Susan Miller's week of fortunes: Gemini, Libra, Water Bottle, Wind Elephant Constellation you come to see!

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Thinking is more active than ever, and your guardian star Mercury is busy interacting with the planets.

The first is that Mercury and Uranus are in phase, encouraging you to get out of the status quo and think more about yourself. Next, Mercury will join Mars, making you quick-thinking and able to use it quickly in target practice.

Saturn's support helps you put your ideas into place and, whatever you expect, you're expected to see them blossom. (Extended reading: Why should you care about your workplace image?) Visual effects are nine times more capable )

Translation: Star Translation Agency/Translator: cloverATS

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Since your guardian star, Venus, and Saturn, located in your family's palace, constitute a strong phase, your family responsibilities may increase.

You may have grown up in your family, such as having a baby or adopting a new pet, or you may own your own home for the first time and make your own decisions about repairs and renovations.

While it's daunting to take on more responsibilities, you can learn more from these challenges and grow, and you can respond gracefully to these new obligations. (Extended reading:"Three-wood valley curve": the key to 37 times growth by improving by one percent per day is the "three-wood valley curve")

Translation: Star Translation Agency/Translator: Climbing

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

When a symbolically dynamic Mars and a goal-sensitive sun meet in your palace, where you are in charge of other people's money, your goal may require financial support from outside.

Since Mercury and Venus are also here and fight Jupiter in your community palace, you may have to design a fund-raising campaign or consider other collective financing platforms.

Neptune hedges with Venus in your income palace, and everything doesn't go exactly as you planned. However, Mercury working with Uranus in your home will bring good news or gifts at the family level.

Translation: Star Translation Agency/Translator: Wang Xiaoya