Recently, the global police and the world set off a wave of #TetrisChallenge challenges, police, firefighters, medical personnel, military personnel, have uploaded "model- " photos on the community platform, the usual work will be used to neatly discharge things on the ground, like a "magnifying light" model toys as pleasing. It was only discovered that the original real-life model, like the model in childhood memory, has the power to be healed for a second.

Do you remember the excitement of holding my parents' hands when you were a child and walking into a toy store? Looking at the necessary equipment toys of the police, you imagine that you are a police officer who is defending justice, and you can see the whole kitchen, you start to imagine yourself as a masterchef chef. You'll also always remember that if mom and dad promised you they could buy the toy home, it would be the happiest thing in a day (or even a week). (Recommended reading: Why do we prefer old songs from our student days to new songs from the charts?) ) )

Now, are you growing up and obsessed with models? If the answer isn't certain, take a look at the recent "#TetrisChallenge" challenge in the global police world.

This wave of challenges all the way from Europe to Asia, police stations, fire stations, ambulance teams and other organizations, there are practitioners in the community platform to upload "model"-style photos, all the ambulance, police, firefighters will normally use things neatly discharged to the ground, and then from the high air, like a real version of the model out of the box. (Recommended reading:Psychology of #10yearchallenge: Past, Present and Future You Can Decide)

We only found out that the original real-life model, like the model of childhood memories, has the power to make people see a second to be healed.


Photo: TCPB Director's Room Facebook

Photo: New North Fire Fahr Facebook

Photo: New North i Environmental Facebook


Photo: Politieteam Weerijs Facebook

Photo: Politieteam Weerijs Facebook


Pictures: Instagram @myscdf

Pictures: Instagram @myscdf



Pictures: Instagram @guardanacionalrepublicana

Even as time goes on, you'll still be attracted to cute little things and still exclaim at the model.

To a little forget to treat yourself well, please remember to care about the children in that always small, good for their own prepared a full of healing small gifts.