David Schwimmer, Ross of The Sixers and a women's rights advocate, has long been a vocal advocate on sexual violence.

When you see David Schwimmer, you're sure to unwittingly blurt out "Hey, Ross!" or "Oh! Dr. Geller" and then started to ring the background music I'll be there for you.... Well, you're a veteran of the Six-Man powder, but you may not be familiar with david Schwimmer, who plays Ross.

Photo: Dazhi Image Courtesy (AP)

David Schwimmer, 53, (right!) Twenty-six years after he played Ross, he was an actor, a director, a feminist advocate, a long-time voice on sexual violence issues, and a member of the Santa Monica Rape Treatment Center, which helps women and young children who have been subjected to sexual violence.

"I know better than anyone what privileges it is to be a heterosexual white man."

David Schwimmer, who was born into a Jewish family with lawyers, once revealed in the Guardian that he was particularly concerned about human rights and sexual violence because of his family background, especially since his mother, a feminist lawyer and actor, grew up watching the two men fight for women's rights and gay rights.

"I grew up in this environment, and I knew very well what education my parents could give me, and what privileges I had as heterosexual white people. It also made him wonder if he needed more responsibility to stop the abuse of power.

As the 2004 Sixers came to an unison, David Schwimmer gradually shifted the actor's focus to the stage play while serving as a director. In 2010, he directed a social-networking thriller, Trust, about a 14-year-old girl who met a 30-year-old man online and was eventually abducted and sexually assaulted. The film's delicate treatment of underage sexual assaults linked to online dating is intended to draw public attention to such issues. (Extended Reading: The Line between Underage Abduction and True Love: Talking about Cyber Sexual Assault from the Movie "Trust" )

In 2017, with the #Metoo of Harvey Weinstein's sexual harassment, Hollywood has also embarked on several waves of reforms in recent years, including adding intimate body coaches and encouraging women to tell stories, while Nell Minow, an American film critic, recalls interviewing David Schwimmer in 2011. (Extended reading:"Sex scenes are not designed by feeling, but by design" #Metoo new career "intimate behavior coordinator")

At the time of the film's "Trust" campaign, Nell Minow was scheduled to interview David Schwimmer at the hotel, and before the interview, David Schwimmer met her and asked if she would mind having a third person next to her. In retrospect years later, she says, David Schwimmer's behavior, taking into account the anxiety of women when confronted with men alone in restaurants, fully demonstrates his sensitivity and empathy.

Photo: Dazhi Image Courtesy (AP)

The women I've met in my life have been sexually harassed.

In 2017, according to Reuters, David Schwimmer identified his concerns and why he was particularly sensitive to issues such as sexual harassment/sexual assault.

"Women I've met in my life, including women in my family, have been harassed. 」

When the #Metoo movement broke out, he felt particularly deeply: "My mother shared with us from an early age, and she was harassed by judges, clients, and other lawyers as a lawyer." His two girlfriends, who were also sexually abused from an early age, have made David Schwimmer's sensitivity to gender-based violence soar: "You're going to want to find the perpetrator." My ex-girlfriend once told me that the perpetrator was a member of her family, and it kept me going. I asked her if I would be in the same room as him. Because I don't know what I'm going to do. 」

As a heterosexual white man, as a man, David Schwimmer recognized his identity as a privilege that could not be removed in his life, and when all women in life were harmed in all its forms, he began to believe that such privilege made him obligated to change more than anyone else. He has been working with the Rape Foundation for more than 20 years on initiatives to combat sexual violence in young children and women.

In 2018, during the U.S. presidential election, David Schwimmer published an article on NBC News that "Sexual harassment must be ended so that my daughter won't walk my mother's path(Sexual harassment needs to end, so my daughter dosn't go go go over-mother mother"

He mentioned in the article that, as the father of a 6-year-old girl, he did not want to see his children live in a world where even the president could publicly harass women but did not know it, and decided to launch a #那叫做性骚扰 (#ThatsHarassment) campaign, directing eight short films about the various discriminations and harassment women encounter in the workplace and in their daily lives (and he also starred in one of them).

He said it was a call to action and the time for change.

"If every business can participate in change, this may be the best start to ending sexual harassment." And maybe one day, my actions, can make my daughter, no longer have to endure the path my mother has taken. 」

David Schwemer's actions have taught us again that the promotion of human rights and the fight against violence is something that everyone must be involved in, and that everyone can do their part, that our mothers, wives, daughters, and perhaps all of whom have experienced gender-based violence and harassment, and that we are duty-bound, and that we cannot ignore them.

We should not be the only one who wants equal rights, and everyone can work in a huge gender framework. When people try to imagine a gender-neutral violence, sexism, all people are free to do their own future, and fight together, it is all men.

He is involved and is an important driver of affirmative power.