What do we see on Halloween from a "Blue Pumpkin" initiative launched by American parents?

My son is three years old and has low oral autism. Last Halloween I walked five blocks with him, helping him shout, "Don't give sugar, make trouble." This year, we're going to try to carry the "blue pumpkin" to let everyone know that he's autistic. Please allow him, or any child with a blue pumpkin, to enjoy the day together.

As halloween approaches, Omairis Taylor, a mother from Hawaii, posted on Facebook. In just a few days, it received 150,000 shares and more than 6,000 responses.

Why do people feel so touched about this issue? Maybe you may not have Halloween, but you will feel that behind this action, there is more love for people who are different in society.

Blue is your color, your color is lovely

"Don't give sugar, make trouble" may be an interesting experience, but it's not necessarily for children who have difficulty communicating.

In fact, back in 2018, one parent in the United States, Alicia Plumer, told Facebook: "If you see a well-dressed adult carrying this blue pumpkin, he's my son, he's an autistic person." Although he is 21 years old, he likes Halloween. 」

So if you see him and see this blue, please give him a sugar and share his happiness with him.

Blue pumpkins become the identification of autistic people this holiday season. The aim is to let everyone know that there is a group of people who need some understanding. Wendy Fournier, president of the National Autism Association, told Newsweek: "As the public becomes more aware of this, we think this is for young children, big kids, You can't worry about the strange vision of your surroundings when you're involved in Halloween. 」

"Blue buckets can provide a subtle and dignified way to remind people that a child or young person may not be able to make eye contact with someone, don't like to wear a mask, or even say "thank you." But of course they can also enjoy Halloween like everyone else. 」

Halloween may not necessarily be a festival for everyone to participate in, but for the quiet corners of society attention and attention, it is you and I can participate in the matter. When we are willing to listen, gaze, and give

When we have blue pumpkins, or blue-green pumpkins, this late autumn and early winter, it may be a little sweeter.

The so-called pleasure, is to let everyone have a chance to be happy

And maybe the blue pumpkin is just a case in point, and what we're seeing is that it embodies the inclusiveness of those around us.

Alicia Plumer, who launched the Blue Pumpkin campaign, says the inspiration came from the "Teal Pumpkin" program, which emerged in 2014. The program, which began with Food Allergy Research and Education, is calling on the public to start paying more attention to food allergies;

You can paint pumpkins blue-green or put a "blue-green pumpkin" sign on their doorstep to let sugary allergic children know where they can get a safe little gift.

To do this, Halloween sugar campaigns can be safer and more inclusive. In 2019, as international companies talk about the importance of "Diversity andInclusion" (Dandy and Inclusion, D and I), we've also seen diversity and inclusion in the streets and family environments of society and in every family. there will be different children. What we need to do is not look at them by the same standards, but to help them grow up fit in a variety of ways.

So, by the end of Halloween, the child's growth has not yet been. What we want to keep them to know is who you are, what state you are, and you're starting to get the opportunity to be respected and understood -- you're different, but I want you to understand that you're important in this home.