invalid, pointless interpersonal relationships, if you want to waste, it can only be their own. (Same-show: Reading, traveling, photography!) Me Time's Six Companion Apps)

If you're recommending a chocolate that belongs to you, we've chosen: Godiva Classic Ice Cocoa for the 7-11 period:

Chocolate Biscuit Sandwich: To Be Brave and Fearless of You

Like chocolate biscuits, you actually like the cookie body (laughs)

You do not according to the card, absolutely will not be willing to accept the right to come to the right options, you always wonder whether there is more possible, how can only be this! Like to take risks, uneasy about the status quo, these two sentences may probably sum up your life. In the face of choices and challenges, you are rarely anxious about the arrival of the unknown, and you will go straight to the unknown because you can't wait to see what life brings to you. (Same show: Interview with women fans marketing PUBLIC relations Julie: make small things bigger, there is an impact)

If you want to recommend a chocolate that belongs to you, we've chosen: HERSHEY'S Chocolate Sandwich Biscuits

Milk Chocolate: A Childless You

You like milk chocolate, for others, is a unique, very attractive existence. You are mature in people's affairs, while having a lovely childlike heart, you like fun and fun new things. At the same time is greedy guy, do what want to take all, take care of, remember the trade-off is very important! Trade-offs are important! Trade-offs are important! (Recommended you: want to slash life? Having "self-management skills" doesn't hurt yourself)

If you want to recommend a chocolate that belongs to you, we choose for you: Kenda Milk Chocolate