On September 7th, The Isodo's wife, Tarinda, announced her engagement at IG, and two years after Chast's suicide, she decided to give herself a chance to be happy, with a long line of words written on it, which she gave to Chast, and to all those facing the death of her dear loved ones, who let us know that, smiling again, she was not, but not because she had been deeply rooted.

United Park lead singer Chester Bennington died on July 20, 2017, and two years later, on September 7 this year, his wife, Talinda Bennington, announced her engagement to firefighter Michael F.

In 2017, Chast was found guilty of suicide in his apartment, where he suffered from depression and alcohol addiction after being sexually assaulted by a male friend. Read:Linkin Park Lead Singer Suicide: Shadows of Sexual Assault, Growing Up With Me)

After his death, his wife, Tarinda, kept Chast in her heart, and at the same time as she announced her engagement, he wrote this on IG:

"This will not shrink or replace your deeply rooted position in my heart." I will always love my husband Chast, proud of him, and I will live my life with love and joy, because that is what he wants to see. 」

"I want you to know that after the grief, you can still find true love, the death of your soul mate, not that you will die, that my family, friends, and United Park brothers have opened their hands to welcome Michael F. as our family, and that I will always be proud of Chast, and that I will continue to live my life and not let his death become a dead man." To all those who have lost loved ones, you can definitely be happy again, or you can reserve your place in your heart for compassion, happiness, happiness, sorrow, and love. 」