According to the business magazine Forsyth and the career consultancy The Muse, a leader with a combination of qualities should have the following qualities. Do your supervisor or boss have these traits?

What are the few conditions you care about when choosing a job? Is it pay, company culture, promotion system, or co-worker atmosphere? In recent years, well-known foreign enterprises have aroused the concept of "multi-integration", according to the Fubishi report, the significance of multi-integration is as follows:

Diversity, the so-called "who" and "what have you done": who sits at the table? Who is hired? Who was promoted? We focus on racial, gender, sexual orientation and other innated diversity traits. And integration is "how to implement": how we embrace and respect these diversity. If you are a very inclusive leader, you should think about how to integrate the opinions and characteristics of different people.

Special emphasis is placed on respecting differences between individuals in the workplace, hoping that outside of their personal lives, everyone can present themselves without being influenced by others.

So, how can we achieve true multi-integration? Perhaps the leadership of corporate leadership can promote change more quickly. According to the business magazine Forsyth and the career consultancy The Muse, a leader with a combination of qualities should have the following qualities.

Do your supervisor or boss have these traits?

Be aware of your "unconscious bias" and remain humble

One of the most representative propositions in the d-and-I culture is to argue that unconscious bias should not be allowed to harm others invisibly. Have women's fans in the past beenunconscious lying about bias between the D and I strategies? True equality is not tolerance but integration.

The most common examples of unconscious bias, like the belief that Asian students can't fail in math (assuming Asian students do well in math), and the perception that female leaders are punishing subordinates is "very Emotional "assuming that all sexuality of a female leader is irrational), or when a female woman in the workplace gives birth, she is assigned a more relaxed job by a supervisor and even asks if she needs to be transferred (assuming that women need to take on family responsibilities).

Simply put, the actor does not realize that his or her actions are a "bias", or an "unconscious bias". And when an organization leader is aware of his unconscious bias and maintains humility and deep thinking, it promotes the organization's more in line with the spirit of diversity.

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Have a team mentality and actively promote employee communication

According to The Journal, leaders with a spirit of integration should encourage their partners to share ideas and ideas generously and find ways to work together to accomplish tasks as a team. Among them, being able to accommodate the ideological diversity of each employee is a key reason to make the work go smoothly. When everyone has a consistent goal, but also in a comfortable way to complete the details of the implementation, can create more yuan integration of the work environment.

With a keen observation of the environment and emotions

As an organization leader, if you maintain a high level of environmental acumen and continuous observation of your employees, you can act and adjust the first time problems are identified. If there are less well-expressed members in the organization, the leader's understanding and assistance can also reduce uneasiness and support, and then achieve the goal of multi-integration - so that everyone can be comfortable in the workplace and be themselves.

Willing to make the "unwritten rule" manifest and known to all

In a workplace full of competition and interests, it is easy to have many unwritten rules. When a team clearly has established cultural norms and is not recorded in any obvious place, new members need to spend extra effort understanding and adaptation. Therefore, a leader who can play the spirit of integration should be able to assist employees at this moment in "manifesting" all unwritten rules and building consensus.

Don't ignore anything that seems "tiny.

The devil is hiding in the details. In addition to being able to use it in anything that requires caution, it can also be applied to a leader who wants to promote diversity and integration. For example, when we see an employee on a team being rude and disrespectful to others, we should expand the scope of attention beyond telling him explicitly that he is "wrong", not just focusing on the current misreview, but try to come up with more solutions to avoid the recurrence of the next mistake.

Finally, when we talk about Diversity and Inclusion, we can pay particular attention to the focus on "integration" rather than "inclusiveness". According to the interpretation of the Chinese dictionary of the Ministry of Education, tolerance means "tolerance and tolerance". But what the d-I culture ultimately wants to achieve is not to have everyone to tolerate each other and suppress themselves. (Recommended reading:Between d'amp;I strategies, promotion pipeline transparency and fairness, eBay's training of top female talent with D'amp;I)

What D and I want is to work together through transparent and open discussion to find ways in which each other is comfortable and respectful. And if the supervisor around you has the above conditions, then he is likely to be a leader with a spirit of integration, know how to respect diversity!