Choose a book now, sit down and look back on your day. Whether it's a good experience or a bad experience, it's a day you've been through. And anything that goes through, there is a harvest.

Sometimes life is very busy, need a good hand account record important things, so that everything can be done at their own comfortable rate;

Sometimes life is very busy, forget what the journey you have gone through, need a good hand account record every memory.

- Hand-billed Day Experience Ambassador, Aniwei Cat

A lot of people will say, "Have a good life," but what exactly is a good life? Perhaps among the hundred answers, there is a way to live your life, you can honestly face the heart, honestly make any decisions, honest record of each day's growth trajectory.

Choose a book now, sit down and look back on your day. Whether it's a good experience or a bad experience, it's a day you've been through. And anything that goes through, there is a harvest. (Recommended reading:2020 Woman's Handbookcopy Tophy: Let every day count, but face time, the most basic number of gifts)

Pictures ,@ouo_catnap

Women fans 2020 Play Time Handbook, specially invited on Instagram with 40,000 users to track the "tail cat" to open the box, for the selection of hand account has a personal insistence on the tail cat said: "Paper has always been a part of my attention, because it will affect the feeling, coupled with the previous habit of writing with useful soft pen or pen, paper must carry ink!" Women out of the hand account is fully in line with I would mind point, first of all the paper is Bachuan paper this point is very important. 」

Pictures ,@ouo_catnap

For the inner page format, the cat also said: "Format planning is very free to let people play very well, but there are the most basic grid lines convenient for a variety of uses." 」

Pictures ,@ouo_catnap

Everyone's habit of using a hand account is different, so women fans especially add many task pages and blank pages, hoping to meet your different preferences. The cat shared: "After all, the hand account this tool for each person's use or significance is not the same, some people may be to do the goal plan, as a daily record, the calendar planning, and so on, I think no matter what kind of orientation, you can see the intimate of this hand account." 」

Pictures ,@ouo_catnap

Women who used to soothe many readers with words, and now we want to be able to walk into your life and spend every day of 2020 with your physical hand account. (Recommended reading: Hand account out of the box , datian Yang Xiaograss: I will set the next title for each day!) ) )

Pictures ,@ouo_catnap

"Every Day Counts!" Try to use a good hand account, record life, you will find that you think flat every day, in fact, is everywhere wonderful Oh! That's what the cat said. Start the powery 2020 with The Women's Fan 2020 Play Time Handbook!