Adjusting the mood is the source of all good starts, but how to "adjust the mood"? The consultant suggests that we can start with small, actionable actions to help ourselves have a happier life.

In 2019, the region is shrouded in disappointment and powerlessness. Taiwan has pu-Yuma train accident, Hong Kong has anti-transmission movement outbreak, Xinjiang has concentration camp persecution, South Korea has killed artists. In the "Taiwan Representative Word General Election", "Chaos" was chosen as the 2019 representative word.

Social chaos, people's disorder a year has passed, let us first deeply breathe, good to their own voice thanks, thank themselves for such efforts, thank themselves for never want to give up. At the beginning of the new year, if your restless heart is still faintly restless, you may be able to listen to the consultant's advice.

According to Huffpost, emotions can easily affect everything in our lives, so adjusting moods is the source of all good starts. But how on earth do you "adjust your mood"? The consultant suggests that we can start with small, actionable actions to help ourselves have a happier life. Here are 20 things to dedicate to you who want to make a difference.

1. Try to overcome an anxiety

Clinical psychologist Forrest Talley suggests that at the beginning of the new year, when we are acting, we can try something we used to be afraid or anxious about and set ourselves goals and rewards. "The other side of anxiety is usually happiness" so learn to step out of your comfort zone and have a chance to be happier.

2. Develop a sleep schedule that you can do

Maybe you don't think you need to change your sleep, but think about it, do you fall asleep at the same time every day? Do you really get the best quality of sleep? Psychologist Joanna Konstantopoulou says that "insufficient sleep" is a chronic but deep-impact problem for people who are busy and used to going to bed late, and that even if they sleep less than an hour or two, it can have an impact.

Joanna Konstantopoulou suggests that we can set ourselves a reasonable and easy-to-reach bedtime, such as half an hour early bedtime, and record it daily to assess the impact of new habits on ourselves.

3. Find a "you-centered" activity

Elena Touroni, founder of the Psychological Counseling Clinic, says people tend to feel tired and exhausted when they keep offering and giving what they have, but not replenishing themselves. She suggests looking for an activity that is completely self-centered and based on personal preferences, such as meditation, to charge yourself.

4. Stay outdoors for 10 minutes a day

Michael Brodsky, a psychoscic physician, stresses that many studies have found that when people are in green spaces and outdoors, it only takes 10 minutes to reduce anxiety and stabilize their moods. In daily life, you can try to get off the bus in front of the stop to walk home, buy food at noon to walk around more, will help to soothe the mood.

5. The real "live in the present"

We spend a lot of time planning the future and looking back, but how many people can really live in the present? Anna Prudovski, director of the Psychological Counseling Service, says that spending five minutes a day paying attention to what's around you includes the following:

  • Five things to see
  • Four things to touch
  • Three sounds you hear.
  • Two smells
  • A kind of food you eat.

Documenting the above list and writing down what these things mean to you or how you feel about the moment can help ease your anxiety.

6. Say something nice to yourself

Psychologist Roseann Capanna-Hodge points out that when we look at ideas or expressions, we can make our mood better, for example, rather than "If I get this job, I'll be scared" as "When I get this job, I'll be sorry." Trying to say something nice to yourself every day can increase positive energy and be more positive about what you're experiencing.

Photo : "Heavenly Restaurant"

7. Give up an unhealthy habit

In fact, we all know what is bad for our health, but we don't really give up, and we'll always struggle and be tempted and feel stressed about it. Psychologist Sarah C. McEwen recommends trying to slowdown the frequency of bad habits, or simply giving up bad habits and staying away from the stress of life. (Recommended reading: the formation of a habit: with willpower, will only give up faster)

8. Find your favorite sport

Psychologist Sarah C. McEwen suggests finding a sport she likes and 30 minutes a day can help improve mood swings and lower stress levels. The important thing with this challenge is the "Find What We Like" campaign, which makes us happier when we really put in.

9. Try meditation

What are the benefits of "meditation" activities that are popular both at home and abroad? Psychologist Sarah C. McEwen points out that meditation actually lowers "cortisol" and lowers the side effects of cholesterol and high blood pressure. It's not just about stabilizing your mood, it's also very helpful to the body.

10. Stop negative thoughts

Even if positive is important, people are more likely to fall into a negative state in the face of challenges. Psychologist Judy Ho reminds us to stop self-sabotage. The next time we have negative thoughts, we have to ask ourselves: Is this true? Is it really that bad?

Admit that your thoughts are toxic, that those negative feelings are neither representative nor true, and don't let it affect our emotions.

11. Investing in a quality relationship

Psychologist Kevin Gilliland says that to maintain good physical and mental health in the long term, you need to first examine whether you are in a "meaningful" and "loving" stable relationship. He stressed the option of choosing someone close to him to plan a good time together.

12. Reading books

Reading can broaden people's horizons, but what books do you want to read to double the sense of happiness? Psychologist Kevin Gilliland suggests starting with a biopic class. "At least read a book from the people you admire to see how they cope with the struggles of life. 」

If you need a specific proposal on the direction of your life, go to this book to see it!

13. Reducing the use of social media

Instead of spending time watching someone else's life, focus on your life. The prevalence of community software makes it easy for us to forget to grasp the current relationship with family and friends, so therapist Jennifer Musselman says that the building of personal self-esteem should come from "the improvement of one's own ability" and "relationships with others" and so on, rather than from a distant Internet connection on a mobile phone.

14. Set a line for yourself to say no

You should always remember that you actually have more control than you think. So if you're at a loss and don't want to say no, you should set a "say no" line for yourself and don't wrong yourself into doing something you don't want to do.

15. Weekly production of a "progress tracking" table

There is absolutely no way we can turn into a "perfect" person by the end of 2020, and the pursuit of perfection will not only frustrate us, but may even lead to anxiety. Therapist Jennifer Musselman says we should learn "the art of progress" rather than the "art of perfection." So, use the schedule to write down your weekly little successes, celebrate those little successes, and end up with big successes.

Photo : "Heavenly Restaurant"

16. Accept negative emotions and allow yourself to feel sad

Experiencing a variety of positive and negative emotions is beneficial for improving our "overall well-being". Therapist Jennifer Musselman says that to be truly happy, we must stop pursuing happiness, accept the imperfections of each stage, and allow ourselves the right to be sad, so that emotions are soothing and exported, and we can be closer to "happiness." (Recommended reading: 40 words you can say to yourself when you can't stand life)

17. If you can, talk to a counselor

If you want to be happy and don't know where to start, you may be able to turn to a professional counselor for advice. Through personalized design and arrangement, you will have the opportunity to achieve greater happiness, or at least know how to reach happiness.

18. Write a letter of thanks

Psychologist Forrest Talley says "gratitude" is a necessary condition for a happy life, and writing a thank-you note or a thank-you journal at the beginning of the day inspires the brain to thank for more and enhance sensory acumen and stability.

19. Turn off your phone

Many studies abroad have confirmed that excessive use of mobile phones can cause physical and mental stress. Being able to pause our mobile phones at night and before bed will free us from social and work stress and get a better quality of sleep and life.

20. Reducing food choices

Can you believe it? In fact, our bodies know what foods to eat and how much they should. Modern people have many food choices, but more and more choices, but also means that "increasingly difficult to choose", we spend a lot of time thinking and decision-making, but let the brain can not have a good rest. So in 2020, try to see how you want to cut down on food choices and listen to your body!

If you want a stable, bland and happy 2020, try the 20 little things you can do in a year's time. The key words of 2019 are over, but the key words of 2020, we can write ourown stogfrom, from the small actions of the day, to lead ourselves to a happy year.