"Complaints are water against the damage" behind, in fact, hidden a psychological state - thousands of mistakes, not my fault.

Accidentally kicked at the foot of the table? Water is inverse. Forgot to bring your keys when you go out? Water is inverse. Today's report is forgotten? Water is inverse.

When we hear "Mercury retrograde", most of the time the feeling is "Is the heavens going to be all right again" or "get ready to be affected as soon as possible". But have you ever wondered why it's so easy for you to be rewinded by Mercury? Is the power of water inversion really so great?

Today, let's talk about "complaining about Mercury retrograde" behind, in fact, there is a psychological state hidden - thousands of mistakes, not my fault.

In a life full of little irritability, finally find something to "weird"

Psychologist Fritz. Fritz Heider has done a series of studies on "how humans attribute their actions to luck." Studies have shown that humans study, review and attribute other external factors to their many behaviors like scientists, and find "reasons to be in line with their expectations" to explain their behavior.

Fritz. Hyde also mentions that the reasons we find for ourselves, which can often please us, allow us to view our actions from a favorable perspective, and that once so attributed, each subsequent encounter with a similar event increases the effectiveness of that attribution. For example, when we think we forget to take the key out of the house because of the water-reverse relationship, then we may also subconsciously think , "Is it the trouble of water against the water"

When "habits find reasons to please themselves" becomes a model, we will repeatedly apply this pattern to everyday life in the days to come. Therefore, mercury retrograde appearance, just beallowed for us to please their own reasons. (Recommended reading: Mercury retrograde things? 10 words you can say to yourself when the water is reversed )

What happens, as long as blame to the water counter, the heart seems to be more soothing, and put the wrong to the water counter even do not offend anyone, where to find such a good reason to deceive themselves? We've finally found something to "weird"!

Photo : A photo of the Queen of Proofing

Like to blame others is a "self-interestbias" that everyone can have.

According to Wikipedia, it is a psychological phenomenon called "self-interest bias" that people attribute success to their actions, and to being influenced by the environment and others. Psychologist and behavioral economist Dan. Dan Ariely, chief executive, has also said that the attribution of such "miscalculations" is in fact "predictable irrationality".

We attribute good results to ourselves, to bad results, and we know that it's not rational. But if you can avoid the fact of mistakes, escape to face themselves is not so good, escape to see the real self, but also can not sin anyone, why not?

Self-interest bias not only affects the way we look at mistakes, but also deprives us of the opportunity to learn from the experience of failure. Because failure is all about luck, it has nothing to do with us personally, so you can't see what you're missing and need to fill. It also means that we don't know where we can do better.

It's easy to push the wrong one to Mercury, but it's harder to see your own little flaws than to get on the planet.

To deceive yourself is what humans do best.

The source of self-interest bias is closely related to the human nature of "deceiving ourselves", but we usually do not realize that we are deceiving ourselves again.

Psychologist Cortney Warren said in a TED speech that humans deceive themselves because they can't bear the consequences of truth and fact being made public. So it's customary to manipulate reality by lying, to hypnotize yourself. Such a long time living in a lie of us, over time, do not even feel that they are lying. (Recommended reading: Instead of spending time complaining about others, take the time to evolve yourself)

Photo: "The Producers"

The inability to face the truth keeps us from finding the core problems, and keeps us in the cycle of self-deception. Cortney Warren also suggests five ways to avoid self-deception:

  • Self-awareness

"Is this really the case?" to help you identify whether you are now in a state of self-deception. At the same time, you can also observe what we cheat on ourselves most often?

  • Face your emotions

Face up to the existence of emotions, especially negative emotions. When we feel sad and angry, ask yourself why we feel so emotionally. Is there any deep pain that hasn't been resolved?

  • Pay attention to behavior

Do you often say it's wrong? Clearly thinking about A, but what is B? When we find ourselves talking again, ask yourself why we do it. Do you want to hide and hide something? So why is that?

  • Reconfirm your inner thoughts

When we are self-aware and find our true thoughts "seem" to be unreasonable, dig further and ask ourselves what is a reasonable idea? Is it possible that your ideas will be misled?

  • Challenging popular ideas

Even if most people and the public agree, you can still keep room for doubt. Do you really agree with everyone? Do you agree because "most people say that" or "Do you really think you agree"?

Jumping out of self-deception, really honest face to themselves, is a very long road, we may end up fighting with this. In the process there is definitely a time to repeat, frustrated, but you do not have to worry, do not fall into self-blame, honest with themselves, there will eventually be a day of self-deception.

And if you want to mention a way to get along well with water, maybe it's about Play time. The spirit of Play time is that whether it's a good day or a bad day, we all believe that we can enjoy it and make a better life by documenting it.

Let the women fans Play time hand account accompany you through every water counter-point.