Women fans X summer Joe "painting words to those girls around" series of pictures, summer Joe weekly painting / words, a warm hand letter to the dear girls. Talk about the girl today, don't you?

There is a kind of girl, used to hide fragile, accustomed to hiding, would rather let tears into the heart, rather than tears to others to see.

She is a face girl, put on a mask, determined, bold, independent, showing the best look, all the sadness left to themselves.

Photo by Summer Joe.

Others tend to see only her most immaculate side. Despite her sophisticated outfits and seemed confident and proud on the community website, it was all a cover-up. Even if already used to pretend, she occasionally still silently hope that someone can undertake her sentimental, accompany her to really cry and laugh, do not have to be strong.

Taking off her mask is not easy for her. Face girl, worried about the real self is not accepted, afraid in case no one understands her, how to face.

Summer Joe: "Is it really more important for others to see than to feel?" 」

Living the ideal look in everyone's eyes is enviable, but no one cares about her internal injuries.

Photo by Summer Joe.

Write to all the face girl, may you confess to accept that imperfect self, do not have to hide, do not pretend, timely release of tears and sadness, so that your heart that hard child, to breathe.