How far can a relationship go? Will we still love each other when we are old? Korean illustrator sit painted the sweet life of the old, in fact, the secret of maintaining the marriage, is never stingy expression of love for you.

You may also have such experience, occasionally on the road, see the old couple can also hand in hand walk the back, you will have a deep feeling, but also quietly yearning.

Am I going to be so lucky? That's not easy, is it? Marriage is like a long-distance race, you will face time and time again, emotional challenges have been there;

Will we still love each other when we get to the old age? The Korean illustratorBomsamuso,with the old couple as the theme, painted a scene that is still very sweet after the scene is old. Chaimi oil salt, life a lot of things are not so good, but romance can be operated. After all, as long as you are around, is the most people want to go back home.

No matter what the day is, sit down with you and have a good breakfast.

The moment You open your eyes every morning and know that you're around, it's my happiest moment. We'll prepare a simple breakfast together and sit down and spend time seriously. We occasionally talk about friends, about the past, or what's happening out there; sometimes, there's nothing to say, just feel your breath, and it's enough to know that life is real.

Things that will make you happy, won't change when you're old

Until now, we have gone to the amusement park. There's a lot of laughter, a lot of fun, and we'll have a weekend afternoon, buy tickets together, and look for happiness like kids. Thank you for having someone else who can accompany me to do these things. We cherish the time we spend with each other.

On the days of the hair salon, found that the hair was getting less and less, but loved a lot

Will you go with your other half with your hair? It's always a bit boring to wait patiently for the hot-and-dyed moment, but for them it seems to be cherished. Grandpa and granny together on the hair salon, grandma said, thank you for accompanying me, grandpa said, I also want to iron hair.

We'll take a hot bath together when it's cold.

We're already familiar with each other's bodies, and the position of each of your sweathairs, birthmarks, like an intimate code, is the way I recognize the shape of love. People say it takes courage to face each other naked, but we know that in the end, it's more like belonging and peace of mind. Take a hot bath together when it's cold, keep the temperature and we'll hug in the bathtub.

Before bed time to count the stars together, life is still a lot of romance can

Two people together for a long time, do you still enjoy life? For example, to the suburbs of the light-free place, a few days of stars, concentrated in the two people's time. By the way, it's cold at night, I'll prepare a scarf and wrap you in my arms.

Love is to remember the food you like and then cook it yourself.

Grandpa made hot muffins for grandma, remember not to taste too heavy, put a piece of cream on the top, because know that it is your favorite taste. Eating the taste you have specially prepared for me, there will be full, lamented feeling.

After the old, more fat body, you will hold me?

Old, I have no longer to eat a big belly, but you will say it doesn't matter, no matter how you become, I will continue to love you. Because that's you.

Until later, I'll sleep with you in my arms.

Bed carrying people's most vulnerable moments, in your tired moments, want to be loved, we long for a good rest. And thank you, has been guarding my dream, give me a peace of mind home.

Occasionally walking hand in hand, walking to the seaside

When you're old, will you walk hand in hand? When holding each other's hands, feel very warm, very down-to-earth; Walking like this, walking for decades, walking to the ends of the world, you are what I want to belong to.

After a long walk, or do not forget to occasionally hold him, take his hand, to say a sweet words to him; Looking back, marriage is really not easy, and thank him for coming here together the best way is to continue to cherish each other.