Women fans X summer Joe "painting words to those girls around" series of pictures, summer Joe weekly painting / words, a warm hand letter to the dear girls. Today to talk about the paper crane girl, you too?

There is a kind of girl, in order to become a full partner of all hope, choose to narrow themselves in the relationship. Time and again after the sacrifice, although in the bottom of my heart or deep or shallow scars, but still convinced themselves that this is enough to pay.

She is a paper crane girl, will posture repeatedly folded, every crease is love. She is like a paper crane that flies but can't spread its wings, put away her free-flowing soul, folds every inch of skin, and always gives way to the role in love.

Paper crane girl, even if often alone to absorb tears, sleepless night, also convinced that this is the way to reach happiness.

She is willing to hang in front of the window, pray for her lover, convince herself that it is the righteous pursuit of love, is the inevitable romance of life.

Summer Joe: About romance, there can be many looks, different imaginations. About grievance, but there is only a clear feeling, we all know! 」

Photo by Summer Joe.

Summer Joe: "Don't build love on the achievement of each other, don't let love take down your value!" 」

Really good love, will not let you bow down, but stand up, and love to see the same distance.

Write to all the paper crane girls, I wish you an early break from the shackles, no longer for the sacrifice of injury. Next time, make a wish for yourself!