In addition to the new crown pneumonia disrupting the pace of global politics, economy and people's livelihood in the past year, there have also been quite a few international incidents in terms of gender.

In addition to the new crown pneumonia disrupting the pace of global politics, economy and people's livelihood in the past year, there have also been quite a few international incidents in terms of gender.

From the outbreak of Room N in South Korea, the death of justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG), to the almost year-long film of Pornhub's underage sexual assault, gender and human rights issues can be felt, with shock and unease on the international stage.

In this huge surge of dark tide, Taiwan is like a bud in the cement field, in the difficult environment, still bravely bloom the energy of life. In 2020, in addition to the obvious achievements in epidemic prevention, Taiwan will also have a fairly representative gender event.

What exactly happened to women's fans of the iconic 2020 domestic and foreign gender events that are enough to remember, and that have the impact to extend beyond five, 10, or even further into the future?

The re-election of our country's first female president: Women's participation in politics goes one step further, and let's have a gentle revolution

Photo | Tsai Ing-wen's Facebook

On January 11, 2020, the presidential election officially ended, and Tsai Ing-wen became the first female president to be re-elected. It also marks a new page for Taiwan's women's political participation.

More than 18 years after the enactment of the Gender Equality at Work Act, Taiwan's sexual equality has been a leading position in Asian countries, but we all understand that progress and counter-offensives are often a front-line gap, and that the road to equality is moving forward, we must still follow a gentle and firm pace and continue to walk in the pursuit of equality.

(Extended reading:"Elections are over, all conflicts should stop here" 2020 presidential election results, South Korea's Yu yu defeat Tsai Ing-wen won the full text)

South Korea's Room N incident: Sexual violence is done by the whole community

South Korean women have come out in solidarity with the demand for public ownership. Photo | Dazhi Images

In March 2020, South Korean police cracked a major cyber-sex crime case in which most of the more than 74 women victims were underage girls, while as many as 260,000 "onlookers" were paid to join the group. The incident triggered two million netizens to petition Qinghuatai, demanding that the identity of the perpetrators be made public.

South Korea has been the subject of major gender scandals in recent years, and after the Burning Sun nightclub incident, the Korean singer Zheng Junying sex film incident, the sexual assault of the net-red Yang Yiyi, and the suicides of Zhang Zixuan, Shirley and Hera, Room N have become almost the last straw to crush South Korean women.

Looking back on the whole incident, the most creepy thing is why so many people are willing to spend so much money to get into the room in exchange for the film. Some say that the scariest thing about Room N is that of the 260,000 people, there is a girl's father, woman's husband, boyfriend or brother.

延伸閱讀:「她們被迫在身上刻下奴隸二字」南韓 N 號房販賣性虐待影片,200 萬人憤怒連署抗議

Pink Mask Event: Color regardless of gender, community work together to break the frame

Photo | the Department of Health's Disease Control Bureau Facebook

On April 12, 2020, at a press conference at the Outbreak Command Center, parents reacted that pink masks discriminated against young boys, and the Outbreak Command Center immediately ordered the command center on April 13 to wear pink masks, Minister Chen Shizhong said. "Tell children, in fact, masks are the same color, everyone can wear them."

The "pink mask incident" also reflects the community's support for color regardless of gender, the major Facebook communities (including enterprises, brands) have changed to a "pink mask" logo in response to the "gender regardless of color" campaign.

(Extended reading:"They laugh at me for bringing the princess kettle!" How do parents respond to children when they wear pink masks and princess items are discriminated against?

The Chief Justice's interpretation of the Constitution: The decriminalization of adultery

On 29 May 2020, the Chief Justice issued a constitutional interpretation of article 239 of the Criminal Code: "The offence of adultery is unconstitutional on grounds of limiting the sexual autonomy guaranteed by the Constitution, the principle of proportionality, etc. and shall expire immediately from the date of publication of the interpretation." Taiwan has officially entered a new era of marriage and love behind many countries.

"The decriminalization of adultery is now a national trend and an important indicator of increased gender awareness," the court said in a Facebook post. In addition to the sense of adultery, in addition to relieving women of the high chance of injustice in this crime, it is also whether to forgive in the relationship between two people, whether to leave, to return to two people to decide, rather than punishment.

(Extended reading:"Two people's relationship, no longer punished by state intervention" Adultery decriminalization is not legalization of adultery)

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg dies: Her feminist history is over, and we're going to continue!

Picture| APImages

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a prominent American human rights activist and feminist, died on September 18.

In American society 40 to 50 years ago, there were still thousands of laws that treated women unfairly, restricted and disenfranchised them. Born in 1933, RBG, with the courage to storm the world, with the wisdom of her time, to build a friendlier world of sex, equality and beauty.

Her struggle continues, and those of us who remain should continue to cross the bridge and river, shoulder the responsibility of advancing social progress, build ships, and bravely cross the ocean.

If every country allows women to achieve their talents, as I always say, I think we will live in a better world.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

(Extended reading: Burning feminist litigators!) Memorial RBG: Please build a better world for your daughter)

The new Reproductive Health Act will be announced in March next year: "The right to abortion is also granted to the mother and the right to take back physical autonomy."

The current Eugenics Act, which will be renamed the Reproductive Health Act, is expected to be announced in March next year, giving the power to decide to terminate a pregnancy back to the pregnant mother, and in the future, women who become pregnant after marriage will be able to decide whether or not to have an abortion without the consent of their partner.

Women's right to abortion has been the focus of discussion around the world over the past few years, and by the end of 2019, the Heartbeat Act referendum had ignited a firestorm of public opinion at home, with some holding the "Life Is Precious" manifesto opposing women's abortion, and a significant number of voices supporting women's "body autonomy" as a priority over other considerations.

Prominent actress Emma Watson has mentioned:

These laws do not allow women to opt out of abortion, nor do they allow families to make 'good' decisions. It would only force women to have abortions illegally and be held criminally charged.

Emma Watson

The advancement of "abortion rights" is one of the major breakthroughs in Taiwan's gender history, and the abolition of the right of consent of spouses for abortion operations and the protection of women's reproductive autonomy and physical autonomy is a good news for the end of 2020.

Children destroyed by Pornhub: The New York Times reveals abuses, and tech giants boycott Pornhub

Photo|photo by Shane uchi on Unsplash

In early December, The New York Times revealed that some of the films on the adult video site Pornhub were not acting, but were real sexual assaults and incidents involving sexual assaults of underage girls. A number of prominent Silicon Valley companies, including PayPal, VISA, MasterCard and American Express, have joined the boycott, saying they have launched investigations into Mr. Pornhub's actions and threatening to suspend their partnership if the allegations are true.

Behind the scenes, we also need to continue to be concerned about how a single-view sex culture can be reversed. "Abuse" is not a romantic, but a true violation.

(Extended reading: Is it a man's romance?) Pornhub's authenticity is intrusive, reflecting gender issues that have never been resolved)

Women are obsessed with gender issues

Towards the end of 2020, I believe we have all seen Taiwan's efforts on gender issues over the past year.

This year, on the first anniversary of the legality of same-sex marriage, it will be very difficult for us to continue to advance on the issue of multiple genders at a time when the global epidemic is raging.

On gender issues, women fans will be duty-bound to continue to work as a platform for the media and community, and invite readers to follow us to remember that, for better or worse, they will be a mark on gender history, and that the road ahead will be brighter only if history continues to be borrowed.

Dear readers, thank you for being with us all the way, looking back at the end of the year, and you are welcome to share your IG post to let more people know that there are so many gender issues to remember in 2020.