Take you a quick look at the recent national referendum proposal for abortion.

"Should women's reproductive autonomy be limited by the state?" According to the Free Times , Peng Jiazhi , chairman of theShofar Conversion Community Alliance , recently proposed a national referendum -- "Abortion should be carried out within 8 weeks of pregnancy" -- and considered the whole case as necessary to hold a hearing "to clarify the relevant doubts".

The referendum proposal has so far generated much discussion. The current law is in accordance with Article 15 of the Regulations on the Implementation of Eugenic Health Care: "Abortion shall be performed within twenty-four weeks of pregnancy. If it is less than twelve weeks of pregnancy, it shall be performed at a hospital clinic with an abortion physician, and for those who have performed an abortion at more than twelve weeks, it shall be admitted to a hospital with an abortion physician.

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If you look closely at theshofar Conversion Community Alliance, an organization affiliated with the proponent Peng Jiazhi, you can find that its official website describes:

The Shofar Community Transformation Alliance is an organization organized by a group of beloved Christians who know the only true God in the Trinity Universe, willing to follow Christ's example, willing to dedicate his life to the Lord, and prepare the way for the glory of Jesus Christ. After a long search, prayer, and patience, he finally gave his plan in 2014/3/7, asking Mr. Peng to encourage (Christians run for village governor), the country's 7,853 villages are the foundation of Taiwan, Christians can make salt to make an impact in this important position, will be able to bring down the change of the flipping community.

It has also led some public opinion to worry about whether the referendum proposal has something to do with religion.

At present, the case has caused a lot of controversy. Including some netizens pointed out that the eight-week time limit, many fetal health checks are still unable to do, it is almost difficult to confirm the degree of fetal health, but also in violation of the "eugenichealth care law" original intention. In the case of amniocentesis, it is generally recommended that it occurs at the end of 16 weeks of pregnancy and at the 17th week.

In addition, the reduction to 8 weeks is also a denial of physical autonomy to women. In the batch kick ingres son of the Babymother version also pointed out that, "有些女生可能發現懷孕時就八週了」、「使女故事重現」,改成八週,也形同讓女性在沒有充足時間與資源的狀況下,就必須得做出決定。

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