U.S., Japan and South Korea drama, you will still "chasing Taiwan drama"? The subject matter of Taiwan drama has gradually expanded in recent years, not only in romantic love, but also in suspense, social reality, in promoting the change of Taiwan drama, some people's names, you hear, will give hope to Taiwan - such as Director Wang Xiaoxuan. Director Wang Xiaoxuan's new play, How's Your Side, OK On My Side, this year, is a major drama set in collaboration with Singapore in the context of the 2016 Taiwan Bank Robbery Case. Want to ask the motive for the shooting, the director smiled and shook his head, in fact, do not have to ask, the intention behind the obvious

How long have you not turned on the TV? Or how long have you not had a good "chasing the show"?

In recent years, we feel that Taiwan drama has a raw force to rise, from the past romantic drama, the subject matter gradually expanded to suspense, magic, social reality. In the wave of dramatic change, some people's names, as soon as you hear them, give rise to hope for Taiwan, such as director Wang Xiaoxuan.

After planting the theater, Director Wang Xiaoxuan formed a team of eight-lang, this year launched a new play - "How You Are, My Side OK." One day, we came to Studio Q to interview director Wang Xiaoxuan. Talk about the ambitionbehinded by the new work, but also about Taiwan, and taiwan's home.

It's a play with obvious intent.

"How's Your Side, My Side OK" is a large-scale theatrical collaboration between Taiwan and Singapore, starring Lan Zhenglong, Zeng Qiao, Liu Guanting, Chen Yujiang, Chen Romeo, and others, with the 2016 Taiwan cash machine theft case as the background, involving the consortium power struggle, network security, but also reflects the real family relationship. And the most special of this play is the use of two-line story, the audience can choose to see the story that occurred in Taiwan, or can choose to see the story of Singapore, although does not affect the plot understanding, but can complement each other in the two places of the case mystery.

With such ambitious theatrical works, I was too late to ask the heart behind the thought, Director Xiaoxuan has shaken his head, smiled and said don't ask, the answer is obvious. "How's Your Side, My Side OK" is not only a brand-new attempt, but also carries its own concern for Taiwan.

"In fact, it's been many years and it's been popular with the public, and I think it's basically frustrating. 」

Clearly there are many studios that have worked hard for Taiwan's theatre industry, yet most of the content broadcast on television stations, still for those low-cost buys, repeated lying of the play, or the evening on time to send out the famous commentary, which makes him deeply feel that the whole of Taiwan has no idea how to make money, and even do not know how to build a drama career.

"But why?" In fact, television stations to save budget, save trouble, and constantly reduce costs as the first task. Director Xiaoxuan said with a smug look.

The poverty of Taiwan's theatre world, like the undernourished, became thin and thin, and his depression was born.

Drama should be a tool to undo Taiwan's nutrition

So what should i really do, he quipped: "Frankly, it's a self-inflicted effort." From the plant theater to the present composition of the humble eight-year-long, the conditions of creation are getting worse and worse, but perhaps there is still some work to be done. For example, talk about the various stories that have taken place on Taiwan soil, many experiences, many tests, many courages and moods.

"In fact, drama, or mass media other than drama, is already a tool for communication, as well as digesting the pressure or test of modern life for everyone. But our platform hasn't been around for a long time, and we hardly think of this task. 」

"Look how, can let us broaden our horizons a little bit." Especially my God, we're an island hey? Should it be a four-way place, why should it become malnourished because of business or political difficulties? With a firm and ambitious look, he said, "There are things that we can discuss, or at least make people have some sensitivity, and I think we should have that responsibility." 」

"How's Your Side, My Side OK" is such a play. In fact, are looking forward to, when you feel comfortable because of the play, happy, if you can have more other thinking, that is, he most want to see.

"How's your side?" My side, OK, is just a condolence to each other.

Wrapped in the shell of science and technology crime, inside want to talk about, in fact, is also about home, about the value of a person.

Taiwan and Singapore are also island countries, we grew up by the Chinese family education, filial piety to parents, brothers and sisters, good manners, but also accept the test of high capitalism, with career prospects, salary to judge a person's success or not.

