Korean actress Han Yisser brings you a 30-year-old woman's emotional outlook.

Have you thought about it? What is the view of love after 30 years old? This time, let Han Yisser share her thoughts and experiences with you.

Han Yisser is a well-known Korean actress, since 2001 debut has been 20 years. Now 38, she is in no hurry to get into marriage, she walks in her own time zone, gently, living the life she likes.

On June 10, she posted a video on her personal YouTube channel, eager to answer fans' questions about herself.

Perhaps you will also be curious, Han Yisser how to look at the feelings of this matter. Let's closely arrange five of the love-related topics for you, and let's see how she answers!

Photo: (ENG)

Q: What do you regret most in your life?

Han Yisser: "I most regret that I hurt the people I love." If I hadn't been so immature, I wouldn't have hurt them. And after a long time, I realized that it actually hurt me. 」

Anything in life, we probably can't learn at once.

Develop a strong heart, create a relationship, which is not the second grinding, gritting teeth to endure pain, will gradually put in place?

Some things, let you regret, let you regret, let you want to go back to it again. But you also know that time machines don't exist, and you can only practice how to do better next time.

Q: What is the most important thing in a relationship?

In any relationship, sincerity and honesty are the most important.

Han Yisser

You like each other's cuteness, but also appreciate each other's cute.

Although the state of life ups and downs, and even sometimes look at each other, but you know, whenever encountering difficulties, he will accompany you to face and solve, you will also comb the relationship with him, face the hole and cracks in feelings.

It is you who have made you, given both sides courage, and thus have the strength to move forward.

Seeyour in a Celebrity Relationship

Q: What makes you happy?

Han Yisser: "With the person you love." Although I don't have a lover at the moment, once I fall in love with someone, I'll be happy and feel like the star of a movie. 」

Good love, let a person in the relationship become their own.

I am a complete person, not relying on anyone. But after meeting you, I finally got a glimpse of myself in love. Not without you can't, but with you is better.

Love like them

Q: Who do you miss the most?

"To be honest, the person I miss the most is the person I love the most. Han Yisser smiled shyly, "To me, the person I love the most is him, I do not deny it." 」

Perhaps the most moving part of the film is Han Yisser's admission in front of the camera: Yes, Even though i've been breaking up for years, I still miss you.

Don't pretend to be free, don't pretend to be relieved, this is the learning after the age of thirty.

As an independent woman, I want to be honest with myself and admit that you have not disappeared from my heart.

Remember to treat heartbreak

Q: As a boyfriend, the three most important characteristics?

"First, the initial attraction. No matter what he looks like, what he does, what he wears. 」

"Second, he's a good man. Although it is difficult to define what is a good person, but when my intuition tells me that the other person is not a good class, I will not like him, no matter how handsome, rich, how attractive. 」

"Third, lifestyle. Love a person, it takes a lot of time to get along with him, if his lifestyle and I are much worse, do not feel very hard? 」

Han's best-known romance was with YG Brokerage's music producer Teddy, and the two publicly dating in 2014 and officially parting ways in 2016.

After four years, Han Yisser's emotional outlook grew with her, and she wanted to change from passive to active, no longer just a princess in the castle.

I used to be a princess waiting for Prince Charming, but now I want to be a princess on a white horse. Doesn't that sound great? Why do I have to wait for the prince? I want to be a princess who wants to be amazing.

Han Yisser

There must be a boy waiting for the princess on the white horse to show up, isn't there?

Han Yisser

Sincere, happy, active, this is Han Yiser taught us the concept of feelings.

Whether you want to wait for Prince Charming, or like Han Yisser riding a white horse to take the initiative to attack, bless you to have an imperfect but very good love.