Sexual assault, can't you be a joke? Let's take you back with the comedian Daniel Sloss: X.

Is there anything in the world that you can't make a joke about? According to the Oxford English Dictionary, "joke" refers to something that makes people laugh by saying or acting. So as long as it makes people laugh, it's by definition enough to be a success joke.

Comedian Boone recently uploaded a clip of"Bohn's Stand Up" on March 26 th: "The Story of Boone's Rape" and on March 28th, "The Story ofBoone's Stand Up" (Full Edition). After the first film was uploaded, the female fan also took the words "Hi Boone, you may not be able to wait for the article to scold you, these four gender dictionaries, we would like to give you " when Bohn talk about "a story of male rape": after the laugh, you let the audience with what to leave the scene and so on to respond.

And then the community started to talk, can sexual assault make fun of it?

On this issue, let's not jump to the bottom of the story and want to reflect on it through another comedian, Daniel Sloss: X.

Because that toxic masculinity gave me no other solution than violence.

When you find out that one of your best brothers, not only sexually assault someone, but also your friend. What would you do? My first reaction wasn't even emotional, and because of my "toxic masculinity", I just wanted to find him and put his head on the road until he was trampled to death. That's textbook justice. If you're in a Russian textbook.

Just as I was going to hit him, my female friend said, "Oh, come on, you can't go." If you hit him, you're making him a victim. I said, how do I vent my anger? She responded to me, yes, that's how I feel, you know it now. I said, roar! Well, then I'll go back to my corner and squat. You call me again if something happens. Oh yes, is the WIFI secret here?


What would you do if sexual violence happened to friends around you? According to Daniel Sloss, most men are angry and want to deal with violence. But if you think about it, will it solve the problem? Does this prevent more victims? The only thing that can be solved by rioting has always been anger, not the real core problem.

The patriarchy gives men a manly imagination that makes it easier for men to think of a violent or bold way to solve problems in the first place.

Therefore, toxic masculinity, easy to make men want to "hurt each other" to solve the problem, is the first joke to be ridiculed.

I said " Please don't do that" right now, but he didn't listen.

She decided not to call the police, and I encouraged her to go to the police, and she said that after we broke up with the man (the victim of sexual assault), he turned back and accused her of being a liar, trying to reverse the story, and saying everyone else was lying. At the time he admitted to sexual assault, we didn't have a recording, so all the strong evidence was gone. And at this point, if the police call, the police will be very careful to ask about the whole process. "I don't want to think about the past again, I want to forget about it on my own," she said. Because I don't want to be a victim, I'm a survivor. 」

I thought, this statement is really great, I've been with you all this time, you've said two of the best laughs about the subject of sexual assault. I've never seen this toughness: you're so squeaded about being raped? It was hard to hear - and then she replied to me, "I don't really remember where he shot." 」

"Oh, I have to ask you not to do this again." I said,
"That's what I said (when I was sexually assaulted). She responded.


Does the victim have the right to decide how to view his or her victimization experience and to decide whether to take or not take any action? In this segment, Daniel Sloss's friends decide not to call the police because they don't want to be labeled "victims," don't get strong evidence, and don't want to go through a lengthy interrogation process. She could even respond humorously: I don't really remember where the perpetrator shot. Daniel Sloss almost couldn't hear him, asking her friend to "stop doing this" and she responded, yes, that's what I told him.

The party seems to be stronger and stronger than his friends around him, but also feel that although the pain, but still rely on their own solution is more effective. Is it enough to prove that the social support system for survivors of sexual assault is still incomplete and ineffective? (Recommended reading: Interview with Eve Ensler: "Our society keeps telling survivors that you have to try to forgive, which is strange"

The victim's voice and the unseen, sexual assault support system's vulnerability resistance is the second thing to laugh at the joke.

I'm not trying to attack anyone, I'm just trying to invite everyone to participate and take it seriously.

How on earth do we stop sexual assault? I've been thinking over and over again over the past year, but I haven't figured out the answer. The only thing that came to my mind was that we had to be involved. I mean "we" and "men". For all the women present, I know you all know that what I'm saying is nothing new to you. The men present, I want to make it clear that I'm not attacking you, I don't mean to blame you, and more importantly, I'm not blaming your friends, I just want to share my experience - I've known this guy for eight years, and I didn't expect him to do that. We actually have this kind of monster that looks like us.


If I ask myself, have I ignored over the years that my friend has made inappropriate behavior towards women, I would say yes. Then he sexually assaulted my friend, and I regretted it for the rest of my life. So, the men present, go talk to your brothers and get them involved. Because to be honest, women have really done their best to keep themselves from being sexually assaulted, and every day they are trying to prevent this, which is the first task in their lives. And my first priority is to connect WIFI.

I can't do much, but I don't want to stand by and watch, and I suggest you too.


In the case of Daniel Sloss's friend's experience, the perpetrator was male and the victim was female, as was the case in most cases of sexual assault. (According to the Ministry of Health statistics, between 86 and 105, 9 out of 10 victims of sexual assault were women) so Daniel Sloss chose to speak to the male audience and ask for attention and participation in the discussion.

But in fact, men are also likely to be victims of sexual assault, even based on the patriarchal system to give men expectations, making it more difficult for men to talk about their own experience of sexual assault. (Recommended reading: Men's #MeToo: Practice Trusting the Body When Sexual Assault Details Are Lost)

So what we're calling is that the issue of sexual assault deserves the attention and discussion of everyone, and it should be an issue that everyone should be involved in - you never know if you have such a monster around you. Therefore, we must establish the concept of discussion and importance in our daily life and stop thinking that "this has nothing to do with me".

Everything is about "we".

Back in the beginning, Boone reconciles with his past traumatic experiences by telling jokes. Daniel Sloss's approach is to share a "sexual assault joke" while also dealing with important issues, including toxic masculinity, indifference to women's experiences, and feeling that they have nothing to do with themselves.

Women's fans are happy to see more and more people involved and to raise different perspectives on gender issues. And understand that the community certainly does not want more incidents of sexual violence, but to prevent sexual violence, but to participate in, there is no other way to cure.

After reading this, if you want to start participating (of course we really want to have your participation), there are three actions you can do:

  1. Read more about men's situation, understanding that men are also victims of patriarchy.
  2. Share this article to your personal community and get more people to join the discussion.
  3. Lock Down 臉書 Women Fans Facebook, IG, LINE, and LINE join us to keep an eye on gender status around the world.