The A rapist in your path, created by lastesis, a Chilean feminist group, is now on a global burnout. Women from all over the world took to the streets, singing and dancing, singing the anti-rape song in unison to protest sexual violence.

Around the world, groups of women are singing and dancing in public, not to celebrate, but to express their dissatisfaction with the culture of rape and the humiliation of the victims.

Recently, the Chilean feminist group Lastesis has created a song called "A rapist in your path" about the culture of rape that should be eliminated and the review of victim awareness, which has caused a global stir. Hundreds of women from all over the world have launched their own response stoain.

The rapist is you rapist is you
It's the cops
The judges is justice.
The state is the country
The president
- A rapist in your path

According to the Guardian, the song's impact far exceeded Lastesis's expectations. "I never thought it would turn into a protest song, and these women gave it more meaning," said Paula Cometa, a spokeswoman for the group. In addition to her, the group includes Sibila Sotomayor, Daffne Vald?s and Lea C?ceres.

"It was ever intended to be a protest song - the women of the marches transformed it into something more." - Paula Comet A

Action from Chile to Global

In addition to Chile, the protests have spread to the UK, France and Spain in Mexico and Colombia, also located in Central and South America.

The response blossoms everywhere because it is an issue that all women must resist and face together. According to the United Nations, one-third of women worldwide have been threatened with sexual violence.

In a previous interview with women' fans, Eve Ensler, a prominent feminist, said, "We want to make sure that no one else is going to have the same experience as us." We don't even want to "just live", we want to "live well". (Recommended reading: Interview with Eve Ensler: "Our society keeps telling survivors that you have to try to forgive, which is strange")

Let's start in our own country and look to Asia and the world. We will find that these gender-sensitive violence is not just a women's issue, but a human rights issue.

As long as there is still a group of women who are unable to live on their own and are constantly worried about being raped, the issue of sexual violence does not go away.

Sexual violence: personal and political

A rapist in your path is based on the work of Rita Segato, a leading feminist scholar in Latin America who specializes in gender-based violence and sexual violence.

Sexual violence is not just a moral issue, it is a political one.

Rita Segato

Sexual violence, everywhere, it may appear in all its forms and forms in your life. Looking back at 2019, there have been many incidents of sexual violence around the world. Invite you to pay attention to us. (Same Show: Angelina Jolie's UN Speech: Sexual Violence Exists, The World Cannot Be Peaceful)

Taiwan and Hong Kong

Asia and Africa

Europe and the Americas

None of the above incidents is distressing, and even we know that sexual violence is absolutely not the only one. Some things can be seen by the public, some justice is done in time, but there are many victims and survivors, not caught by that protective net, directly injured.

If we do not face up to women's rights and participation, we will fall into a vicious circle of violence and conflict.

Angelina Jolie

Perhaps we can only change the world if we gather more attention and strength.

Today, we see a group of women who may not know each other but are willing to stand up for the same issue and shout in unison. This a rapist in your path is not only dedicated to survivors of sexual violence, but also a reminder to all: this world is not good enough, there are many things waiting for us to work on.