Massive protests broke out in Mexico on March 9th, with thousands of women striking in a collective strike, and according to the Guardian, many banks lost female tellers, subway stations and conductors, and fathers sent their children to school in protest at the violence against women.

On this day, Mexico lost women.

On March 9th mass protests broke out in Mexico, with thousands of women striking and striking out in response to the high number of femicide killings, in order to treat fear as a daily woman.

A Day Without A Woman Protests spread across Mexico, from campus to business, from home to subway, with more than 80,000 women taking to the streets to express their anger and many businesses hanging purple ribbons symbolizing "anti-violence."

Mexico's government has not responded to the rising number of female violence, with official figures showing that at least 10 women are killed every day, and police are investigating more than 700 cases of female killings. According to the BBC, Mexican President Lopez Obrador has also blamed a succession of women's protests on right-wing discontent with the government, saying they simply want to see the current government fail.

"We were able to walk home from school alone and open our doors, but there was no way," said Arista Gonz?le, a law student who took to the streets, according to the Guardian. We are used to living in fear. 」

On the day of the women's strike, a male cashier at a supermarket works. Photo: Dazhi Image Courtesy (AP)

On the day of the "One Day without a Woman" protest, the office of a printed circuit board manufacturer was empty. Photo by Dazhi Images (Reuters)

Violence, dominated by women, is widespread

Just a month before the protest struck, mexico suffered a brutal killing of a woman, a 25-year-old woman, Ingrid Escamilla, was skinned and stripped by her 46-year-old husband, Erik Francisco Robledo, and local media published photos of Ingrid Escamilla's body, prompting outrage among social media users, demanding that the #IngridEscamilla government and related units do something, and uploading beautiful butterflies and flower scopies, which they hope will be remembered by the world.

After the #IngridEscamilla, in the same month, a seven-year-old girl, F?tima, was abducted and found four days later in a bag with traces of ill-treatment.

According to official Mexican data, there were 1,006 female victims in 2019, up 10% from 2018. These dead women, many of whom were violently treated by their husbands and boyfriends, have also turned to foreign help, but have not been protected. The high level of gender-based violence, which has failed to be actively stopped by government agencies, has angered many women in Mexico.

Lastesis, a Chilean feminist group, has written songs about rape rsin your way, accusing society of disregarding violence against women, from the police to the judiciary to the government, and the song has been circulating in Mexico since December: (Extended reading:"I'm violated, i'm not wrong with me" ) )

The rapist is you rapist is you
It's the cops
The judges is justice.
The state is the country
The president
- A rapist in your path

Imagine a day without a woman

A Day Without A Woman protest spron starts March 8, 2017 against Trump's sexism and harassment of women, with the words The Women's Strike is an attempt to send a message to society that women have value and economic power in society and use economic action to protest against unequal pay, sexism, sexual harassment and sexual violence.

Women's organizations encourage women to take time off on the same day or otherwise (stop all forms of work) to support the campaign, and to encourage men to take care of their children at home and housework, or to communicate with business leaders about policies to promote women's rights.

A woman paints a bruise on her face to protest against gender-based violence in Mexico. Photo: Dazhi Image Courtesy (AP)

By 2020, as the number of female killings had risen, angry Mexican women began to gather to protest against the government in various forms. According to the Guardian, many banks had fewer female tellers, no conductors at subway stations, fathers were responsible for sending their children to classes, and many women stopped walking out of their homes or gathered at the parade site to protest. "Without us, it would all have collapsed," said Paula Le?n Garc?a, a 33-year-old woman. 」

At the far end of the spectrum, Mexican women have collectively protested to society, and the killings of women are not only the fault of the perpetrators, but also the judicial, the responsibility of the government, the responsibility of the government, and the disregard for women's rights, which is the disregard for human rights.

Women will be angry, vocal, and rally until the day of gender equality comes.