"How does society measure us?" You don't need to be a good person, you don't need to be a good person, you don't need to, " he said, holding his fists tightly: "Capitalism plus big data and the internet, we're like a combination of numbers." Your upbringing, your morality, your personality, is not in the position, and there are no such items in the scoresheet. 」

He moved out of the moment encountered: "Like I recently chatted with a guy who helped me cut my hair, his grandfather is a doctor, he is the family's eldest grandson." When he was in high office, Grandpa asked him at the dinner table for the first time what he would do in the future, he said to cut his hair, his grandfather was a slap, that is, "Sayou" waved! 」

The most difficult thing is to have the courage to be yourself under the constraints of society and family?

After saying that, the director spits a sigh of relief, raises his head and smiles: "How's your side, my side OK" this play think, is also a kind of greeting, we have to say hello to each other: "How are you?" My side, ok! 』」

I listened to the director read the title easily, can not help but think, with the same social restrictions and constraints, it may take a long time to change, it is better to greet each other first, in fact, my side is also ok.

Call me a radio version of "Genius Daddy"? It would have been super reluctant.

To tell the story of Taiwan, I also have to talk about how Director Xiao-Yin made the story of the Taiwanese family. You might think of his 2018 TV series "After 20", writing about same-sex love, or pulling back to the childhood memories of many in 1997 - the intergenerational theme of the animated film "Magic Mom."

But he was reluctant to talk at first.

"The first of the earliest shows our studio (rice field studio) did was called "Family Photo." At first, the TV station came to me and said, "Let's be a genius daddy!" He played the reaction he heard, frowning: "I was ostracized at first, and I didn't want anyone else to do anything." Directly back: "I don't want to do anything Taiwan version of "Genius Daddy." 」

But still, ah, it is not easy to receive a proposal, why not do it?

Later he thought of someone who had shared a Japanese show with him: "There are three families, one of the father is a traditional Japanese big man, the other father is a wall-head grass, the last is just returned from studying in Europe, very enlightened." Three fathers often go out together. Director Xiaoqi began to imitate the three fathers chat look, enlightened father to share their daughter came to the beginning, another traditional father heard shy and angry, how can talk about girls in public? One side of the wall head grass father is constantly echoing the two sides of the statement.

Three families have their own values, how interesting ah! Don't Taiwan's families have a story to tell?

So in "Family Photo", there is a funny setting, when please senior actor Gu Baoming, playing a often children tease the father.

"You can tell the authority of dads in the family from here. I tell you, as long as it is to catch father, children laugh well happy! Director Xiaoxuan laughed while waving his hand: "For example, for example, an episode is that parents do not allow children to raise small animals, so children at home secretly keep chicks, put them in the pocket, one day put in the pocket of dad's coat, dad hand stretch, alas!" Touch the chicken stool! 」

Because in the real world, dad is like an untouchable taboo, children know that can not be casually teasing, too authoritative, so when the father on TV becomes funny and funny, it also triggers the children's emotions. Of course, after thirty years, the role of parents image has also been loosening, now talk about home, is more and more yuan. That's why women fans are launching home this year - there's no template for home, where you belong, where it's home.

Because full of emotions, there is immaturity, so call home ah

Xiao Yu director's work in the home, reflecting the taiwan's various eras of family appearance, can always make people feel. Whether it's drama or social issues, the director has always been on the wave, and now 5/25, he's married to gay couples at the wedding party.

"I support multi-family because families have changed. Fieldwork for filming in the past led him to discover that traditional heterosexual families were becoming indestrudable, and we had to rethink the true meaning of the family, and that love was at the heart of the family, as was the role.

He gave an example: "I saw the film before, a blind dog, the owner came home, when he smelled the smell, he began to jump, jump up." He asked, "The Rangers say why not open up to marry pigs and dogs, and may not be able to marry, but home is such a field, and someone greets you more like a family than someone who doesn't have time to talk to you." 」

Not with father and dad called the family success, single-parent family, intergenerational family, gay family, one person into a family: "home is with emotions, with the maturity of life and immaturity is a very close interaction, not as a standard or model." 」

At this time, the director of the small dragonfly, the rhythm of the regular knock on the table, to maintain the appearance of the ready-to-go. After seeing more and more social phenomena, he couldn't wait to make some changes, whether it was a theatrical form or a story. Although Taiwan drama is in trouble, he says he feels depressed, but I always feel that behind the depression, he is actually full of hope for Taiwan.